This author assumes two things. First of all, the reader understands that the whole “being sent from the planet Pleiades to inhabit human bodies” is an occult teaching. And secondly, the reader knows that the center piece of Judaism is Kabbalah.
What the reader may not know is that Jewish Kabbalah is the center piece of occult mysticism, including Satanism and luciferianism. It is at the core of blood libel (Jewish ritual sacrifice of gentile children), Adrenochrome (an ancient jewish drug created from the adrenaline enriched blood taken from tormented humans), These practices are very much alive and practiced by Hollywood stars and executives, bankers, lawyers, Politicians.
Not to get too far into the occult, but just to make the reader aware that “Judaism” IS WITCHCRAFT.

Transhumanism is also a part of the conversation:
“This connects all the trigger-words: 5G, Covid, Vaccines, Graphene, The Great Reset, Blockchain, The Fourth Industrial Revolution and beyond…”
The Alien Agenda leads back to the Giants of old, Genesis 6 Nephilim:
Before the global flood, fallen angels copulated with human women and produced a perverted humanoid creation. According to Enoch, they can’t receive salvation for eternal life nor enter into the Garden of Paradise (New Jerusalem). The Old Testament is filled with these creatures even AFTER the global flood, they were the “Canaanites” that Yah ordered Joshua to kill when he entered the land.
We read about these beings again in the Dead Sea Scrolls, (the Damascus documents) where the sons of Zadok claimed the Hasmonians and Temple Priesthood was fully Nephilim, and thus refused to worship there.
“The Annunaki created what Thoth is referring to as the ‘Slave gene’. This was bio-engineered and placed into the human hosts they used for labor as well as genetic research. This ‘Slave gene’ was very specific. It created a strong proclivity for the following…”
The truly sad part of all this is the “jew” is just as much a victim as the non-jew. At the core of their society is a nest of ancient reptilian demons who are fooling them into believing they are something untrue. And we know ONLY the truth can set you free, lies don’t set free. These hybrids chimeras are much stronger than the minion Jew, they are smarter, they are in direct communication with hyperdimentional fallen angels. They are also very powerful and wealthy. It is easy to maybe ‘take the money and protection’ and just keep their mouths shut.
This idea of being from Pleiades and inhabiting human bodies is where the “Black Hebrew Israelites” get the whole “Kimmet” narrative from: That “white” people were “seeded” by aliens from Kimmet. But I will have to save that for another post to unpack.
“The Annunaki created what Thoth is referring to as the ‘Slave gene’. This was bio-engineered and placed into the human hosts they used for labor as well as genetic research. This ‘Slave gene’ was very specific. It created a strong proclivity for the following:
…to fear and obey the ‘superiors’. To define these superiors as being those with wealth, power and who had white skin. Now, not all Annunaki had white skin or even human-looking skin for that matter; but the ‘Controllers’ did. They were the ones the Slave Force served.
…to fear and distrust, to feel extremely threatened by all other races and peoples different from them or their Masters. While not all the Slaves had white skin at first,- or even looked alike, as more of the Annunaki ‘White Blondes’ genes were used to attempt to convert the M-Stra Molecule, the Slaves became lighter-skinned and more alike in features and mindset.
…to fear any change which might liberate them from the status quo.
One of the ways the Annunaki employed to keep them down this track was to feed them the flesh of a creature they created especially for this purpose. We have a descendant of this creature among us now, and humanity consumes large quantities of its flesh. We call them Bovines or Cows.”
“Bruce MacDonald joined our Positive Alien Agenda Meetup, again with 12 of us on the Zoom video. He talked about the theory of the centuries old process by which our globalist elite made human sacrifices to reptilians in exchange for power and more. We also discussed the helpful side of aliens who are trying to advance humanity’s development.”