Benjamin Freedman on the Khazars

--[ 6 MIN READ]

08.40 chicken bones
09.41 deputy leader questioned
14.01 disguises
16.35 cruel bastards to pigs
16.59 cop treats dog bad
17.58 cops abuse power
21.47 dr Peterson Peier
23.52 active denial weapon
25.26 Ukraine faking it
25.57 stronger joints
26.48 swollen ankle
27.09 swab tests
30.35 p900 star
31.47 fire and brimstone
32.45 DNA is it a hard drive
36.38 worm thing
39.13 screen time exercise
40.21 shame on the vaxxed
44.02 vegan chocolate peanut bars
45.16 transhumanism
48.24 who is taking chances

Freedman was born Oct 4, 1890 in New York City.[4] Freedman claimed that he was present at the

1912 presidential campaign as an assistant to Bernard Baruch, and regularly sat at meetings with

candidate Woodrow Wilson. He claimed in a speech that he was a liaison between Rolla

Wells and Henry Morgenthau, Sr. This could only have been with the Democratic National

Committee sometime between 1912 and 1916, as in that year Rolla Wells was appointed a

Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank in St. Louis. His World War I draft registration card states

that he was living at 340 West 86th in New York.[5] A few houses away, at 309 lived Samuel D.

Leidesdorf. The 1925 New York City directory lists “Benj H Freedman (Freedman-Salisbury Co)

h340 W86th”[6] Also living at the same address is “Mrs Moritz Freedman”, his widowed mother. His

partner in this company is listed as “Milton S Salisbury imprs 233 Bway R2156”.

New York Times, May 10, 1924, pg 21: “Dissolution Notice”: “The co-partnership of Freedman-

Salsbury Co., composed of Benjamin H Freedman and Milton S. Salsbury, and also doing business

as the Herkules Saw Sales Co. of America with address at 233 Broadway, New York City, has been

dissolved.” – Milton S Salsbury (Milton Salsbury was the son of Buffalo Bill’s manager Nathan “Nate”


He was at one time a partner with Samuel D. Leidesdorf in John H. Woodbury and the John H.

Woodbury Laboratories, a dermatological institute [7] and a derivative company of the old Woodbury

Soap Company. He states that he was in that business from “I would say 1925 to 1937 or 1938.” [8] In

1931, “Benj H Freedman” is listed in the city directory as living at the Paramount Hotel[9] Benjamin H

Freedman was listed on the letterhead of the Institute for Arab American Affairs and around 1946,

along with his wife, listed as “R M Schoendorf”, “sponsored a series of advertisements under the

imprint of ‘The League for Peace with Justice in Palestine'”.[10] In 1946 he sued the American Jewish

Committee for $5,000,000 for libel.[11] In 1948, he, through Hallam Richardson, attorney for

the League for Peace With Justice in Palestine sued the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League (founded

by Samuel Untermyer) for criminal libel, that they had libeled Mr Richardson in a pamphlet by saying

he had “long been known in the halls of pro-Fascist propaganda.” The case was heard before

Hyman Bushel in Mid-Manhattan Court for 23 days and then dismissed.[12]

In 1954, his address is stated to be 960 Park Avenue. He contributed money to Conde McGinley,

publisher of the periodical Common Sense.[13] In 1955, Rabbi Joachim Prinz (1902–88) (later

President of the American Jewish Congress), sued McGinley for branding him a “red rabbi”, and

Freedman was called as a witness.[14] He also produced several pamphlets over the years. The New

York Times reported a meeting at the Henry George School where Benjamin H. Freedman spoke on

“The Genesis of Middle East Tensions”.[15] And again they reported that “Long John Nebel” on

WNBC “will discuss anti-Semitism with Benjamin H. Freedman, industrialist.”[16] He continued his

political activities until the mid-1970s, when he was well over 85 years old. Benjamin Freedman died

in May 1984 at the age of 94. [17] His wife was named Rose.[18][19]

Freedman as a revisionist

The Casus Belli for the American Entry into WWI

In The Hidden Tyranny Freedman explained the American entry into the war thus: “Congress only

declared war against Germany because President Wilson informed Congress that a German

submarine had sunk the S.S. Sussex in the English Channel in violation of international law and that

United States citizens aboard the S.S. Sussex had perished with the ship.” (This claim can be

compared with the text of Wilson’s message to Congress of April 2, 1917 here.)

