
Math Unveils the Truth – Torah is of Divine Origin

–[ < 1 MIN READ] Could there possibly be an unequivocal mathematical proof that the Torah was given by a supreme being? A scientific proof?! A proof that can be objectively examined? Using mathematics? Get ready for an adventure! In this movie – The truth is being revealed and it is… Incredible!! Professor Haim Shore’s Blog: Professor Haim Shore’s

Math Unveils the Truth – Torah is of Divine Origin Read More »

The man who tried to fake an element

–[ < 1 MIN READ] Further reading: “Superheavy” by Kit Chapman. A decade by decade history of the labs who raced to fill out the periodic table. Excellent introductory text. “The Transuranium People” by Glenn Seaborg, Al Ghiorso and Darleane Hoffman. An insider account of the element race. “When Science Goes Wrong: Twelve Tales from the Dark Side of Discovery”

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Evolution: Modern Myth (100 WAYS to KILL DARWIN’S EVOLUTION)

–[ < 1 MIN READ] The Theory of Evolution is often promoted by late night comics, such as Bill Maher, and heavily promoted by atheist spokespeople such as, Richard Dawkins, using the primary techniques of mocking science, those who question the old theory’s EXTREMELY long lists (Everest size mountains) of weaknesses, and mockery at religions

Evolution: Modern Myth (100 WAYS to KILL DARWIN’S EVOLUTION) Read More »