Everything Ernist Zundel

--[ 10 MIN READ]

Ernst Christof Friedrich Zündel (German: [ˈtsʏndl̩]; 24 April 1939 – 5 August 2017) was a German Holocaust Revisionist. He produced videos, interviews, and wrote books. He has been impristioned numerous times for “History denial”. The Holocaust is the only “historical” event protected by criminal law in 18 countries, Ernest did 5 years for asking questions about the “holocaust”.

FBI File on Ernst Zundel

May 26, 2022

Maclean’s Ernst Zundel – 1989

Jul 11, 2022

The TV news media discovers ‘Another voice of Freedom’ – 1993

Aug 2, 2022

Otto Ernst Remer – ein Leben und Kampf für Deutschland (1990)

Apr 6, 2022

Ernst Zundel’s Transfer Agreement

Jun 25, 2022

Ernst Zundel – Christmas 1992

Jun 22, 2022

Ernst Zundel Christmas – 1988

Feb 21, 2022

Ernst Zundel – Mainstream Revisionism (1993)

Jul 2, 2022

JG Burg Ein Jude Verteidigt Deutschland (1983)

Sep 15, 2021

Ernst Zündel – Es ist Vollbracht

Feb 13, 2022

Ernst Zundel Deportation Hearing – 29 April 1985

Nov 29, 2021

Ernst Zündel Interviews Gerd Honsik (1988) Deutsch

Feb 12, 2022

Ernst Zundel Interviewed by Associated Press

May 16, 2022

Ernst Zundel in London – 1992

Jun 22, 2022

Ernst Zundel Hosts John Bennett – 14 September 1987

Jan 3, 2022

Ernst Zundel – Freedom Of Speech (1993)

Jul 5, 2022

Ernst Zundel Interviews Jim Keegstra (1985 post Trial)

Nov 20, 2021

Ernst Zundel Interviewed by Lorie Black (1990)

Apr 8, 2022

Ernst Zundel Interviewed by Jewish law student Tamis Cohen

Oct 30, 2021

Ernst Zündel – Political Party Activism

Feb 19, 2022

Jan 17, 2022

Ernst Zundel’s Catholic Interview ( 1990)

Apr 3, 2022

Ernst Zundel UFO Interview (1978)

Aug 23, 2021

Ernst Zundel vs. the JDL (1984)

Oct 23, 2021

Ernst Zundel – The Adolf Hitler of 1945 (1991)

Mar 24, 2022

Ernst Zundel with U of T Students – 1993

Jul 2, 2022

Did Six Million Really Die – A Report of The Evidence in The Canadian False News Trial of Ernst Zündel ( EN, 1992, 941 S., Text) by Barbara Kulaszka

May 22, 2022

AVOF Nr. 21 – Anti German Books And Schindler’s List

Aug 21, 2022

AVOF Nr. 14 – Revisionism In France

Aug 15, 2022

AVOF Nr. 41 – Public Access and Freedom of Speech

Oct 9, 2022

AVOF Nr. 26 – Prof. Robert Faurisson on Holocaust Revisionism

Aug 31, 2022

‘Beruf Neonazi’ mit Ernst Zündel und Ewald Althans – 1993

Jun 27, 2022

AVOF Nr. 45 – The Furies and The Flames

Oct 18, 2022

Ernst Zundel’s Macleans Interview August 17, 1993

Aug 10, 2022

J. G. Burg Ein Jude Verteidigt Adolf Hitler (1983)

Sep 18, 2021

Raimund Bachmann interviews Ernst Zundel – 26 July 1988 (Deutsch)

Feb 12, 2022

Thies Christophersen begegnet Adolf Hitler (1992)

Jun 3, 2022

The Diary Of Anne Frank A Hoax ( 1982)

Aug 30, 2021

AVOF Nr. 44 – Elie Wiesel; A Prominent False Witness

Oct 18, 2022

Ernst Zundel talks about Adolf Hitler

Dec 27, 2021

NEW from the Archives – Ernst Zundel Meeting – 15 November 1986

Nov 7, 2022

AVOF Nr. 37 – Cremation Technology and The Holocaust

Sep 30, 2022

The Great Holocaust Appeal Of Ernst Zundel

Dec 21, 2021

W-R Hess – Who Murdered My Father, Rudolf Hess (1991)

May 9, 2022

Victory Day – August 1992

Jun 13, 2022

Ernst Zundel mit ehemalige Waffen-SS Soldat Andre Van Hecke (1993)

