
- Second Rule
- Sabbath Breaking is a SIN
- Jesus Kept The Temple Calendar
- Temple Calendar
- Is the Temple Calendar Babylonian?
- Satan did NOT trick The Father into crucifying His Son on the wrong day
- Noah’s 360 day calendar
- Enochian/Zadok/DSS Calendars
- Green Ear Calendar
- Modern Jewish Calendar
- Sources for the Biblical Calendar
The subject of the authentic Biblical Calendar is a continual discussion among Christian communities for more than 2 millennia. Conjunction vs Sighted New Moon, “Tekufah” vs Green Ear, Postponements vs non. In more recent days we have numerous variants of Zadok and Echochian calendars, and to a lesser degree one of the other calendars found at Qumran in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
We will look at each of these calendars and adhering to only 2 Biblical Principles we can quickly eliminate calendars that would be incongruent with scripture From there we can see the simple rules for calendar making directly from scripture.
The FIRST RULE should be intuitive for anyone discipled by Christ, we can’t make rules that DIRECTLY violate scripture.
And he will speak words against the Most High, and he will wear out the holy ones of the Most High, and he will attempt to change times and law, and they will be given into his hand for a time and two times and half a time.
~Daniel 7:25
Changing “Times and Laws” is directly forbidden in Torah, also Tanak and Brit Hadasha.
You shall not add to the word which I command you, neither shall you diminish from it, that you may keep the commandments of Yahuwah your God which I command you.
~Deuteronomy 4:2
5 Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him.
6 Do not add to His words, lest He correct you and you be found a liar.
~Proverbs 30
16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is profitable for doctrine, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness;
17 So that the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work.
~2 Timothy 3
I don’t think anyone reading this article would disagree with the claim, the Word of God is the Authority… and yet, they absolutely do it.
ADDING to or TAKING away from His written word, is SIN
Second Rule
Whatever Calendar Jesus kept is the one we should keep!
Jesus NEVER committed even one sin, NOT EVER, not even a little bit… NONE, zero Sins.
We christians are to follow Christ, that is, do whatever He did. Which means to be disciples of Jesus the Christ.
3 And by this standard we know that we know Him [Jesus]: if we keep His commandments.
4 The one who says, “I know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
5 On the other hand, if anyone is keeping His Word, truly in this one the love of God is being perfected. By this means we know that we are in Him.
6 Anyone who claims to dwell in Him is obligating himself also to walk even as He Himself walked.
~1 John 2
The way we become ONE with the Almighty and His Son is by crucifying our flesh and putting on His Nature. We do that by obedience to His Instructions (Law/Torah). Jesus is righteous and perfect without a single sin, He is our model, the one we emulate, our example of how to have peace with the Almighty.
Sabbath Breaking is a SIN
Remembering the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy is the 4th Commandment!!!
Leviticus 16,23 and Numbers 28-29 contain the yearly Sabbaths, they are sacred Appointments, and to miss one is a SIN. The remedy for Sabbath breaking is death. The Holydays are contingent directly upon the Sacred Calendar, to violate one is SIN… Jesus NEVER SINNED.
Annual HolyDays Are High Sabbaths:
- First Day of Unleavened Bread – (Leviticus 23:6-7)
- Seventh Day of Unleavened Bread – (Leviticus 23:8)
- Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) – 50 days after First Fruits (Leviticus 23:21)
- Feast of Trumpets – (Leviticus 23:24-25)
- Day of Atonement – (Leviticus 23:27-32)
- First Day of Tabernacles – (Leviticus 23:35)
- Eighth Day of Assembly – (Leviticus 23:36)
Keeping the Sabbaths bring a blessing breaking it brings a curse.
Deuteronomy 27 & 28
Jesus Kept The Temple Calendar
Jesus was taught directly by His Heavenly Father
Jesus was not a Pharisee nor did He teach anything Pharisaic
Here we find that even as a child, the parents of Jesus took him to Jerusalem for the Feast Days. The Temple would have been full of those from all over Israel based on the Temple Calendar.
41 Now His parents went to Jerusalem every year at the feast of the Passover.
42 And when He was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem according to the custom of the feast.
~Luke 2
Jesus believed the Temple Passover was indeed Passover day.
17 Now on the first of the unleaveneds, the disciples came to Jesus, saying to Him, “Where do You desire that we prepare for You to eat the Passover?”
18 And He said, “Go into the city to such a man, and say to him, ‘The Teacher says, “My time is near; I will keep the Passover with My disciples at your house.”
~Matthew 26
Another statement by Jesus to His disciples showing His agreement with the Temple Calendar
15 And He said to them, “With earnest desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.”
~Luke 22
Jesus keeping Temple Calendar Passover early in His ministry:
23 Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover, during the feast, many believed on His name, as they observed the miracles that He was doing.
