Book of Jeremiah explained

--[ 2 MIN READ]

The Old Testament is the Key to the New Testament, being able to rightly divide the word of God helps us to discern the past 2000 years of history. The wonderful thing about history is that we have Godly people who can share their insights, when we can see history through the filter of scripture it helps us to rightly divide modern politics and events.

The Book of Jeremiah is a prophetic text in the Old Testament, attributed to the prophet Jeremiah, who ministered during the final years of the Kingdom of Judah. It primarily addresses the nation’s impending doom due to its persistent idolatry, injustice, and covenant unfaithfulness. Jeremiah warns of Babylonian invasion and tells the King Judah must REPENT or become slaves, but the people and leaders largely ignore his message. The book also contains prophecies of hope, including the promise of a New Covenant where God’s law would be written on the hearts of the people. Jeremiah’s life reflects the tension between divine judgment and mercy.

Jeremiah the movie will give you the sense and feel of this great prophet. But is far from giving the important details found in the Book of Jeremiah, who also wrote Lamentations, and The Letter of Jeremiah.

Book of Jeremiah (Audio Bible- Jerome Italica translation of 400 AD)

Book of Lamentations (Audio Bible- Jerome Italica translation of 400 AD)

The Letter of Jeremiah (Audio Bible- King James Version 1611 with Apocrypha)

The Timeline in Jeremiah

The below commentators are in the Library of among the Greats. All of them have an Historicists’ eschatology, and even though this “prophecy” has already passed 2500 years ago, peering back in history we can see how God fulfilled every detail along with God himself explaining every step of the way.

Jeremiah Reproves Israel Late 1800s -Audio book- written by Ellen White, with incredible insights and wisdom that can only be described as God endowed.

Exposition of the Bible – Jeremiah by John Gill (1697–1771), verse by verse John breaks down every nuance of the Book of Jeremiah, you will find his overview of the Book as a whole in the heading.

Commentary on the Whole Bible By Matthew Henry (1662–1714)

Notes on the Whole Bible by Albert Barnes (1798–1870) you will have to scroll down past the Chapter commentaries to read the “introduction to the book of Jeremiah”

The Papacy (1866) by James A. Wylie (pdf book)

Saving the best for last

An in depth teaching, verse by verse spanning 30 videos of 30 min long.

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