“O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and the oppositions of science falsely so called: which some professing have erred concerning the faith”
~1 Timothy 6:20–21
- a sunset is impossible on a flat earth
- Moon Light in the Daytime experiment
- Earth casts a shadow on the moon during lunar eclipse
- The Circle of the earth
- Bible talks about an ice bubble around the earth called “The Firmament”
- Earth Curve across Lake Pontchartrain
- How you yourself can take a picture of earths curve
- Flat Earther accidentally proves the earth is curved
- The $20K Gyroscope heard around the world
- dark secrets of Flat earth theology
- Flat Earth was a CIA psyop since day 1
- Jerry Garcia and the Grateful dead – MODEL PSYOP
- Flat Earth Kingpin Eric Dubay Exposed as CIA Asset
- Rob Skiba admits to being on the CIA payroll
- Reason for the psyop? To make (NON-FEers) Christians look stupid and to hide the identity of the Synagogue of Satan.
The concept of a “flat earth” has gained popularity in the summer of 2015, with some groups asserting it as a biblical truth. In the past, I tried to present physical sciences in an accessible way, but found that there was a substantial divide in understanding. What I observed often came across as deeply misinformed, so I’ve generally avoided the subject. I genuinely like many of the people who hold these views, and have a good number of friends who are Flat Earthers. Since much effort and “teaching” was required for them to understand even the simplest concepts, I focused on cultivating positive relationships rather than debating science.
It was cool having friends that believe the moon is literally made of green cheeze.
But when you add children in the mix…that’s not so cool
However, things have evolved recently. This is no longer a quirky, fringe belief; there is emerging evidence suggesting these communities are being targeted by a form of psychological manipulation, resembling MKUltra tactics, designed to foster belief in flat earth ideas. I have outlined a few “proofs” that may be illuminating to a fair-minded reader, though my primary concern is the broader psychological manipulation at play, perpetuated by a well-financed, sinister agenda aimed at NON-FLAT EARTHER’s to make Christianity seem foolish and concealing the identity of an EVIL CABAL as just “Conspiratorial”.

Many Flat Earthers seem to lack a foundation in mathematics. Math, like any language, opens up an entire world of understanding—it’s the language that lets us quantify, measure, and analyze our universe. Without these skills, it’s as if a locked door blocks access to understanding a huge part of reality. Learning to reason mathematically isn’t about memorizing formulas; it’s about training our minds to think critically and see patterns that describe our world. Embracing math can lead to a clearer view of how things work and deepen our connection to the bigger picture.

Here is the CLEP test, its just a uniform entrance exam given to high-school students seeking to BEGIN college level math. Test yourself for fun… just see where you are
For scientific explanations to Flat Earth beliefs, these websites provide the best answers
One of the most dangerous aspects of FE is reinterpreting Bible verses to be describing the shape of the earth, thereby missing what the verse is trying to convey to its readers.
Flat Earth Bible Verses tested:
People forget that even if there were ancient men that thought the earth was flat, God always knew the shape of the earth. His word the Bible, is inerrant and inspired… that is inspired by the very mind of God.
Bible Verses that agree with Globe Earth
Flat Earth is not “Stupid”… just wrong

“The Final Experiment” will be the deciding factor, says all Flat Earthers and Globe Earths alike.
But now that the challenge has been accepted and the finances are in place… some Priests are whistling a different tune

