
Missing Bible Tribes

–[ 15 MIN READ] A cryptic introduction is given by the apostle James in his epistle, which begins with the words:“James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.” Who were these ‘twelve tribes’ scattered abroad? Biblical commentaries often plead ignorance as to who these mysterious people

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The Spy Cables: Decoded

–[ < 1 MIN READ] The Spy Cables captured headlines the world over – and was described as massive and unprecedented in newspapers as far afield as China as South America. Evidence that the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu misled the United Nations lead news in a number of countries. The CIA’s desire to talk to Hamas; snooping on the

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Abstract drawing of broken face with the word Imposter

DNA proof- Modern Jews are not biologically related to the Biblical Hebrews

–[ 3 MIN READ] Dr. Areilla Oppenheim of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, conducted the first comprehensive DNA study of Israelis and Palestinians in 2001. She concluded that Ashkenazi  Jews were of Mongolian 40% and Turkish 40% genome. There was no Semitic blood connecting them to the original Middle Eastern Hebrews of 3,500 years ago in Jerusalem or Biblical

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