“Fascinating History the Waldenses” Documentary- early christians (Not Catholics and BEFORE Protestants)

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Long version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwGAzJZPH4E

The Waldensians were named after Peter Valdo, a merchant and wandering preacher who began the movement in the late 12th century. The movement was persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church and was forced to go underground. Here are their beliefs that got them the death penalty.

  • Biblical authority: The Bible was the sole authority for their doctrine. 
  • Anti-clericalism: They rejected the authority of priests and believed that authority to preach came from Christ. 
  • Lay participation: They believed that laypeople, including women, could preach and teach. 
  • Poverty: They believed in the value of voluntary poverty and preached it. 
  • Non-violence: They advocated non-violence and refused to swear oaths. 
  • Rejection of indulgences: They rejected the use of indulgences, which allowed people to have their sins forgiven through charitable works or paying money to the church. 
  • Baptism: They believed that baptism should be done by full immersion in water and that infants should not be baptized. 
  • Communion: They believed in communion, but did not believe that it was the consumption of the body and blood of Christ. 
  • The Church: They believed that the Church lost its spirit when it became a worldly power, and that the 4th century was the beginning of its decline. 


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