Flat-Earth-Dave made the claim, if a 24 hours sun could be seen in Antarctica that would be conclusive the earth is not flat” … Challenge accepted
Pastor Will Duffy’s ambitious “The Final Experiment” aims to document the 24-hour sun in Antarctica as a definitive demonstration against the flat earth model. In flat earth theology, a 24-hour sun at the South Pole is impossible due to the assumed layout of the earth. By capturing continuous footage of the sun circling over Antarctica, Duffy and the explorers (both FEers and Non-FEers alike) seek to provide indisputable evidence that puts to rest the shape of the earth. This experiment is particularly significant for those seeking visual, time-stamped proof, that can be verified by their peers and third parties.
Well-known figures like Candace Owens (who is questioning earth’s shape) and independent journalists, will be joining the journey. These participants are funding their own travel expenses, underscoring the transparency and independent verification element of the expedition. With such a diverse group present, the documentation promises to provide a multi-angled and verified account of the Antarctic sun, which could prove highly impactful for skeptics of both sides. If successful, this experiment could help put to rest some of the core contentions of the flat earth debate, drawing on live evidence and multi-party validation.
Official Website: https://www.the-final-experiment.com/
Youtube: https://www.the-final-experiment.com/
There are two types of Flat Earthers, those that sincerely believe the earth to be flat, and those that make money off of the cattle of the first group who are lovingly known as “Flat Earth Priests”.
With the challenge accepted, it’s interesting to see how flat earth leaders are now scrambling to avoid this proof from coming to light. They’re working hard to dissuade people from going to Antarctica and witnessing the 24-hour sun firsthand. Deep down, they realize that once people see the full circle of daylight for themselves, the flat earth narrative loses its foundation. It’s a wake-up call: the flow of funds might slow, the mystique might vanish, and those who have promoted these theories could face a reckoning, especially given the warnings in Deuteronomy 13 and 18 about false prophets.
Watch a Flat Earth Priest sweat bullets as he interviews Pastor Will Duffy. After the interview, he keeps the camera rolling and goes on a long diatribe… that is considered dirty pool, underhanded, and cowardly.
One of the many video’s FE Priests hope you will never see of the 24 hour sun.

I few facts spoken in Flat Earth (meme’s). These proofs are intentionally dumbed-down so that even a child can understand whats happening.
a sunset is impossible on a flat earth

How do Flat Earthers travel?
…on a plane
If the sun is alway parallel to earth and making circular doughnut patterns over our heads, then it would be impossible for the sun to go below our plane (lower than ground level)… no matter how far away it is.
Why do we see an upside-down “U” shape? If the sun is making giant circles, we should see a big “smiley face” pattern

To comprehend this simple concept and what makes the setting sun impossible on a flat earth. Will require you know what “Asymptotes” are. Asymptotes are introduced to 10th grade students.
Here is a refresher:

In the below picture, the SUN is the “curve” and “b” is the horizon.

A very simple demonstration, pretend you have a piece of paper and scissors. Now cut the paper exactly in half. Now, cut it in half again, and again… how big is the paper? It started out as 1/1, then got smaller 1/2, and half of that is even smaller 1/4, and cutting it in half again made it smaller still to 1/8 the size of the original. So, the question is how many times will you have to cut the paper in half to get absolutely NO PAPER left?
Did you notice when the paper gets smaller, the denominator gets larger… eg. 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, and if we were to cut it in half again it would be 1/16th…So the bigger the number in the fraction, the smaller the piece of paper.
QUESTION: how large of a number would you have to put in the denominator to make the fraction equal ZERO?
So this could go on forever, the further the sun goes away from you, the closer to the horizon the sun appears to get. But no matter how far away it goes the distance between the bottom of the sun and the horizon can NEVER equal Zero.

The airplane (above) will never literally crash into the horizon, even though it APPEARS to be getting closer and closer. Even when its far away, its still above the earth the same distance as it was when it was close.
When parallel lines seem to converge over distance, that is called “Vanishing Point”. Its an Asymptote.

Nothing to fear
but sphere itself
AT THE SAME TIME when we are seeing a Sunset, halfway around the world they are seeing a Sunrise.

How does the sun set and rise?
What is causing “sunset” and “sunrise” is the rotation of earth.
The sun is an extraordinary distance from the earth, it only “looks” small because its so far away.
Moon Light in the Daytime experiment
Flat Earth Priests will say the Moon has its own light, and its not reflecting sunlight… but is that true? Can we know? YES!
On a day when you can see both the sun and the moon at the same time. Take a ball in your hand and hold it just beneath the Moon. You will notice the ball will have the exact phase as the moon phase…

QUESTION: what causes the shadow on the ball?
Because the lit part of the ball is facing the sun and the darker part of the ball is a “shadow” because its AWAY from the sun, therefore its getting less sunlight…
how does the ball know how to mimic the moon, or how does the moon know how to mimic the appearance of reflected sunlight?
QUESTION: Is it reasonable to suspect that whats causing the lighted phase of the ball (Sunlight) is also what’s causing the moon phases?
QUESTION: If I can see sunlight reflecting off the moon at night, then why can’t I see the SAME sunlight coming from the sun?
On a flat earth we should be able to see the sun 24 hours a day… there should be no “night” or dark time.
Earth casts a shadow on the moon during lunar eclipse