Oct 23, 2022

AVOF Nr. 33 – They Were White And They Were Slaves

Sep 21, 2022

AVOF Nr. 20 – Ernst Zundel Interviews Jewish Prof. Roger Dommergue

Aug 21, 2022

Ernst Zundel interviewed by Robin Benger (1983)

Sep 9, 2021

AVOF Nr. 6 – Rudolf Hess His Mission and Marches in His Honor

Jul 27, 2022

Students and Ernst Zundel – 17 April 1985

Dec 13, 2021

AVOF 35 The Leuchter Report – 1988

Feb 2, 2022

AVOF Nr. 40 – Ernst Zundel’s Reply to TV Ontario

Oct 9, 2022

AVOF Nr. 8 – David Irving – The Saga Of An Honest Historian

Jul 30, 2022

AVOF Nr. 42 – Prof. Robert Faurisson Confronts Michael Berenbaum

Oct 12, 2022

Augenzeugen der Geschichte – Teil 2 – Mariann Von Borstel (1983)

Sep 23, 2021

Inside The Inner Circle Of The Third Reich

Oct 13, 2021

Ernst Zundel Christmas 1989

Mar 12, 2022

Ernst Zundel Christmas 1990

Apr 12, 2022

Ernst Zündel und Thies Christophersen in Uxbridge, Ontario – April 1992

May 26, 2022

Ernst Zündel – Der München Verfahren und Revisionismus (1991)

Apr 18, 2022

Ernst Zundel Interviewed by Mike Wallace for the ’60 minutes’ program on revisionism(1994)

Sep 30, 2022

Ernst Zündel spricht in Brüssel (Sept. 1988)

Feb 17, 2022

Ernst Zündel mit Pedro Varela, Chef der CEDADE in Spanien

Oct 26, 2022

Zündel Prozess Presseinformationsabend 1991

Apr 23, 2022

Ernst Zundel with Paster Pete Peters (April 14, 1994) Ver. 1.5

Oct 26, 2022

AVOF Nr. 12 – Ernst Zundel Interviews Doug Collins

Aug 13, 2022

Ernst Zundel hosts German-American activist and Waffen-SS veteran Hans Schmidt

Dec 23, 2021

Ernst Zündel mit Ewald Althans zum Thema ‘Schindler’s List’ (1994)

Sep 15, 2022

AVOF Nr. 10 – The Bergen-Belsen Horror Camp Explained

Aug 5, 2022

40 Jahre nur Belogen – 1985

Nov 23, 2021

Augenzeugen Der Geschichte – Teil 4 – Renate Stahlschmidt

Sep 26, 2021

AVOF Nr. 19 – Ernst Zundel Interviews David McCalden

Aug 19, 2022

AVOF Nr. 16 – Ernst Zundel’s 1993 Year End Review

Aug 16, 2022

AVOF Nr. 43 – The Wanderers

Oct 12, 2022

AVOF Nr. 34 – Italian Revisionism

Sep 21, 2022

AVOF Nr. 31 – An Interview with German Historian Udo Walendy (1986)

Sep 13, 2022

AVOF Nr. 3 – Racism and Anti-Racism

Jul 23, 2022

Ein Deutscher und ein Jude untersuchen Auschwitz (1992)

Jun 7, 2022

Ernst Zundel in Schlesien – 14 August 1991

May 8, 2022

Ernst Zundel interviews Heinz Koppe (1985)

Nov 23, 2021

Ernst Zundel with Max Lipson (July 27, 1993)

Oct 4, 2022

Ernst Zündel und Thies Christophersen in Kitchener (1992)

Jun 4, 2022

Ernst Zündel – Jugend und Eltern (1988)

Mar 5, 2022

Otto Ernst Remer und Ernst Zündel In New Hamburg, Canada 1989

Apr 8, 2022

Ernst Zündel – München – 11 August 1991

Apr 28, 2022

Auschwitz explained using models (1985)

Dec 3, 2021

Dr. Austin App 10 May 1980

Aug 23, 2021

Ernst Zundel And Doug Christie at Zundelhaus (Oct. 6, 1988)

Feb 15, 2022

Ernst Zundel Interviewed by Gary Cutler (1984)

Oct 23, 2021

Heldengedenktag November 1988

Feb 19, 2022

Nov 6, 2022

The Leuchter Reports – Critical Edition ( EN, 234 P.)

