
500 Holocaust Documentaries Whom Jews Have Tried to Destroy

–[ 15 MIN READ]Download TELEGRAM to view these Documentaries Besides private servers and computers of individuals, there are only 4 platforms that haven’t been canceled by the Jewish Mafia where historical information can still be obtained. They are telegram, odysee.com, bitchute, X.com. WARNING: There are currently 19 countries that have criminal law against questioning the “Holocaust”. Heavy prison […]

“The Secret Masonic Victory of World War 2” – 5hr documentary by Dennis Wise

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Western freemasonry and their masonic funded Eastern Communist friends won World War 2. Everything we see today stems from that masonic victory. All Freemasons in politics know the aim is a one world communist utopia. All policies today aid the minorities aimed at breaking down the family, the very basis of human culture. To learn

Brutal Drawings From the Gulags

–[ 2 MIN READ]The Jew Bolsheviks murdered 80 million Christians in their Gulag’s in the mid 1900s https://archive.org/details/danzig-baldaev-drawings-from-the-gulag-2005 By order of the ‘lumpen-proletariat leader,’ Viadimir Lenin In the early 1920s in Vladikavkaz, the VChK arrested priests of various religious faiths and denominations. Before execution, they were given the choice to deny their religion in exchange for their lives.

246 Newspaper Articles about 6,000,000 Jews from 1900–1945

–[ 34 MIN READ]1900 — Stephen S. Wise, New York Times, June 11, 1900 “There are 6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism.” 1902 — Encyclopedia Britannica, 10th Edition, Vol. 25, 1902, page 482 “While there are in Russia and Rumania six millions of Jews who are being systematically degraded…” 1902 — Samuel W. (((Goldstein))), New York Times, November 27, 1902 “PLEA

Holocaust Deprogramming Course

–[ 209 MIN READ]Below is a long list of facts refuting the Greatest Lie Ever Told: An Introduction to Holocaust Revisionism “The procedures of mass-gassing as attested to by witnesses during their interrogation before various courts of law, as cited in judicial rulings, and as described in scientific and literary publications, in any building of Auschwitz whatsoever, are

Awaken From The Lies (10 Part Series)

–[ < 1 MIN READ]This eye opening documentary on the Holocaust and Zionist activities, (Awaken: From The Lies) was created using many other documentaries & videos which have all been banned/censored & suppressed from the internet. I hope you enjoy it. Awaken From The Lies (Official Trailer) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6

Tortured For Christ (Jewish Death Camps For Christians)

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Alternative source:https://odysee.com/@januszkowalskii1979:e/%F0%9F%94%B4%E2%9C%9D%F0%9F%94%B4(Graphic)-The-Truth-about-Tortured-for-Christ-(Full-Movie):a This is a TRUE movie about only one of the eighty million Christians murdered by the JEWISH BOLSHEVICS’ in a Russian Gulag. They were arrested for crimes such as wearing a cross neckless, sharing the gospel, or owning a Bible. You can’t understand what White Genocide is about, until you understand who the

In the Name of Zion (6hr documentary)

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Summary – https://beforeitsnews.com/eu/2021/01/in-the-name-of-zion-full-documentary-video-must-see-2667488.html Original High Quality versions:

Holocaust Revision: Creating Peace and goodwill by speaking the truth and defending the innocent

–[ 40 MIN READ]Table of Contents What is revisionism? Why is Holocaust revisionism necessary? What is meant by “the Holocaust” or “Shoah”? What does Holocaust revisionism claim? Does Holocaust revisionism ignore evidence? Does Holocaust revisionism simply deny claims? Is Holocaust revisionism an anti-semitic ideology? Why should I take Holocaust revisionism seriously if mainstream media does not? What about

David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper, Director, Auschwitz State Museum

–[ < 1 MIN READ]⁣⁣https://holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?page_id=1004&play=95#watch ⁣https://codoh.com/library/docu….ment/david-cole-in-a A young Jewish holocaust revisionist, posing as a believer, puts some hard questions to a museum tour guide and to the senior curator of the Auschwitz State Museum. After making this video, a “hit” was put out on Cole, and a reward for information on his whereabouts was issued by Irv Rubin (who

What happened to the Children in Auschwitz

–[ < 1 MIN READ]⁣If there were ‘six million’ Jews killed, how many Jews were there in Europe in the first place? Well, according to Gerhard Riegner, a Secretary of the World Jewish Congress in the 1940s, who sent a famous telegram in 1942 declaring that there were “Jews in countries occupied or controlled by Germany numbering 3½ to

Ursula Haverbeck (Age 94) Doing Prison Time For Asking Questions About the Holocaust

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Radio Albion full Lady Michele Renouf interview – https://www.radioalbion.com/2020/12/truth-will-out-radio-british.html This interview with German historian Ursula Haverbeck was conducted in 2015 by Robert Bongen and was broadcast on German TV. In the interview Haverbeck explains why the holocaust never really happened as we’ve been told, and is in fact a big hoax. End Of The Jewish Century