The Circle of the earth
He has inscribed a circle on the face of the waters at the boundary between light and darkness.
~Job 26:10

Bible talks about an ice bubble around the earth called “The Firmament”
The canopy theory – What is it?
Earth Curve across Lake Pontchartrain
How you yourself can take a picture of earths curve

Complete instructions on how to take a picture of the curve of earth
NOTE: You don’t actually need a level and a straightedge. Just simply take a picture of the horizon then shrink it horizontally (from left to right)… you can easily see the “hump”, that hump IS THE CURVE OF EARTH.
Flat Earther accidentally proves the earth is curved
The $20K Gyroscope heard around the world
Flat Earthers throw down serious scratch, only to discover their worse sphere. But still remain in deep denial!
There is no shame in being wrong. But once you know the facts, you should stop being wrong… or you will start being dishonest.
For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul?
dark secrets of Flat earth theology

1990 Illuminati Playing Card
The Illuminati Card Game was developed and manufactured to be sold in stores back in 1995 by Steve Jackson. The deck of cards features the Pentagon and the Twin Towers on fire, predicting the Mossad attack of the USA on “9-11.” It predicted Trump would be president, Covid-19, Quarantines… as far as I know every single prediction has come to pass Including “Flat Earth” card, indicating that there would be a scheduled implementation of the Flat Earth Conspiracy.
Illuminati Playing Card Predictions
Flat Earth Theology is a modern psyop that originated in ancient Mesopotamia by Nimrod and the Annuakki, but all ancient faithwalkers KNEW the earth was a globe.

In the summer of 2015, is when Google first began seeing a large spike in search terms for this “Flat Earth” a Sumerian Religion being pushed by the Jesuits of Rome. The Vatican saw the Sola-Scriptura and Commandment Keeping as a threat to their pagan sun-god worship, so they had to find a way to infiltrate the Children of Light.
They brought in The Ancient Sumerian worship of “Anu,” who is “The god of the flat earth dome!”. But that was only a SMALL region, all ancient people knew the earth was a globe.
They want the elect to be deceived into following fallen angels known as “Annunaki,” which are Nephilim!

In the 1500’s the Vatican martyred thousands who did not accept their “GEOCENTRIC” Flat Earth Model.
“God uses good men to enforce His will,
Bad men use God to enforce their own will”
~Giordano Bruno (Burned at the Stake for questioning “Geocentricity” of the Jesuits.)
The Flat Earth Psyop and Canard Against Religion and Pre-Modern Civilization
The Flat Earth Psyop & Life Cycle of Planet Earth
Chronology of 500 Year Jesuit Deception and Flat Earth
When you understand the Jewish connection with Catholicism that puzzle piece will fall in place…
“There is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music in the spacing of the spheres.”
— Pythagoras
“The whole Universe is based on rhythm. Everything happens in circles and spirals.”
— John Hartford
“Everything in nature takes its form from the sphere, the cone, and the cylinder.”
— Paul Cezanne
Flat Earth was a CIA psyop since day 1
Bible Science Forum – Flat Earth Psyop
The Flat Earth Psyop: Everything Old is New Again (5 pages of how and who)
Jerry Garcia and the Grateful dead – MODEL PSYOP
You may be too young to remember Jerry Garcia lead singer of the Grateful Dead. They had hoards of groupies called “Rainbow Children” that would follow them around… they were completely sold out, they didn’t work, just hitch hiked around and to the next concert.
It’s no secret anymore: Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead were deeply embedded in what many recognize today as a massive CIA operation. These “musicians” weren’t just artists; they were players in a psychological campaign designed to influence and control an entire generation. The U.S. government, through MK-Ultra and other shadow programs, weaponized the Grateful Dead’s concerts as testing grounds for mass experimentation. LSD, freely flowing at their shows, was no accident—it was part of an agenda, pushed on live audiences to monitor the effects on young people and control the counterculture.
Robert Hunter and the CIA: how MK-ultra gave the Grateful Dead their voice
If you’re a Flat Earther, make no mistake—it’s no coincidence. You’ve been strategically ushered into a counterculture crafted by professionals. The powerful forces of music, movies, educational institutions, and a network of “Flat Earth Priests” have implemented potent, systematic methods to promote this belief. While the full extent of this psyop remains under wraps, and the exact players and methods aren’t fully exposed, information is surfacing on the agents and assets employed to fuel this elaborate deception. The push to groom adherents of Flat Earth thinking is deliberate, using all the sophisticated psychological tools of countercultural infiltration.

