Creating peace and goodwill by telling the truth and defending the innocent
The Holocaust is a deeply anchored belief even in people who know very little about it. We can see that not only does disbelief in the Holocaust myth threaten modern Jewish identity as shaped by political Zionism, but for others it brings into question the credibility of those in authority who told everyone it was true: the state, the churches, the schools, and media of every kind. These sources are the same ones people trust and depend on every day for information. If these trusted authorities are wrong about the Holocaust, what else are they wrong about? What other dishonesties are they promoting?
If the Holocaust were unimportant, we wouldn’t have around 20 countries on this planet outlawing its critical investigation. In fact, this is the only historical topic that is regulated by penal law. This is proof for the fact that the powers that be consider this topic to be the most important issue to keep under their strict control. Those censoring, suppressing powers are the real criminals—not the historical dissidents they send to prison.
Pastor Steven Anderson gives a reasonable account for why the Holocaust never happened
“Everything we learned about WW2 was a lie.”
~Candice Owens
(Praise the Lord, the blue pill is starting to turn purple)
For a certain percentage of you examining the Holocaust it will be an emotional ride, especially if this is your first exposure to the actual history. Some will be shocked then angry that we have been used and lied to for so long. Others will feel like they are betraying the Jews whom they were told were murdered by evil Nazi’s.
However you found this page, I salute you for your desire to know the Truth, whether you walk away “Yea” or “Nay”, you at least did your due diligence. And for that, you have our respect.
Questioning the Holocaust: Why We Believed
Amazing testimonies of “Death Camp” inmates refuting the “holocaust” narrative. Last days of the Big Lie Holocaust Deniers (Phil Donahue Show) SCIENCE VS ZOG PROPAGANDA: THE JEW HOLOCAUST IS FAKE & USED AS A WEAPON OF WAR AGAINST PEOPLE!
- Holocaust fake photos

“Awaken From The Lies” Awaken From The Lies (Part 1)
(Part 2)
(Part 3)
(Part 4)
(Part 5)
(Part 6)
(Part 7)
(Part 8)
(Part 9)
(Part 10)

Who is Fred A. Leuchter? He is an engineer and designer of execution equipment, including Gas Chambers, in the United States. A number of mainstream media reported on Fred Leuchter. Some of their statements were:
A feature article in The Atlantic Monthly (Feb. 1990) described Leuchter as
“the nation’s only commercial supplier of execution equipment. […] A
trained and accomplished engineer, he is versed in all types of execution
equipment. He makes lethal-injection machines, gas chambers, and gallows, as well as electrocution systems […]”
Similarly, a lengthy New York Times article (October 13, 1990), complete
with a front-page photo of Leuchter, called him
“The nation’s leading adviser on capital punishment.”
In his book about America’s capital punishment industry, Stephen Trombley
confirms that Leuchter is:
“America’s first and foremost supplier of execution hardware. His products include electric chairs, gas chambers, gallows, and lethal injection machines. He offers design, construction, installation, staff training and
Thus, with Fred A. Leuchter we have the foremost, if not the only expert on
execution technology in the U.S. at that time. Should such a person not be
competent to judge the technical feasibility of the alleged execution technology applied by the Third Reich? Well, at least he should have the right to voice
his opinion, should he not?
According to Fred Leuchter, killing someone in a gas chamber is very dangerous for those who carry out the execution, above all because the body of
the dead prisoner is saturated with lethal gas. After the execution, explains
“You go in. The inmate has to be completely washed down with chlorine
bleach or with ammonia. The poison exudes right out through his skin. And
if you gave the body to an undertaker, you’d kill the undertaker. You’ve got
to go in; you’ve got to completely wash the body.”
Bill Armontrout, warden of the Missouri State Penitentiary in Jefferson City,
which contains an execution gas chamber, confirms the danger:
“One of the things that cyanide gas does, it goes in the pores of your skin.
You hose the body down, see. You have to use rubber gloves, and you hose
the body down to decontaminate it before you do anything [else].”
In Leuchter’s opinion, gas-chamber use should be discontinued, not just because of the cruelty of this method of execution, but because of his beliefs
relating to gas chambers as such:
“They’re dangerous. They’re dangerous to the people who have to use
them, and they’re dangerous for the witnesses. They ought to take all of
them and cut them in half with a chain saw and get rid of them.”
With a career built on the motto “Capital punishment, not capital torture,”
Leuchter took pride in his work – until the Holocaust lobby saw to it that he
lost his calling.
This book is an intellectual memorial to both Ernst Zündel and Fred Leuchter.
Download The Fred Leuchter Report

