What you aren’t being told about astronomy

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This documentary is bursting at the seams with fact after fact, presented in a fun and attention-grabbing way. It is more than just a lecture, it has a high cinematic value with plenty of CGI to bring home the facts of our Created Universe. This video examines the Young Earth Creation model from a physics stand point.

About the narrator:
Spike Psarris is a former engineer in the U.S. military space program. He entered that program as an atheist and an evolutionist. He left it as a creationist and a Christian. Spike now writes and speaks on Biblical creation. He has published six articles in Creation magazine, one in CMI’s Technical Journal, and is the author of the DVD series, “What you aren’t being told about astronomy”

What You Aren’t Being Told About Astronomy: Volume 1

What You Aren’t Being Told About Astronomy: Volume 2
What You Aren’t Being Told About Astronomy: Volume 3


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