Feb 23, 2022

AVOF Nr. 2 – Street Politics In Canada

Jul 19, 2022

Ernst Zundel in Calgary, Alberta – November 1987

Jan 19, 2022

Ernst Zundel Christmas 1987

Jan 22, 2022

Ernst Zündel mit Journalist Hans-Peter Rullmann (1983) Deutsch

Sep 7, 2021

AVOF Nr. 4 – Ernst Zundel Interviews Doug Christie

Jul 23, 2022

AVOF Nr. 36 – Schindler’s Plaszow Camp Dissected

Sep 27, 2022

Media Tactics 2 ( 1978) part 2 of 2

Aug 22, 2021

Ernst Zündel Mit Dr. Max Wahl (Der Eidgenoss) 1984

Jan 16, 2022

AVOF Nr. 15 – Kirk Lyons Interviews Fred Leuchter

Aug 16, 2022

AVOF Nr. 39 – Ernst Zundel In Russia

Oct 6, 2022

AVOF Nr. 30 – Ernst Zundel Interviews A Waco Survivor

Sep 4, 2022

Augenzeugen der Geschichte – Teil1 – Frau Rost Van Tonningen-Heubel (1983)

Sep 23, 2021

Bombs vs. Truth (1984)

Oct 15, 2021

Ernst Zundel – My Munich Court Case and Spanish Trip – 8 Dec. 1991

Apr 27, 2022

The Trial of Jim Keegstra – 10 Nov. 1985

Dec 18, 2021

AVOF Nr. 9 – The Celts

Aug 5, 2022

How To Organize A Holocaust Trial (1985)

Dec 6, 2021

Ernst Zündel – Europa Voran! (1992)

May 16, 2022

Ernst Zundel Interviews Dave Halloway

Sep 16, 2022

Ernst Zundel – Show Trials and the Holocaust (1994)

Sep 17, 2022

Ernst Zundel interviewed by ‘ Globe And Mail’ reporter – 1983

Sep 8, 2021

Ernst Zundel on Rudolf Hess (1987) improved version re-up

Mar 12, 2022

Jan 14, 2022

Ernst Zündel On Austrian State Radio – 1993

Jun 25, 2022

Ernst Zundel re. The Leuchter Kongress – 6 April 1991

Apr 16, 2022

Ernst Zündel mit Pedro Varela ( Chef Der CEDADE) 1989

Feb 26, 2022

Ernst Zundel With Wendy Doyle 28 12 83

Oct 8, 2021

Ernst Zundel -The German Jewish Problem (1980)

Nov 26, 2021

AVOF Nr. 22 – Extended Version (1993)

Aug 24, 2022

AVOF Nr. 23 Ernst Zundel’s Reply To ‘ 60 Minutes’

Aug 26, 2022

AVOF Nr. 13 – Ernst Zundel interviews former Activist Ewald Althans

Aug 13, 2022

AVOF Nr. 35 – The Leuchter Report

Sep 26, 2022

Feuerzeichen ( 1991)

May 4, 2022

Ernst Zundel – Adolf Hitler at 100 (1989)

Mar 17, 2022

Ernst Zundel Interview In Munich – Nov. 4, 1991

Apr 24, 2022

Ernst Zundel Christmas Gathering (1993)

Sep 7, 2022

Ernst Zundel Interviews David Cole (1992)

Jun 7, 2022

Ernst Zündel in Antwerpen (1992)

Jun 22, 2022

Ernst Zündel mit Marc Dufor (1991)

Apr 16, 2022

Ernst Zundel on ‘Cherington’ – 28 November 1983

Sep 29, 2021

Ernst Zundel – Introduction to POWER (1987)

Jan 10, 2022

Ernst Zundel Interviews Robert Faurisson 30 June 1984

Oct 26, 2021

Ernst Zundel – Mr. Holocaust (1993)

Jul 8, 2022

Ernst Zündel und David Irving in Kitchener (1992)

Jun 10, 2022

Ernst Zundel’s Meeting for Annetta Richards (Oct. 2, 1993)

Sep 13, 2022

Did Six Million Really Die?