CIA tactic called “Hope Porn” used on Flat Earthers
Flat Earth Kingpin Eric Dubay Exposed as CIA Asset
“There shall be a confusion also in many places…And salt waters shall be found in the sweet, and all friends shall destroy one another; THEN shall common-sense hide itself, and understanding withdraw itself into his secret chamber, And shall be sought of many, and yet not be found: then shall unrighteousness and incontinency be multiplied upon Earth.”
–2 Esdras 5:8-10
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck…it’s probably a duck.
If it looks like a COINTELPRO PSYOP, employs a myriad of well-documented signature mind-control tactics, rolls out fake and intentionally misleading DISINFORMATION in a sustained campaign of books, videos and interviews FILLED with outright lies and logical fallacies, and comes out of relative obscurity to do all of this at a critical juncture in human history where the world stands on the precipice of the third and FINAL world war…it’s a government controlled-opposition job managed by the so-called “intelligence” services.
And anyone towing the government line, using the mind-control tricks of the CIA trade, is obviously a trained agent or asset.

This is a “PsyOp” which requires large funding from intelligence agencies and governments and corporations. It has become a tool of reverse psychology e.g. if your thinking is judicious and analytical enough to discern 911 was a false flag; but now just accept Flat Earth theories on blind faith of some guru. When you engage with this Psyop, a paid shill replies from their “Flat Earth Manual” like some cyborg, there is a mass of paid bloggers on CIA payroll to push this.

Rob Skiba admits to being on the CIA payroll
My final conversation with Rob Skiba, “Agent Skiba” was on Facebook. I said, “I don’t think YOU truly believe the Earth is flat.” This immediately put him on the defensive. “Why would I fabricate that?” he replied, “I face ridicule, and I could make much more as a mainstream preacher.” (Paraphrased)
But that reasoning doesn’t hold water. No one gets universal acceptance. Yet, in his niche, he enjoyed a devoted following. To his admirers, he wasn’t just an authority; he was revered beyond celebrity to maybe a semi-divine figure. The ego boost alone was significant. As for the financial side, his argument falls flat. I found a Harvard thesis by an economics graduate, who analyzed the profitability of “Flat Earth evangelists.” It concluded that figures like Skiba can amass more by being “big fish in small ponds” than by navigating mainstream waters. The income from book sales, speaking engagements, films, and fan contributions can indeed add up.
We ended with me urging him to reconsider and tell his followers the truth while he still had time because life is fragile and can end unexpectedly. Tragically, Rob passed away just two months later.
Reason for the psyop? To make (NON-FEers) Christians look stupid and to hide the identity of the Synagogue of Satan.
Flat Earth is only one of many schemes and manipulations done by Powerful Elites who are all Satanic, blood drinking pedophile, psychopaths that hate the Almighty and His children with all their being.
There are REAL events happening in the world, and the Jewish Cabal doesn’t want you to know who is behind it. It all has to do with their Prophecies in their Talmud. They believe if they can reduce human population down to 500 million then their Messiah will return and make the survivors the slave of the Jew.
This is known as “Tikkun olam” or “Repair the World”. But what they mean by “Repair” will make your blood run cold.
Flat Earth is fully Jewish and perpetrated by ZOG
There is no doubt that the rabbis of the Talmud actually believed the world was actually a disk surrounded by an ocean. It was not a metaphor, even though describing the world as being reflected in the anatomy of the eye certainly is. The rabbis of the Talmud were following a long held belief that the world is flat, which we can trace all the way back to the earliest known map, found in Babylon and made in the 6th century BCE.

Earth Is Flat as a Pita: The Israelis Who Push the Ultimate Conspiracy Theory
Controlled Opposition or Psyop
Flat Earth ‘theory’: Why do some people think the Earth is flat?
When you understand that Ignatius of Loyola was a crypto Jew, and founded the Jesuits (Jesus Society) and he was sponsored by wealthy Jewish Banksters. Then you will understand why the Pope kisses the hand of the Rabbis and must cover his cross when he does it.

The Flat Earther shill Wall Of Shame