concentration camp currency
The inmates were PAID for their labor. They could spend their money (Coupons) at the Cantina to buy cigarettes, candy, coffee, stamps, etc…There was also a brothel to purchase prostitutes. The theater, swimming pool and many other facilities were free.

The Barns Review of Concentration Camp money

treblinka-archaeology-hoax How Hollywood has manulated the facts. A look at the actual historical evidence.
Jim Rizoli discusses the Treblinka untruths portrayed by the media. Then covers the empirical historic data.
“20th Century Hoax” brings you “Majdanek Gas Chamber Hoax”
Jew Cover-up: Treblinka Memorial Stones
Jewish Holocaust Deniers expose Auschwitz fraud
The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax
Jewish Revisionist, David Cole, interviews Dr Franciszek Piper
“Inside Auschwitz” a virtual tour of the daily life in Auschwitz–Auschwitz-Virtual-Tour
The Death Panel go on a fact checking virtual tour of Auschwitz and Auschwitz-Birkenau. We check out the swimming pool, the morgue, the railroad spur and several other notable features of the camp. Then we listen to Robert Van pelt cope post about the lack of insertion holes and wire mesh introduction devices.
TRS Radio:
More TDS:
Strike & Mike:–Chap-13–Belzec–Sept-9–2021
Belzec was a transit/labor camp used mainly to send Jews further east. It started in April 1940 and was situated in the Lublin district forty-seven miles north of the major city of Lvov, Poland. Gypsies and Jews were housed there to build fortifications on the Soviet-German line of demarcation. The German guards and the administration were housed in two cottages outside the camp across the road.
Belzec consisted of five buildings, and a small rail spur. In mid 1942 the Germans used Belzec as a transfer point, where people being shipped to occupied Russia, changed trains. It was a transit camp that was operated for less than a year. Nothing more. Did Jews die there? Of course! Like in all German camps, disease, starvation and even unscrupulous guards killed some inmates. the Gestapo was called out and a full investigation was conducted. The perpetrators were given a fair trial, found guilty and executed for murder. But no proof of gassing has ever surfaced.