Oct 4, 2021

Frank Walus – Victim of Zion (1982)

Aug 28, 2021

Ernst Zundel And Anti German Hate (1978)

Aug 23, 2021

Ernst Zundel in München – 13 Juni 1992

Jun 20, 2022

Ernst Zundel – Revisionism, Race And The Future (1992)

Jun 10, 2022

Obtaining The Aerial Photos (1987)

Jan 23, 2022

Adolf Hitler – Artist, Architect and Designer Ver 2.0

Sep 2, 2021

Adolf Hitler and National Socialism – A Re-Appraisal (1993)

Jun 29, 2022

Victory Day Meeting – October 17, 1992

Jun 15, 2022

Augenzeugen der Geschichte – Teil 3 – Katarine Rothe und Renate Stahlschmidt

Sep 23, 2021

Zündel-Freedman 1968 Interview Transcript

Aug 21, 2021

Ernst Zundel – The German-Jewish Problem (1980)

Jun 29, 2022audio

Tom Metzger interviews Ernst Zundel (1992)

Jun 13, 2022

The Holocaust Is A Lie by Ernst Zundel

Dec 18, 2021

AVOF Nr. 5 – Ernst Zundel and David Cole in Auschwitz

Jul 24, 2022

Die Grösste Lüge Aller Zeiten

Aug 22, 2021

Die Auschwitz Lüge und ihre Folgen

Jun 2, 2022

Zionist Uprising (1981)

Aug 29, 2021

Ernst Zundel’s Reply to ’60 minutes’ Plus The Program (1994)

Oct 18, 2022

14 Nov. 1992 – Meeting for ‘ Beruf Neonazi’

Jun 17, 2022

AVOF Nr. 27 – Anti-German Comics

Sep 1, 2022

AVOF Nr. 38 – Kristalnacht and Zyklon-B

Oct 6, 2022

Ernst Zündel interviews Benjamin Freedman 1968

Aug 21, 2021

Ernst Zundel In Milwaukee The Real WW 2 ( 1979)

Aug 23, 2021

Ernst Zundel Interviews David Clark (1991)

May 2, 2022

Ernst Zundel – My Life and Political Awakening ( 1979)

Sep 16, 2021

Ernst Zundel Mit Wilhelm Meurer 9 January 1988

Jan 26, 2022

Gift To This World interview – 4 February 1993

Jun 27, 2022

Nov 12, 2021

Ernst Zundel – Message To The 11th IHR (1992)

May 31, 2022

Ernst Zundel mit Carlos Porter – Deutsch (1987)

Jan 3, 2022

David Cole – Ein Jude will die Wahrheit (1992)

Jun 7, 2022

Ernst Zundel Christmas 1983

Oct 11, 2021

Ernst Zündel – An Mein Volk

Sep 26, 2021

Ernst Zundel – My Upcoming Munich Court Case (1991)

Apr 20, 2022

Revisionismus in Flandern (1993)

Jul 5, 2022

Zundelists versus Zionists – November 1993

Sep 7, 2022

Ernst Zundel – Max Lipson Pilot Interview – Version 1.0 (1994)

Nov 3, 2022

Ernst Zündel mit Frank Rennicke (1993)

Jul 10, 2022

CBC interviews Ernst Zundel and Jim Keegstra (1992)

Jun 15, 2022

Ernst Zundel and Anne Burton – Spring 1984 In Vancouver, Canada

Oct 20, 2021

Ernst Zundel Christmas (1986)

Dec 25, 2021

Ernst Zündel – Ein Kampf für Deutschland (1984)

Oct 27, 2021

Ernst Zundel in Penticton, B.C. – November 1987

Jan 19, 2022

Ernst Zundel interviewed by College Students – Part 2 (1983)

Sep 11, 2021

Ernst Zundel Introduces ‘ Triumph of the Will’

Oct 30, 2021

Ernst Zundel interviewed by Pat Burns (1981)

Aug 23, 2021

AVOF Nr. 32 – The Great Holocaust Trial – An Interview with Author Michael Hoffman II

Sep 21, 2022

Das Tagebuch Der Anne Frank ( 1982)

Aug 31, 2021

AVOF Nr. 24 – Inside Tito’s Yugoslavia

Aug 26, 2022

AVOF Nr. 28 – The Murder of Rudolf Hess

Sep 1, 2022

AVOF Nr. 29 – An Interview with German Attorney Jürgen Rieger

Sep 4, 2022

AVOF Nr. 25 – The Holocaust – Literary Facts vs. Fiction

Aug 31, 2022

AVOF Nr. 17 – Heldengedenktag (Remembrance Day) 1988

Aug 18, 2022

Zundel, Faurisson, Leuchter – 17 June 1989

Mar 9, 2022

The Great Holocaust Trial

Nov 2, 2021

Ernst Zundel And The Supreme Court Of Canada 1991

May 5, 2022

Ernst Zundel interviewed by BBC – 1993

Jul 13, 2022

Ernst Zundel with Prof. Robert Faurisson (15 Feb. 1985)