The alleged plot against Germany

He claimed a conspiracy among powerful Zionists in the banking and financial elite to undermine

Germany during World War I. He also claimed that a group of Zionists offered to embroil the United

States in World War I on the Allied side in return for British support for a Jewish Homeland

in Palestine. He claimed support was offered in the form of the Balfour Declaration issued by the

British Government to the head of the British Jewish Community Lord Rothschild. He claimed that he

was there and “ought to know”.

Claims of Jewish control of newspapers

Freedman also claimed that all the newspapers at the time were owned by Jews. He also claimed

that their newspapers were pro-German before the war and that after the alleged deal was struck

between the Zionists and the British that these newspapers became anti-German.

Blackmailing Woodrow Wilson

Freedman also claimed that the prominent lawyer Samuel Untermyer visited President Wilson in the

White House and threatened him with a breach of promise suit on behalf of the wife of a Princeton

professor with whom Freedman alleged Wilson had carried on an affair and to whom he offered

marriage. Untermeyer’s client wanted $40,000, which Wilson did not have. Untermeyer offered to

pay his client off if Wilson would allow Untermeyer to dictate the next available Supreme Court

nomination, which in the event went to Louis Brandeis. For an account of the law involved here,

see breach of promise. For a detailed and documented account of Wilson’s close relations with

Brandeis and his desire to have him as his first Attorney-General, see the first two volumes of Arthur

S. Link’s Wilson.

Freedman’s connections and claimed

connections with public figures

 Besides Baruch and Wilson, Freedman claimed to be acquainted with Henry Morgenthau,

Sr., Samuel Untermyer, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, and his son John F. Kennedy,

and other influential persons such as H. L. Hunt and son Nelson Bunker; he also claimed to

have attended the Versailles Peace Conference.

 Freedman was an advisor to Nelson Bunker Hunt an American businessman most famous

for his silver dealings: [20], as he was a friend of his father H. L. Hunt, who was believed to be

the richest man in the world at the time of his death.

 In Robert John’s Behind the Balfour Declaration, published by the Institute for Historical

Review, the only acknowledgment is to Freedman. John says that Freedman “gave me

copies of materials on the Balfour Declaration which I might never have found on my own

and encouraged my own research.”[21]

 Col. Curtis B. Dall put Freedman in a list of unspecified acknowledgments in FDR My

Exploited Father-In-Law[22], a book about father in law and 32nd President of the United

States Franklin Delano Roosevelt.


Common Sense

Benjamin Freedman contributed funds toward the once-well-known newspaper Common Sense,

published by Conde McGinley. In an article in the February 1955 issue of Commentary magazine, he

is cited as a financial backer of Conde McGinley, publisher of the periodical Common Sense. In the

libel trial by Rabbi Joachim Prinz against McGinley, Freedman as a witness testified that “he had

given Mr. McGinley financial support of ‘more than $10,000 but less than $100,000′”.[23]

League for Peace With Justice in Palestine

After the demise of Common Sense, Benjamin Freedman continued to write and publish his own

broadsheets under the aegis of the League for Peace With Justice in Palestine, which he had

founded in 1946.[24][25][26]

Facts are Facts

This is a pamphlet purporting to be the text of a 1954 letter from Freedman to David Goldstein, a

Jewish convert to Catholicism and an exponent of the idea that Christianity fulfilled Judaism. The

text expounds the notion that most people now identified as Jews are the descendants of Khazars, a

Turkic people of Central Asia who converted to Judaism. Throughout the text of this pamphlet, the

author never refers to “Jews” simpliciter. He always refers to “so-called or self-styled ‘Jews.'” It must

be noted that Judaism only began in 500 AD with the completion of Babylonian Talmud [27]. It can

also be found a criticism of the Kol Nidre, a jewish tradition: “All vows, oaths, promises,

engagements, and swearing, which, beginning this very day of reconciliation, we intend to vow,

promise, swear, and bind ourselves to fulfill, we repent of beforehand; let them be illegalized,

acquitted, annihilated, abolished, valueless, unimportant. Our vows shall be no vows, and our oaths

no oaths at all. (Schulchan Aruch, Edit. 1, 136).” Freedman considered it as a complete assumed



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