A minimum of 434,408 deaths are blamed on Belzec from
March of 1942 to June of 1943
That’s over 27,000 a month!
How did the Germans dispose of so many bodies in such a
short period of time?
Can’t burn, bury or dispose of such an overwhelming number
of bodies that quickly
What a hoax–SERIES–Chap-11-12–Reinhardt-Camps–Chelmno–Sept-8–2021
There is no credible evidence that this camp existed
Kulmhof/Chelmno was a small town at the river Ner, a tributary of the Warthe close to the direct railroad line Warsaw – Posen – Berlin. According to the declarations of various authors, it was 40, 55 or 60 km northwest of Lodz. Other publications, however, claim that the “camp” was in Cholm = Chelm, a larger town about 350 km east from it, south of Sobibor and east of Lublin. Some have tried to prove mass murder in Chelmno by pointing to its railroad connection to Cholm.
The center of the supposed “camp” was allegedly the former manor of the Polish domain Kulmhof/Chelmno, which was also designated as “Palace”. According to sketches of the town this building was in the center of the town at the crossing of two streets. Church, pub, school, and administration buildings were all in immediate vicinity.
The gas vans
The so-called gas vans are supposed to have been used for the extermination of Jews in Serbia and Russia, in addition to their use at Chelmno. Kogon/Langbein/Rueckerl, in their book Nationalsozialistische Massentoetungen durch Giftgas, discuss these vans at considerable length, for a total of 64 pages.
In reading the above books, the observant reader will note the following inconsistencies:
– no physical evidence at all is produced for the existence of these vehicles. There have never been any reports of the capture of such a vehicle, nor its presentation in evidence in any trial. Perhaps this is the reason why no illustration of any gas van ever appears in the literature.
– there are only two (alleged) documentary proofs of the existence of the gas vans; Both were diesel motors from captured Russian tanks and do not produce the Carbon Monoxide poison like gasoline motors. The story was changed some years later when this fact surfaced. So, either the “captured tank” story is a lie, or “gasoline motor” is a lie, or the entire thing is a lie.
– all the other “evidence” consists of “eyewitness testimony“.
Two leading German revisionists, Ingrid Weckert and Udo Walendy, have made a particular study of the two particular documents which are supposed to prove the existence of the gas vans. A detailed study by the French automobile builder Pierre Marais appeared in 1994.
Let we consider the first of these two documents. It was introduced at Nuremberg under number PS-501. This is allegedly a letter supposedly written by a Lt. Dr. Becker to Walter Rauff, Leader of Section II D, Technical Matters, of the Reichs Security Main Office (RSHA). The document discusses technical deficiencies in the murder vans. We will quote a couple of sentences from the original text, paying careful attention to the original style of the German.
“I furthermore order that all men be kept as far away from the van as possible when people are being gassed, so as to avoid endangering their health by possibly outstreaming gas. Upon this occasion, I would like to draw your attention to the following: several Kommandos have had the vans unloaded by their own men after the gassing. I have drawn the attention of the commander of the Sonderkommando to the terrible damage to their emotions and health which this work may have later, if not immediately, on the men… Despite this, I will not deviate from this order, since it is feared that prisoners withdrawn for the work may take a suitable opportunity to flee. In order to protect them men from this danger, I request that corresponding orders be issued.”
[Translator’s note: the style of this is impossible to imitate in English.
What German would write like that?
The letter is not signed. Instead of a signature, the name Becker is written by typewriter. To the left of the typewritten signature stands the abbreviation (Sgd), which means “signed” in English! Did SS men use English abbreviations when writing letters to each other?
The various hand-written umlauts over the letters (ä) and (ö) leave no doubt about it: the letter is a primitive forgery, probably from an American lie factories.
Hardly less pitiful is the second “documentary proof” for the gas vans, an alleged letter from correspondence between the RSHA and the automobile firm Gaubschat. The letter begins as follows:
“Berlin, 5 July 1942
Einzigste Ausfertigung
“Only copy”
Regarding: technical changes in the special cars used in operation and found in manufacturing themselves .
Since December 1941 for example 97,000 were processed without the appearance of defects in the vehicles.”
First, in correct German, it ought to read “einzige Ausfertigung” instead of “einzigste Ausfertigung”; and secondly, it ought to say “an den in Herstellung befindlichen” instead of “an den sich in der Herstellung Spezialwagen”; third, no normal person begins a letter with “for example”, and fourth: what the devil were they “processing”?
So much for the “documentary proofs”: What the exterminationists offer us as “proof” in terms of “eyewitness reports”, is even more idiotic. Adalbert Rueckerl outdoes himself in appealing to eyewitness reports in German trials on the “extermination” camp of Chelmno:
“These gas vans were large, grey-painted lorries of foreign manufacturer, with closed chassis construction, separated from the driver’s compartment, and approximately 2 m wide, 2 m high, and 4 m long… The Sonderkommando had three of these available, two of which were in constant use, and the third used temporarily.”
According to which historian you read, between 150,000 and 1.35 million Jews were gassed in two — or, temporarily, three — gas vans, with a useful surface area, according to the above, of 16 m2. Rueckerl furthermore permits a witness named Johann I. to report as follows::
“The gas vans came five or ten times a day, carrying bodies. In the smaller gas vans, there were always an estimated 50 bodies and in the larger, approximately 70 bodies.”
How could the “witness” have spoken of “smaller” and “larger” vans, when there were only two, or, temporarily, three of them, all the same size?
The manner in which the legend arose has been revealed by Ingrid Weckert. In revenge for the German revelation of the Soviet massacre of Polish officers in the Katyn forest, the Soviets accused German prisoners of war in 1943 of murdering Soviet citizens in gas vans. At the Kharkov and Krasnodar trials, several of the accused were identified by eyewitnesses, and executed. A fatal error was that, according to the witnesses, Diesel exhaust gas was relayed to the interior of the vans.
This is why Hans Fritzsche, Assistant to Josef Goebbels in the Propaganda Ministry, testified as follows at Nuremberg:
“That was the moment when the Russians, after they had captured Kharkov, started legal proceedings, in the course of which killing by gas was mentioned for the first time. I ran to Dr. Goebbels with these reports and asked him just what was going on here. He stated he would have the matter investigated and would discuss it with both Himmler and Hitler. …Dr. Goebbels explicitly informed me that the gas vans mentioned in the Russian legal proceedings were a pure figment of the imagination and that there was no actual proof to support it.”
With the death vans, Chelmno disappears from history, because the mass murders are supposed to have been carried out exclusively in these vehicles.
Chelmno as a place of death didn’t even exist — it’s a complete fabrication
Was it a place of transit for Jews going to other camps?
Who knows. But there was no “camp” in Chelmno.

