These movies are quite long but very well worth the time to watch. But don’t just watch, continue your education and comprehension of this timeline, the players, and the narrative.
Don’t be deceived by the “church” that burnt people at the stake. Instead hear it from those that gave their lives for their conviction. We have a long legacy of being fed to lions, burnt at the stake, burred alive, hung on crosses, and many other atrocities. Our books have been burned and our voice has been all but silenced, our history is hard to find for our great poverty.
We are not the strong, we are not the rich, we dont own banks, printing presses, or wealth. We are not governors, we are not kings, we are not powerful.
1Co 1:26 For you see your calling, brethren, that there are not many who are wise according to the flesh, not many who are powerful, not many who are high-born among you.
1Co 1:27 Rather, God has chosen the foolish things of the world, so that He might put to shame those who are wise; and God has chosen the weak things of the world so that He might put to shame the strong things.
1Co 1:28 And the low-born of the world, and the despised has God chosen—even the things that are counted as nothing—in order that He might bring to nothing the things that are;
1Co 1:29 So that no flesh might glory in His presence.
1Co 1:30 But you are of Him in Christ Jesus, Who was made to us wisdom from God—even righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption;
1Co 1:31 So that, as it is written, “The one who glories, let him glory in the Lord.”
We have only ONE King, Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazerith and we have NO OTHER kings or mighty ones before him. Our Kingdom is not of this earth, its the New Jerusalem, coming to this earth in the very near future.
Witness true Patriotism, true strength…
These movies are true accounts about real people.

A Lamp in the Dark is an exciting new documentary that unfolds the fascinating “untold” history of the Bible, revealing critical information often overlooked in modern histories. Enter into a world of saints and martyrs battling against spies, assassins and wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Throughout the Middle Ages, the Papal Inquisition forbade biblical translation, threatening imprisonment and death to those who disobeyed. Learn the stories of valiant warriors of the faith, such as John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, Martin Luther, the ancient Waldenses, Albigenses and others who hazarded their lives for the sake of sharing the Gospel light with a world drowning in darkness.
Once the common people were able to read the Bible, the world was turned upside down through the Protestant Reformation. The Reformers subdued whole kingdoms by preaching the grace of God, and exposing the unbiblical doctrines of Rome. In response, the Vatican would launch a Counter Reformation to destroy the work of the Reformers, including the bibles they produced.
A Lamp in the Dark was filmed on locations in England and Belgium, and features never before seen interviews with leading Bible scholars, including David Brown, Roger Oakland, Alan O’Reilly, D.A. Waite and others. Also included are chief curators from the British Library in London, Erasmus House in Belgium, and the William Tyndale Museum in Vilvoorde, where Tyndale himself was burnt at the stake.
This ground-breaking documentary is also filled with rich visual graphics and dramatic re-enactments of key historic events.
Included in this 3 hour DVD:
1) The history of the early Church, with the warnings from Jesus and the Apostles about “grievous wolves” and apostasy.
2) How the Inquisition began for the purpose of silencing Christians and outlawing the Bible.
3) The Bible translations of John Wycliffe and William Tyndale, the Great Bible, the Geneva Bible, and finally the King James Version.
4) The Protestant Reformation and the reasons behind it.
5) Key doctrines confronted by the Reformers (i.e. Indulgences, Inspiration of Scripture, Salvation, Transubstantiation, Veneration of Mary, and Papal claims of authority).
6) The Counter Reformation which began with the founding of the Jesuit Order in 1540.
7) The Vatican’s involvement with the Critical Text and their influence over world-wide biblical translation in the 20th century.

