Todd Edwards

“The Secret Masonic Victory of World War 2” – 5hr documentary by Dennis Wise

–[ < 1 MIN READ] Western freemasonry and their masonic funded Eastern Communist friends won World War 2. Everything we see today stems from that masonic victory. All Freemasons in politics know the aim is a one world communist utopia. All policies today aid the minorities aimed at breaking down the family, the very basis of human culture. To learn

“The Secret Masonic Victory of World War 2” – 5hr documentary by Dennis Wise Read More »

“Satanic Roots of Judeo-Zionism” -Dispensationalism, Futurism, Zionism, Secular Christianity

–[ < 1 MIN READ] “ZIONISM” – This word has been hijacked by the Israeli Colonialists to mean people you pledge their allegiance to the geo-political Flag of the Khazarian Mafia in occupied Palestine. But the word also has Biblical connotations. Christians are looking forward to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the New Jerusalem coming from the 3rd

“Satanic Roots of Judeo-Zionism” -Dispensationalism, Futurism, Zionism, Secular Christianity Read More »

You’re not the blushing “bride of Christ” fella.

–[ < 1 MIN READ] This videos series explores the prevalent theories and teachings popular today among denominational and Messianic congregations that proclaim we will marry Jesus at His return. We breakdown the four main components of that teaching’s foundation, and then provide an in-depth look at what the Scriptures actually tell us about what Jesus, the Son of God,

You’re not the blushing “bride of Christ” fella. Read More »

Biblical Israel vs Modern Jewry – History, DNA, Geography, Religion, Language

–[ < 1 MIN READ] The first video is an overview covering a number of topics. Historicism overlaps with Preterism at several places, so when he mentions “Reformers” that is code for “Historicism”. Hebrew Roots has a different view of the New Covenant and how Israel is redeemed, The Godhead, Soteriology, and Old Testament authority. The Berean Bible Church doesn’t

Biblical Israel vs Modern Jewry – History, DNA, Geography, Religion, Language Read More »

Horae Apocalypticae by E.B. Elliott

–[ 4 MIN READ] Horae Apocalypticae is an eschatological study written by Edward Bishop Elliott. The book is, as its long-title sets out, “A commentary on the apocalypse, critical and historical; including also an examination of the chief prophecies of Daniel illustrated by an apocalyptic chart, and engravings from medals and other extant monuments of antiquity with appendices, containing, besides other matter, a sketch of the

Horae Apocalypticae by E.B. Elliott Read More »

Overcoming Sin

–[ 5 MIN READ] A collection of the most brilliant, inspired men who wrote timeless classics on prevailing over sin. And a small outline of the famous 7 Steps to Overcoming Sin highlighting some of the important steps. There is no “wrong way” to overcoming, or rather there is not “single way” to overcoming… but its more like a

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