“Deported Jews at their arrival in the death camp Chelmno where many were killed in gas vans.” Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw, Poland
This is the only allegedly authentic photo document of Chelmno known to us.
A minimum of 152,000 deaths are blamed on Chelmno — where are the bodies? Where’s the proof?
In part seven of our Holocaust series, we discuss the Sobibor “extermination” camp. Sobibor was part of Operation Reinhardt, which we discussed in the previous episode. First, we ridicule the ridiculous Russian movie Sobibor, which was award winning. Then we discuss the actual facts of the camp using the USHMM as our resource. They don’t even have an effective proposed killing method at this camp. We decide that the movie is a dark comedy and the official story of Sobibor is a silly satire for people who have no critical thinking ability.
Sobibor was also mainly a transit camp set up in early 1940 in the Lublin region of occupied Poland as one of the 16 transit/labor camps in that area. Most of these camps used abandoned schools, factories or farms for their structures. Jewish prisoners in Sobibor came primarily from the ghettos of the northern and eastern regions of Lublin. Jews from German-occupied Soviet territory, Germany itself, Austria, Slovakia, Bohemia and Moravia, the Netherlands, and France may have also been in the camp. It’s unknown if Gypsies were in the camp.
On October 14, 1943, members of the Sobibor underground, led by Polish-Jewish prisoner Leon Feldhendler and Soviet POW Alexander “Sasha” Pechersky, succeeded in covertly killing eleven German SS officers and a number of camp guards. Although their plan was to kill all the SS and walk out of the main gate of the camp, the killings were discovered and the inmates made a mass attempt to escape under fire. About 300 out of the 600 prisoners in the camp escaped into the forests.
Some died on the mine fields surrounding the site, and some were recaptured in a dragnet and executed by the Germans in the next few days.
The revolt was dramatized in the 1987 British TV movie, Escape from Sobibor, directed by Jack Gold, a Jew.
Within days after the uprising, Heinrich Himmler ordered the camp closed, dismantled and planted with trees.
Karl Frenzel, commandant of Sobibor’s Lager I, was convicted of war crimes in 1966 and sentenced to life, but ultimately released on health grounds.
Franz Stangl, chief commandant of Sobibor and later of Treblinka fled to Syria. Following problems with his employer taking too much interest in his adolescent daughter, Stangl went to Brazil in the 1950s. He worked in a car factory and was registered with the Austrian consulate under his own name. He was eventually caught, arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment. In 1971 he died in prison in Dusseldorf.
Gustav Wagner, the deputy Sobibor commander, was on leave on the day of uprising (survivors such as Tom Blatt say that the revolt would not have succeeded had he been present). Wagner was arrested in 1978 in Brazil. He was identified by Sobibor escapee Stanisław Szmajzner, who greeted him with the words “Hallo Gustl”; Wagner replied that he remembered Szmajzner and that he had saved him and his three brothers. The court of first instance agreed to his extradition to Germany but on appeal this extradition was overturned. In 1980, Wagner committed suicide, though there were suspicions that he may have been killed.
It is claimed that the Nazis managed to murder 200,000 in a fifteen month period. This is over 13,000 a month. WOW! Talk about German efficiency! One just has to ask, where are the bodies? How did they dispose of so many corpses? It’s impossible! Earnest Zundel and Pete Peters interview