Genocide of Russia’s Old Believer Christians

–[ < 1 MIN READ]JEWS EXPLAIN THEY ARE COMMANDED TO EXTERMINATE WESTERN CIVILIZATION https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/JEWS-EXPLAIN-THEY-ARE-COMMANDED-TO-EXTERMINATE-CHRISTIANS:c@2:40 min. mark; rabbi on shooting Christians: Israeli Spies + Blackmailed Politicians + Controlled Media = A Conquered America – KMN https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/Israeli-Spies-+-Blackmailed-Politicians-+-Controlled-Media—A-Conquered-America—KMN:cJudaism’s NWO plans: GENOCIDE “Edom” = ALL Europeans! https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/Judaism%E2%80%99s-NWO-plans-GENOCIDE-%E2%80%9CEdom%E2%80%9D-ALL-Europeans!:cHistory of Khazars And Russia https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/History-of-Jewish-Khazars-And-Russia:aThe Jewish Crucifixion Of [Christian] Russia – Documentary https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/The-Jewish-Crucifixion-Of-Chrisitan-Russia:8The Jews, Communism & the (((Russian))) Revolution – Hervé Ryssen https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/The-Jews-Communism-Russian-(Jewish)-Revolution:2Rabbi Explains Shocking

David Irving Collection (682 links)

–[ 108 MIN READ]David John Cawdell Irving is an English author and Holocaust historical revisionist who has written on the military and political history of World War II, with a focus on Nazi Germany. His works include The Destruction of Dresden, Hitler’s War, Churchill’s War and Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich. Wikipedia Born: March 24, 1938 (age

What do Holocaust Deniers believe

–[ < 1 MIN READ]https://kingdomtruther.com/holocaust-deprogramming-creating-peace-and-goodwill-by-truth-and-intellectual-freedom/

Everything Ernist Zundel

–[ 10 MIN READ]Ernst Christof Friedrich Zündel (German: [ˈtsʏndl̩]; 24 April 1939 – 5 August 2017) was a German Holocaust Revisionist. He produced videos, interviews, and wrote books. He has been impristioned numerous times for “History denial”. The Holocaust is the only “historical” event protected by criminal law in 18 countries, Ernest did 5 years for asking questions

The Auschwitz Hoax Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth (full)

–[ < 1 MIN READ]No irrefutable evidence has ever been provided to support the mass gassing story.The Germans are meticulous record keepers, they would have had death certificates for everybody who died in those camps, yet the allies destroyed the documents that could prove that none died from toxic gas exposure. Ask yourselves, why?Once you know, you cannot delete

Other Losses – Eisenhower’s Death Camp DURING Peace Time – 1.4 Million Murdered

–[ 2 MIN READ]Other Losses caused an international scandal when first published in 1989 by revealing that Allied Supreme Commander Dwight Eisenhower’s policies caused the death of some 1,000,000 German captives in American and French internment camps through disease, starvation and exposure from 1944 to 1949, as a direct result of the policies of the western Allies, who,

Elie Wiesel And The Holocaust Fraud

–[ 2 MIN READ]Research: Jewish Ritual Murder, Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited, Jura Lina The Jewish Hand in Bolshevism, The Other Israel, The Jewish conspiracy, Understanding anti-semitism, The Khazarian Conspiracy, A Devil in disguise, Auschwitz the Missing Cyanide, Judea declares war on Germany, Dumb portrayal of evil Buchenwald, David Cole at Auschwitz, One third of the holocaust, Auschwitz why

Cremations Nonsense, Aktion Reinhardt

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Are Cremations, as told by eyewitnesses, supposedly carried out at the camps related to the so called ‘Aktion Reinhardt’ especially at Treblinka, really feasible?Is it possible to make disappear more than 800 000 people without leaving any material traces like at Treblinka?How was it feasible?Archeologic experiments about cremation of animals on open fires show what


–[ < 1 MIN READ]Jewish leaders formally issue a “Declaration of War” against Germany, on March 24th, 1933. On March 23rd, 1933, 20,000 Jews protested at New York’s City Hall. Rallies & boycotts were directed against German goods. The front page of the March 24, London Daily Express carried the headline, “Judea Declares War on Germany”. Jewish leaders were

One Third Of The Holocaust [HD Video HQ Sound]

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Well written. Good organization and research. Smooth presentation of Eric Hunt. Tons of facts and details. I am brand new to this. Never had i questioned any part of the brainwashing i had received as a kid. I feel like such a jerk for despising Hitler as i did and feel my penance has to

