“Black Hebrew Israelites” Debunked

--[ 2 MIN READ]

The Black Hebrew Israelites (BHIs) is a fringe religious group in the United States that claims to be the true descendants of the biblical Israelites. They believe that black people are the true children of God and that white people are imposters who have stolen their rightful inheritance. However, this idea is not supported by historical evidence or genetic studies. DNA research shows that most black people share common ancestry with other African populations, not ancient Israelites. Furthermore, the BHI’s doctrine contradicts the teachings of mainstream Judaism, which has no race-based criteria for membership.

The BHI’s ideology has been associated with acts of violence and extremism, and its followers have been involved in several high-profile incidents, including the harassment of Jewish and minority communities. Therefore, the notion of the BHI’s as the true descendants of the biblical Israelites is a false idea that is not supported by scientific evidence or mainstream religious teachings.

(Video Chapters)
00:00 – Israelite Conquest & Colonialism
11:15 – YDNA & Genetics Debunk the “Black Hebrews”
13:28 – Esau & King David; Red Haired Caucasians
19:55 – White Skin Originates in the Middle-East
20:34 – YDNA & Genetics Debunk the “Black Hebrews” (cont.)
23:32 – How Christ Actually Looked
27:07 – Ancient Judean Synagogue Mosaics
29:22 – Blue Eyed Israelites & Christ
31:30 – White Phoenician Israelites in North Africa & Europe
43:58 – Assyrian Victory Reliefs from Lachish
45:14 – Hercules; The Phoenicians, Danites & Samson
47:47 – King Cadmus of Phoenicia; Thebes & Illyria
55:27 – Greek Hero Danaus & the Danites
56:03 – Hercules; The Phoenicians, Danites & Samson (cont.)
1:05:15 – My DNA Results & Israelite ancestry
1:13:00 – Curly Hair in Greece & Rome
1:14:36 – Depiction of Israelite King Jehu on Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III
1:14:58 – Biblical Era Israelite Bust from 9th Century BC
1:15:06 – The Only Ancient Jewish Male Hair Ever Found
1:16:14 – Blonde Hair in Judean Mosaics & Egyptian Art of Levantine Semites
1:17:59 – Song of (((Solomon))) 1:5 & Miriam’s Curse of Leprosy
1:23:23 – How (((Solomon))) Actually Looked
1:29:35 – The Multiple Meanings of “Ruddy”
1:30:13 – King David’s Blue Eyes
1:31:21 – Baseless & Racist Claims Made by “Black Hebrew” Cults
1:34:07 – Melanin & European Admixture Amongst Black Americans
1:36:00 – Job 30:28
1:37:01 – Lamentations 4:7
1:39:08 – Jeremiah 14:2
1:39:48 – Acts 13:1
1:41:06 – Moses and Christ in Egypt
1:44:00 – Genesis 49 & the Prophecy of Judah
1:45:48 – Lactose Intolerance in Africans & the R1b Haplogroup
1:48:02 – Curses of Deuteronomy 28; White Slaves & Indentured Servitude
1:59:55 – Slavic Slaves & Tribe of Dan
2:02:05 – 1609 Map of Tartaria Locates Dan & Naphtali
2:02:50 – Danites, Ancestor Veneration & Wodan/Odin
2:03:52 – Arsareth Located in Eastern Europe
2:07:41 – Israelites in Urartu & the Armenian Genocide
2:08:55 – The Eagle of Deuteronomy 28 & America
2:15:33 – The ONLY Prophecies Fulfilled by “Black Hebrews”
2:17:26 – Hosea 7:8
2:18:50 – Deuteronomy 32:26, Ezekiel 36:19, Deuteronomy 28:64
2:19:35 – Christ sent his Apostles to the “Lost Sheep of the House of Israel”
2:21:51 – Ethiopian Jews and Ancient Biblical Art from Nubia
2:22:33 – Abba Garima Monastery Art
2:23:03 – Depictions of Mary & Christ from Africa
2:23:37 – Haile Selassie & the Fabricated Lineage of (((Solomon)))
2:25:20 – Depictions of Israelites from Ancient Syria & Mesopotamia
2:26:12 – The Kingdom of “Juda” in Africa & the Dahomey Slavers
2:32:48 – Zephaniah 3:10
2:35:57 – The Afro-Asiatic Language Family


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