Abolitionism is much different than Pro-Life

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Now that Roe v. Wade is gone, abortion clinics have closed in many states. Pro-Life headlines announce these states are “abortion-free” and celebrate it as a massive victory. But are they lying?

Abortion is one reason God is judging America. As we watch the fall of the United States in real time, its because we as a people have fallen into deep moral decay. We must humble ourselves before our Creator and REPENT!

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The Biblical View on Abortion:

From the 10 Commandments, the 6th Commandment forbids us to commit homicide, we are to do no murder. Christian hold the sanctity of live in very high regard because our Creator formed us and knit us together in our mothers’ womb. Of all things the Almighty has created, Image Bearers are unique. Everything in the universe will pass away, even the universe itself is temporal. ONLY humans have the potential to enter into Eternal Life as Children of the Most High God.

22 “If men fight and hurt a pregnant woman so that she gives birth prematurely, and yet no harm follows, he shall be surely fined as much as the woman’s husband demands and the judges allow.
23 But if any harm follows, then you must take life for life,
24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
25 burning for burning, wound for wound, and bruise for bruise.
~Exodus 21

If a pregnant woman get in a scuffle, but she and the baby are ok, just a premature birth… then the guy who caused the premature birth pays the MAN for damages.
But if the unborn baby DIES, then you put the man to death.

Gen 9:6 Whoever sheds man’s blood, his blood will be shed by man, for God made man in his own image.

Lev 24:21 He who kills an animal shall make it good; and he who kills a man shall be put to death.

If giving birth would kill the mother, then you put the child to death. Because that would be someone trying to kill some else. Even though the baby has killed yet, its TRYING to, even if it is unintentional. Attempted murder does not carry the death penalty, but doing nothing is YOU murdering the mother, murder by neglect.

11  Rescue those who are led away to the death and those who stagger to the slaughter. If you hold back, 
12  if you say, “Look, we do not know this,” does not he who weighs hearts perceive it? And he who keeps your soul, he knows and will repay humankind according to his deeds. 
~Proverbs 24

4  Rescue the helpless and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.
~Psalm 82

For rape and incest, she bears the child.

13  Indeed you created my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 
14  I praise you, because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works, and my soul knows it well. 
15  My frame was not hidden from you, when I was created secretly, and intricately woven in the depths of the earth. 
16  Your eyes saw my embryo, and in your book they all were written—days fashioned for me when there was not one of them. 
~Psalms 139

Abortionism is the Doctrine of Demons

Tamiel (also known as Kasdaye)

Is the fifth mention of the Watchers (Fallen Angels) in the Book of Enoch. It was from he who taught the children of men to perform abortions.

12 And the fifth was named Kâsdejâ: this is he who showed the children of men all the wicked
smitings of spirits and demons, and the smitings of the embryo in the womb, that it may pass
, and [the smitings of the soul] the bites of the serpent, and the smitings which befall
through the noontide heat, the son of the serpent named Tabââ‘ĕt.
~Enoch 69

Ancient Egypt

Ebers Papyrus (circa 1550 BCE): This ancient Egyptian Alchemist text includes references to contraceptives and methods that could induce abortion. It suggests that the Egyptians had knowledge of herbal poisons and other techniques to terminate pregnancies.

Ancient Mesopotamia

Code of Hammurabi (circa 1754 BCE): While the code itself does not provide explicit details on abortion, it includes laws concerning the punishment for causing a woman to miscarry, indicating that abortion or miscarriage was a recognized issue in Mesopotamian society.

Ancient Greece

Hippocratic Corpus (circa 5th-4th century BCE): The Hippocratic Oath, part of the Hippocratic Corpus, includes a controversial line where the physician swears not to give a woman a pessary to induce abortion. This implies that methods for abortion were known and possibly practiced. Greek philosophers like Aristotle also wrote about abortion, with Aristotle suggesting it could be acceptable before the fetus developed sensation.

Ancient Rome

Roman Law: Roman society had a complex view of abortion. While there were no specific prohibitions against it, Roman law under the Lex Cornelia and other statutes considered abortion a matter of family and property rights. It was generally left to the discretion of the paterfamilias (head of the household).

Ancient China

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Ancient Chinese texts, such as the “Records of the Grand Historian” by Sima Qian (circa 1st century BCE), contain references to herbal poisons that could induce abortion. Traditional Chinese medicine included knowledge of plants and other substances that could terminate pregnancies.

Ancient India

Ayurvedic Texts: Ancient Indian medical texts, like the “Sushruta Samhita” (circa 7th century BCE), contain references to methods for abortion. The texts discuss various herbal and surgical methods to induce abortion, showing that the practice was known in ancient Indian medicine.


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