Nov 8, 2021

Inside The Great Holocaust Trial – Part 1
Inside The Great Holocaust Trial – Part 2

Nov 10, 2021

Ethnic Cleansing – Then and Now by Ernst Zundel

Jul 13, 2022

Else Löser – Polen’s Schuld 1939 (1985)

Dec 6, 2021

Aug 22, 2021

Ernst Zundel Interviews Lawyer Kirk Lyons (1993)

Sep 13, 2022

Ernst Zundel Hosts Gerd Honsik (English – 1988)

Feb 13, 2022

Ernst Zundel interviewed by College Students – Part 1 (1983)

Sep 10, 2021

Ernst Zundel Hosts Ewald Althans – 22 May 1990

Mar 21, 2022

Ernst Zundel Interviewed by TV Reporter Doug Hall

Oct 17, 2021

Ernst Zündel Interviews Richard Butler (1984)

Oct 20, 2021

Ernst Zundel on CNN March 1985

Nov 16, 2021

Ernst Zündel mit Dr. William Lindsey (1985 – Deutsch)

Nov 8, 2021

Ernst Zundel on Modern Art

Aug 22, 2021

Ernst Zundel Introduces David Irving In Niagara Falls, NY – 1993

Jun 25, 2022

Ernst Zündel Veranstaltung Organizierung (1991)

Apr 14, 2022

Nazi Cinema Ver 2 ( 1982)

Aug 30, 2021

Trauerfeier für Uwe Börner – 24 Jan, 1988

Feb 3, 2022

Ernst Zündel mit Artur Vogt (1994)

Oct 18, 2022

The West, War And Islam by Ernst Zundel

Oct 4, 2021

AVOF Nr. 11 – Culture Myth And The Holocaust

Aug 11, 2022

Media Tactics 1 ( 1978)

Aug 22, 2021

Zundelists vs. zionists (1984)

Oct 14, 2021

Schicksalsstadt Rostock 1992

May 23, 2022

Ernst Zündel mit Ewald Althans zum Thema ‘ Schindler’s List’ (1994)

Oct 26, 2022

Auschwitz – Did Four Million Really Die? (1992)

Jun 4, 2022

The Dominica Caper (1983)

Sep 13, 2021

AVOF Nr. 18 – Schindler And Spielberg

Aug 19, 2022

AVOF Nr. 1 – The New Kid On The Block (1993)

Jul 18, 2022

Ernst Zundel – Arab Israeli Debate Part 1 Of 2
Ernst Zundel Arab Israeli Debate Part 2 Of 2

Aug 21, 2021

Ernst Zundel Interviews Prof. Robert O’ Driscoll – Part 2

Ernst Zundel Christmas – 1982

Sep 4, 2021

Ernst Zundel hosts Prof. Robert Faurisson (1989)

Mar 5, 2022

Ernst Zündel mit Wagner Experten Thomas S. Grey (1994)

Oct 13, 2022

Ernst Zundel Interviews Tom Metzger ( 1992)

May 28, 2022

Ernst Zundel On ‘ Race And Reason’ – part 1 of 4 – The Holocaust (1987)
Ernst Zundel on ‘ Race And Reason’ – part 2 of 4 – The Great Holocaust Trial (1987)
Ernst Zundel On ‘ Race And Reason’ – Part 3 of 4 National Socialism (1987)
Ernst Zundel On ‘ Race And Reason’ – Part 4 of 4 – Freedom In The West (1987)

Jan 14, 2022

Jan 17, 2022

Ernst Zündel – Vergasungsöfen? (1988)

Jan 26, 202249

Ernst Zündel Spricht In Bregenz (1988)

Feb 17, 2022

Ernst Zundel – The Art Of Photo Retouching (1983)

Sep 20, 2021

Ernst Zundel In Vancouver – Nov. 1987

Jan 22, 2022

How To Survive In A US Prison (1983)

Sep 13, 2021

Kirche Und Juden Im Dritten Reich

Aug 23, 2021

Counterattack Against Hate 1982

Aug 26, 2021

Ditlieb Felderer’s Revisionist Slide Show ( 1982)

Aug 26, 2021

Genocide By Propaganda (1982)

Aug 26, 2021

Die Jagd Auf Einen Nazi (1982)

Aug 27, 2021

AVOF Nr. 7 – Ernst Zundel Interviews Carlos Porter Jul 27, 2022


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