Blaspheme of the Holy Spirit -Pastor Jennings

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6 PART SERIES (3 hrs)

Blaspheme of the Holy Spirit is controversial, but shouldn’t be. The Bible tells us exactly what that is. Its when we say the power of God is not from God. The confusion comes from people who don’t understand what the Holy Spirit is or the nature of the GodHead. You can learn more about that here.

Examples of Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit:

In Matthew 12:22-32 Jesus is casting out demons, but the Pharisees accused Him of casting out demons by Beelzebub. Since the Devil can’t “cast out” the Devil, then obviously it was by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Pharisees commited blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

As the narrative in Acts 5 goes, Ananias and his wife, Sapphira, sold a parcel of land and donated part of the sale proceeds to the Church; but, they conspired to lead the Apostle Peter and others to believe they donated the entire sum. For conspiring to lie as they did, they were struck dead. They didn’t lie to Peter, they lied to the Holy Spirit, thus blasphemed.

It should go without saying, its a serious felony to do violence against the Kingdom of God. That includes His children. If you harm a Child of the Living God, you WILL be punished. Don’t think just because lightning doesn’t immediately come out of the sky, that He doesn’t see, or His arm is too short.

Christianity is a call to righteousness. You may feel like you have Blasphemed the Holy Spirit, and you may have. But that doesn’t necessarily disqualify you for the Kingdom. There are a number of things that there is no forgiveness for in the coming age. For example, a willful sin. There is no sacrifice that can be done for someone that commits a willful sin. But that doesn’t mean you forfeit eternal life. It means you’re going to be sorry for it, and pay dearly.

There is only one reason someone is thrown into the Lake That Burns With Fire… for their SIN

For a more detailed answer, I invite you to listen to the teachings. (This pastor is antinomian and a trinitarian, but does understand this principal)

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