“The Kalergi Plan” is only ONE of a number of published works that call for the extermination of all White People on earth. This notion draws on a number of other Rabbinical sources as to the “How” to accomplish this plan. Their goal is to eliminate all White People by the year 2080, they are currently 10 years ahead of schedule.
From a biblical point of view, there are only 3 races of people. They correspond to the 3 sons of Noah (the patriarch in the global flood, see “the Table Of Nations” in Genesis 11). Noah’s son Ham is the Father of all Black people, His son Japheth is the father of all White people, and his son Shem is the father of all Asiatic peoples.
A balanced World population for all races would be close to 1/3 White, 1/3 Black, and 1/3 Asian. The
Blacks of Africa and the Asians of the East have faired well. But since the implementation of the Kelergi Plan the population of Whites has dropped drastically.
Its deceiving to look strictly at census reports, because they count people who are half white and half something else as being “white”. What we want to see are the numbers of people whom both their parents are white- White mother and White father.
In the beginning of 1900s, whites were about a third of world population, and that is balanced. Today, whites are 7.8% of world populations. White children under 18 years old are only 3% of world population.
This is not a “racial” issue… if Blacks or Asians were being exterminated, we would be just as outraged!
Created by Mathew North, RIP.
Direct Link: https://odysee.com/@faithwalker:e/kalergiplan:bd

United Nations 177 page report on White genocide