
“The Great Controversy” -Ellen G. White, Historicism

–[ < 1 MIN READ] Audiobook: 26 PART SERIES (Click the hamburger in the upper righthand corner to navigate the playlist) I am not Seventh Day Adventist, but do recognize Ellen White as a renown Historicist. Very brilliant woman with incredible insights. For background information on “The Great Controversy”, I will leave a link…https://www.adventist.org/the-great-controversy/

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Hitler and the Germans Were Not Racists

–[ 2 MIN READ] “Racism” is the hatred (disdain/aborance/hostility) toward another group for simply existing and without cause. This is an odious ideology held by ignorant angry persons. “Race Realism”/ “Separatism”/ “Racialism” is the opposite of “Racism”. Its characterized by the love of ones’ own family, tribe, and community. Its perfectly natural and healthy for parents to love their

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The Final Solution (Haavara/Transfer Agreement)

–[ 14 MIN READ] Haavara/Transfer Agreement Is Often Used As Evidence For Accusing Hitler of helping or even being a Zionist. On television the “Final Solution” is portrayed as a plot to kill Jews in shower rooms disguised as homicidal gas chambers. The Haavara (Transfer) Agreement, negotiated by the Zionist Jew, Eliezer Hoofein, director of the Anglo-Palestine Bank (Bank Leumi), to

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Brutal Drawings From the Gulags

–[ 2 MIN READ] The Jew Bolsheviks murdered 80 million Christians in their Gulag’s in the mid 1900s https://archive.org/details/danzig-baldaev-drawings-from-the-gulag-2005 By order of the ‘lumpen-proletariat leader,’ Viadimir Lenin In the early 1920s in Vladikavkaz, the VChK arrested priests of various religious faiths and denominations. Before execution, they were given the choice to deny their religion in exchange for their lives.

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246 Newspaper Articles about 6,000,000 Jews from 1900–1945

–[ 34 MIN READ] 1900 — Stephen S. Wise, New York Times, June 11, 1900 “There are 6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism.” 1902 — Encyclopedia Britannica, 10th Edition, Vol. 25, 1902, page 482 “While there are in Russia and Rumania six millions of Jews who are being systematically degraded…” 1902 — Samuel W. (((Goldstein))), New York Times, November 27, 1902 “PLEA

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