
Hitler and the Germans Were Not Racists

–[ 2 MIN READ] “Racism” is the hatred (disdain/aborance/hostility) toward another group for simply existing and without cause. This is an odious ideology held by ignorant angry persons. “Race Realism”/ “Separatism”/ “Racialism” is the opposite of “Racism”. Its characterized by the love of ones’ own family, tribe, and community. Its perfectly natural and healthy for parents to love their […]

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The Christianity of Adolf Hitler

–[ 32 MIN READ] Through subterfuge and concealment of a number Pro-European pagans, wiccans, antiChrists, and atheist’s have larped their way into distorting the historical accuracy of Adolf Hitler with false memes, false “table talks”, false “hear-say” evidence, and even out and out lies. They have become the “Black Hebrew Israelites” of the Truth Movement. Militant in their stance,

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Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution – Dr. Antony Sutton

–[ < 1 MIN READ] https://archive.org/details/pdfy-jzdqXvsS5ZHaHNVy Bolshevik Revolution pdf https://archive.org/details/pdfy-Iqz3ytYcb3wWYJ0c Antony Sutton – The Best Enemy Money Can Buy.pdf Antony Sutton – Wall Street and The Rise of Hitler.pdf Antony Sutton – Americas Secret Establishment An Introduction to Skull and Bones.pdf 

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Hitlers UFO and Alien Encounters

–[ < 1 MIN READ] Good to know. You should read through all the 5 Ufology Explained articles if you haven’t already. Ufology Explained – Part 1 – The German Breakaway Group – Psyops, Disinfo and Truths – Antarctica, WW2, UFOs, Technologyhttp://entityart.co.uk/ufology-explained-the-german-breakaway-group-psyops-disinfo-antarctica-reptilians-aliens-u-boats-nazi-ufos-technology-flying-saucers/ Ufology Explained, Part 2: Abductions, Secret Space Program, Starseeds, Underground Bases, Psyops & Truthshttp://entityart.co.uk/ufology-explained-part-2-abductions-secret-space-program-starseeds-underground-bases-aliens/ Who is on The

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