In the 19th century, a revolution in biblical scholarship was prompted by the publication of a never-before-seen manuscript called Codex Sinaiticus. The work was allegedly “discovered” by a German scholar named Constantine von Tischendorf, who declared this to be the oldest Bible ever found. Tischendorf said he found the work in a rubbish basket at a Greek Orthodox monastery in Egypt. While many in the academic world did not fully believe his story, they were willing to accept his claims about the antiquity of the codex.
Yet shortly after his discovery was published, a renowned Greek paleographer named Constantine Simonides came forward and declared that the manuscript was no ancient text at all, but had been created by him in 1840. The controversy surrounding these events is, perhaps, the most incredible untold chapter in Bible history. It involves Jesuits, the Pope, a high-minded German, a committee of Anglo Romanists, and a mysterious Greek patriot. It is a story that (while quite true and well documented) a vast majority of modern academics know nothing about. Yet the subject matter dramatically impacts the world of biblical scholarship, even to this present hour. Most of what today’s scholars believe about manuscript evidence is based on the events of this era, and the footnotes in your Bible are the proof of it.
Topics discussed in this documentary:
1 ) New details about the Counter Reformation and its origins
2) Answers arguments concerning the Waldenses, Albigenses, Paulicans — and the accusation that they were “Manichean heretics.”
3) History of how the Papacy was established in 606 A.D.
4) Italian missionary explains Rome’s works gospel vs. the gospel of grace
5) The Jesuit plan to seize control of the Bible.
6) The Oxford Movement and its use of “Protestants” as secret agents for Rome.
7) The Jesuit origins of higher criticism as a weapon against the Bible.
8) Rome’s history of creating forged manuscripts and fake relics.
9) The never-before-told history of Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus.
10) Westcott, Hort and the Revision of 1881.
Featured experts: Dr. David Brown, Dr. Henry Hudson, Dr. Ronald Cooke, Dr. Alan O’Reilly, Les Garrett, Roger Oakland, Dr. D.A. Waite, Dr. H.D. Williams.

Featured Speakers: Dr. Phil Stringer, Dr. David Brown, David Daniels, Dr. D.A. Waite, Dr. Jack Moorman, Dr. Kirk DiVietro, Dr. H.D. Williams, Dr. Ronald Cooke & Dr. James R. White.
In 1881, two scholars named Westcott and Hort published a revision of the New Testament that would send shockwaves through the academic world. Their new textual theory declared that the King James Version (which had been trusted for centuries) was full of errors. Sacred readings, long cherished by the faithful, were now declared to be forgeries. The world was informed that the book, which had been called the inerrant Word of God, was in need of correction.
The new theory claimed that recently recovered manuscripts revealed a truer version of Scripture. Yet others warned that these manuscripts were, in fact, the creation of early Gnostic heretics that had been rightly abandoned centuries before. Was the new revision filled with ancient corruptions?
Follow the story of the Bible’s controversial history into the twentieth century, as the work of Westcott and Hort would transform biblical scholarship, inspire the work of various Bible Societies, and pave the way for the cause of ecumenical unity between Evangelical Protestants and Rome.
1) The history of the Revision of the Bible in 1881.
2) The objections of Dean John W. Burgon concerning the “new Greek text” invented by Anglican scholars, B.F. Westcott and F.J.A. Hort.
3) The analysis of George Sayles Bishop, R.L. Dabney and William G. Blaikie who likewise opposed the Revision of Westcott and Hort in the 19th century.
4) Proof that the purpose of the Revision was to overthrow the Received Text of the Protestant Reformation.
5) The warnings of Dr. F.H.A. Scrivener who declared that the theory behind the new Greek text was based on conjecture and fantasy.
6) The “Romish” doctrines of Westcott and Hort, as revealed in their letters, along with admissions of willful deception and heresy.
7) The warnings of early Church fathers concerning the corruptions of Gnostic heretics who altered ancient manuscripts in the early centuries.
8) Examples from the Critical Text of what are believed to be Gnostic influences that currently influence the majority of modern bibles.
9) How the work of Westcott and Hort was transformed into the Nestle-Aland Greek text, used by the vast majority of Bible colleges and universities, as well as most Bible translations.
10) The beliefs of Dr. Kurt Aland (the chief influence behind the Nestle-Aland Greek text) who denied the apostolic authorship of the New Testament, and suggested that Jesus may have been a mere “phantom.”
11) The influence of Dr. Bruce Metzger, a leading Bible critic of the 20th century (who worked on the RSV and NRSV translations) and his denial of the authorship of Moses in the Old Testament.
12) The influence of William Cameron Townsend, founder of Wycliffe Bible Translators, and Dr. Eugene Nida, father of the dynamic equivalence method of Bible translation (i.e. paraphrase).
13) The development of “bridge bibles” and what they mean.
14) The discovery of the Bodmer Papyri by a Jesuit priest.
15) Proof that the discovery of the Bodmer Papyri is associated with ancient Gnostic groups from the Nag Hammadi region of Egypt.
16) The influence of Rome, her Jesuits, and the ecumenical movement in the development of a single Greek text, as the “one world Bible” to unify all churches.
17) Discussion with Dr. James White (author of The King James Only Controversy) concerning his defense of the Critical Text and modern versions in general.