Jewish Families and Their Moral Values

--[ 4 MIN READ]

The most pressing challenge that faces us is forming organizations that are immune to Psychopaths. All of our societal troubles stem from the fact that Psychopaths infiltrate and soon dominate our Systems.

This is true in religion, in business, in government, in research, in teaching, in health care, in social services and so on.

It is not trade that is the problem in the Corporate Structure. It is not religion that is the problem with organized religion. It is not social work that is the problem in the social work system. It is not the psychiatry that is the problem in the Medical Association.

It is the Organization, the System, the Association themselves – which are vulnerable to the attack of Psychopaths.

Our challenge, then, is to create Systems that are invulnerable or unattractive, or both, to Psychopathic raptors and destroyers.

To do so, we must understand what Psychopathy is, what causes it and how it is expressed to the ruin of our societies and our private lives.

This is the first of three videos in which I discuss Psychopathy vis-a-vis the Jews specifically.

In this part, the topic of Psychopathy within the Jewish family is discussed.

I recommend the following video about Gaslighting:
Dark Souls – Mind Games, Manipulation and Gaslighting

Also see:
The Manipulation Series – Gaslighting

In general, the work of Sam Vaknin is particularly instructive, but there are many other researchers and people who relate their personal experiences whose videos are invaluable in understanding Psychopathy as well.
Caveat: Sam Vaknin himself suffers from the pernicious form of this disorder, by his own admission. He is very intelligent and very linguistically mimetic. His descriptions of these disorders might sound as though they purely objective and clinical. Sensitive listening will soon reveal his underlying objectives and inclinations. His is not pure information, though he works very hard to make it sound as such, employing the clinical terminology he has carefully adopted and integrated into his working English vocabulary. His information is valuable, but carefully separate the substance from the steering.

Dr. Robert Hare’s work on Psychopathy is de rigueur.

I also highly recommend Thomas Sheridan’s work – especially when he speaks directly to the audience without his message being intercepted and steered by a radio talk show host.

The explications of LauraBeth Villarreal (Delusion Dispeller) are excellent as well.

There are many more videos.

I suggest you swallow this stuff in small doses. It is poison, after all.

Erratum: At the end of this part I should have said that my cousin’s wife makes a big to-do about him being a Mason.

The most pressing challenge that faces us is forming organizations that are immune to Psychopaths. All of our societal troubles stem from the fact that Psychopaths infiltrate and soon dominate our Systems.

This is true in religion, in business, in government, in research, in teaching, in health care, in social services and so on.

It is not trade that is the problem in the Corporate Structure. It is not religion that is the problem with organized religion. It is not social work that is the problem in the social work system. It is not the psychiatry that is the problem in the Medical Association.

It is the Organization, the System, the Association themselves – which are vulnerable to the attack of Psychopaths.

Our challenge, then, is to create Systems that are invulnerable or unattractive, or both, to Psychopathic raptors and destroyers.

To do so, we must understand what Psychopathy is, what causes it and how it is expressed to the ruin of our societies and our private lives.

In this last of three parts I discuss the root and essence of Psychopathy, explaining why Psychopathy exists and what it actually is.

Edenics (demonstrates that all languages are derived from Hebrew)

I highly recommend looking into the Enneagram, to get an idea of the various personality types that exist and how they all are found on various levels of moral/spiritual health: Healthy, Average, Unhealthy.
Each personality type is a moral gradient. Depending upon how developed one is morally/spiritually the very same characteristics will be expressed differently.

If you are Jewish, Miriam Adahan’s book about The Enneagram called AWARENESS will be very helpful.
Please bear in mind that her book was written before the highly sophisticated brain scanning that reveal, without equivocation, the underlying brain defects that serve as the basis of Psychopathy were developed. She, therefore, attributes all Psychopathy to child abuse, which we now think *may* exacerbate the underlying tendency, but does not cause it.

The most pressing challenge that faces us is forming organizations that are immune to Psychopaths. All of our societal troubles stem from the fact that Psychopaths infiltrate and soon dominate our Systems.

This is true in religion, in business, in government, in research, in teaching, in health care, in social services and so on.

It is not trade that is the problem in the Corporate Structure. It is not religion that is the problem with organized religion. It is not social work that is the problem in the social work system. It is not the psychiatry that is the problem in the Medical Association.

It is the Organization, the System, the Association themselves – which are vulnerable to the attack of Psychopaths.

Our challenge, then, is to create Systems that are invulnerable or unattractive, or both, to Psychopathic raptors and destroyers.

To do so, we must understand what Psychopathy is, what causes it and how it is expressed to the ruin of our societies and our private lives.

In this second part I discuss how the very same genetic lode that can express itself as Psychopathy in Jews is also that which expresses itself as scholarship.

In addition to the sources I recommended in the first part; I should also like to recommend:

Psychopathic Traits by Thomas Sheridan


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