Its surprising how many people hold to the elements of Dispensational Doctrine, but will deny they believe “Dispensationalism”. When examined closely, it falls apart. Its good to understand it, so that it can be avoided.
There are a great number of “theologies” out there. This one theology is very prevalent in modern Christianity, its main errors are
1) teaching the Law is progressive from dispensation to dispensation, then abolished at the death of Christ.
2) the Church is different from Israel
3) Pretribulation Rapture
… and many more details. The doctrine varies greatly from denomination to denomination.
The following video is a very good SHORT (30 min) history. It doesn’t go into the theological system.
Bruce W. Gore, M.A., J.D., has served on the adjunct faculty of Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington for over 30 years, while maintaining a private practice in trial law. His informal and relaxed style, combined with rich content, have made Bruce a popular lecturer, teacher, and preacher, for many years. Bruce offers educational materials in Bible, history, and theology from the perspective of the Reformed Tradition, but his even-handed approach to his topics have made him popular with many from a variety of other traditions as well.