
The 13th Month of the Biblical Calendar

–[ 23 MIN READ]The Precision of the Lunisolar Calendar Gods calendar before “Joshua’s long day” and before when Ahaz sundial went backward by 10 degrees did not have a 13th month. Those 2 events threw the earth out of orbit and we lost the Noah Calendar… of exactly 360 day year, divided into exactly 12 months, with exactly […]

Having ASSURANCE of the Biblical Calendar

–[ 12 MIN READ]The subject of the authentic Biblical Calendar is a continual discussion among Christian communities for more than 2 millennia. Conjunction vs Sighted New Moon, “Tekufah” vs Green Ear, Postponements vs non. In more recent days we have numerous variants of Zadok and Echochian calendars, and to a lesser degree one of the other calendars found

The Biblical Calendar

–[ < 1 MIN READ]I remember meeting Herb Solinsky maybe 30 years ago. Even back then he was extraordinarily brilliant with biblical calendar issues. He has written a dozen books (All free to download–and study) that are incredibly detailed and thorough. He has addressed every objection I’ve ever heard. No matter what your persuasion, you should at least know