The Ultimate Red Pill

–[ 2 MIN READ]Reviews Reviewer:Doula-d – favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite – July 3, 2020Subject: Great follow up video for TGSNT Great video just like:The the Greatest Story Never ToldBy Dennis WiseAnd I not surprised it was deleted off YT due to its truthful nature of accounts that actually happened.Hitler during the years 1933-35 put viv-section laws in place which meant no

Hellstorm: The REAL Holocaust (Burnt Offering)

–[ < 1 MIN READ]It was the Germans who experienced the Holocaust… aka HELLSTORM [documentary] Holocaust (definition): A sacrifice consumed by fire!                               Watch the biggest cover-up in history… Hellstorm: The real genocide of National Socialist Germany. https://www.hellstormdocumentary.com/

The Last Days Of The Big Lie (Documentary)

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Spielberg’s “documentary” The Last Days stars Irene Zisblatt, who claims to have had her Auschwitz tattoo removed by Dr. Mengele, had her skin selected to become a lampshade, escaped from inside a gas chamber, and repeatedly defecated and swallowed diamonds for a year. In addition, Spielberg’s ‘documentary’ features another woman who claims to have escaped

Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told (HD 720p, SD)

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Lower Resolution SD:CLICK HERE PART 1: Childhood PART 2: Early Years PART 3: Origins of the Swastika PART 4: Cultural Clash PART 5: War Declared PART 6: Battle of Britain PART 7: Stalin PART 8: Pearl Harbor PART 9: Betrayal of the Cossacks PART 10: Stalingrad PART 11: The Red Terror PART 12: Mussolini PART


–[ 21 MIN READ]You won’t find in history books: After WW2, Czechs bestially tortured and murdered innocent civil people – Sudeten Germans You can read the whole book about it online for free: Ingomar Pust: “Cries From Hell, Unheard”http://www.wintersonnenwende.com/scriptorium/english/archives/sginferno/sgi01.html I chose just some parts of that book to let you know what is true, but tabu and most people

Elizabeth Dilling and the Great Sedition Trials

–[ 5 MIN READ]One day an awakened United States will emerge from the Jewish chrysalis. Pennsylvania Avenue will then perhaps be renamed Elizabeth Dilling Avenue. Today, slumbering in their Jewish shroud, few Americans have heard of a lady who should replace the Statue of Liberty. Elizabeth Dilling (1894 –1966) was a publisher; she headed the Patriotic Research Bureau

Why did kristallnacht happen?

–[ 4 MIN READ]Jews arrested following Kristallnacht were forced to walk through the streets with a sign reading, “God does not forgive us.” Chronology of events leading to Kristallnacht; Under Treaty of Versailles 1919, Jewish Bankers cut Germany in pieces and gifted it to other nations. A piece of Germany – Alsace-Lorraine was gifted to France, a piece of Germany – Eupen and

10 Reasons the ‘Holocaust’ Never Happened

–[ 8 MIN READ]Over the last 40 years or so, due to the efforts of a small handful of extremely courageous Real Historians (often called “revisionists” but that term doesn’t really apply, it more aptly applies to the Cultural Marxists who’ve lied to us about our history), the truth about the so-called “holocaust” has slowly come out. And

Morgenthau Plan to Justify the murder of millions of Europeans after WW2

–[ 7 MIN READ]John Wear Date: August 23, 2018Author: Reclaim History 9 million is a conservative estimate… a minimum of 1.5 million German POWs, 2.1 million German expellees, and 5.7 million German residents needlessly died after the war. This is far more Germans than died during the Second World War. Millions of these Germans slowly starved to death while the

Holocaust Evidenced as Hoax

–[ 13 MIN READ]Creating peace and goodwill by telling the truth and defending the innocent The Holocaust is a deeply anchored belief even in people who know very little about it. We can see that not only does disbelief in the Holocaust myth threaten modern Jewish identity as shaped by political Zionism, but for others it brings into

The modern Pharisees are the ancient Nephilim

–[ < 1 MIN READ]There is NO Political System that is going to work anymore when they are making Mind Controlled SLAVES. Steven DeNoon teaches on the Nephilim, Reptilians, and Satanic Bloodline and their connection to the Jews.

The New World Order

–[ 3 MIN READ]“They say “the winner’s write history,” and it is absolutely true; the most egregious example in modern times has to be the mainstream (mis)understanding of Adolf Hitler and pre-WWII Germany. Adolf Hitler was actually a vegetarian, animal-lover, an author, an artist, a political activist, economic reformer and nominated for a Nobel Peace prize. He enacted

Why Hitler Put Jews in Camps and Ghettos

–[ 13 MIN READ]Mirrored: http://www.wearswar.com/2022/02/11/why-hitler-put-jews-in-camps-and-ghettos/  Many people question why Adolf Hitler put Jewish civilians into camps and ghettos during World War II. People often assign false reasons for why Jews were interned in these camps. For example, Dr. Christiane Northrup, a highly intelligent and ethical medical doctor, says that Hitler interned Jews because he claimed they were infecting