~John 2
The Temple Calendar was non-controversial, they only ask IF they went to the Feast, NOT “when”.
45 Therefore, when He came into Galilee, the Galileans received Him, having seen all the things that He did in Jerusalem during the feast, for they also had gone to the feast.
~John 4
Jesus keeps Sukkot (Tabernacles) on the Temple Calendar in John 7
Here again, another Feast Day, we see Jesus in Jerusalem at the Temple (Inconclusive, but probably Passover)
1 After these things there was a feast of the Judeans, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
~John 5
So, there is conclusive biblical evidence that Jesus, our role model, kept the holy days according to the Temple Calendar.
Temple Calendar
Many people seem to think the Temple in Jerusalem kept the Hillel II Calendar… that is true, its the Civil Calendar of the Romans because Israel was under Roman jurisdiction at the time of Christs ministry, but its NOT the Calendar for setting HolyDays.
The Calendar in use at the Temple doesn’t have an “official” name, it’s often referred to as the “Hebrew Calendar” or “Temple Calendar” (Not to be confused with the “Temple Calendar” found in the Dead Sea Scrolls written by Essens). There had only been one Calendar in use for thousands of years. There were no alternative Temple Calendars from King David and the First Temple period to the Second Temple Period, this is a non-controversial point.
The Biblical Calendar of the Temple is a Lunisolar calendar. The rules go back to at least Noah, and presumably back to the Garden of Eden. The Fathers calendar is so simple even a shepherd boy could know what day it is, no “cheat sheet” required.
The Temple Calendar IS THE ZADOK CALENDAR. The Zadok Priests became known as the Sadducees during the Hasmonean Dynasty in the Second Temple period. The word “Sadducee” translates as “Sons of Zadok”, they thought of themselves as descendants of Zadok, and others believed they were the sons of Zadok.
Biblical Calendar:
The first light of the sighted New Moon, after the vernal equinox is day 1
Is the Temple Calendar Babylonian?
There are 2 reasons people say the Temple Calendar is Babylonian. First – God’s Biblical Calendar uses cardinal numbers, not names. So when Samuel calls the Months by Aramaic names doesn’t nullify or change the Biblical Calendar. Also, we see no rebuke in scripture for the Prophet doing this.
Second reason is because “Babylon” used a Lunisolar Calendar and Israel was exiled to Babylon… then, therefore… they reason, the Calendar instituted by Ezra must be Babylonian.
1) We have an Israelite Calendar written 400 years before the exile in 925 BC, its a lunisolar Calendar. Gezer Calendar
2) There was no city like ancient Babylon, God called it the “head of Gold”. It would have been an extremely influentual country. MOST (Almost all) countries used a lunisolar calendar and could have got it from Babylon, which is obviously based on the Biblical Calendar. No matter where the nations of world got their calendar, including Babylon, it doesn’t nullify the Biblical Calendar.
After Joshua’s long day and the Sundial of Ahaz going backward by 10 degrees… the WHOLE WORLD LOST THE CALENDAR. Gods Calendar is the ONLY calendar that could keep good time. So, NO… just because the Babylonian calendar was Lunisolar doesn’t mean the Biblical Calendar is Babylonian.
Satan did NOT trick The Father into crucifying His Son on the wrong day
This is very strong evidence against several Enochian DSS calendars possibly used by fringe groups of the day. Jesus agreed with the Temple Calendar by observing the same PASSOVER as was held officially in the Temple.
The Enochian Calendar and Temple Calendars will not align on the SAME PASSOVER DAY, except once every 64,428 years! Thats 10 times longer than the earth has even been in existence! The odds, of that happening is the same as being struck by lightning… 4 times!!!!
Jesus is called “our Passover Lamb”. On Passover night, Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane because he knew what manner of death he would have suffer, He prayed, “if there be anyother way, take this cup from Me. But not my will by Thy will be done”.
1 Now before the feast of the Passover, knowing that His time had come to depart from this world to the Father, Jesus, having loved His own who were in the world, loved them to the end.
~John 13
The Sacred Appointments (Holy Days) have been well established since creation week. The Almighty knows exactly what He is doing, and His timing is perfect.
Noah’s 360 day calendar
The only other inspired Calendar mentioned in Scripture is the 360 day Noah Calendar. But the rules for making the Noah Calendar are the exact same from making the Temple Calendar, the only difference are the number of days in an actual year, but neither calendar counts “days”.
The orbit of earth changed from the time BEFORE Joshua’s Long Day and AFTERWARD.
Noah had exactly 360 days in a year, each lunar orbit was exactly 30 days, and exactly 12 moon cycles went into the year. Today, we have 365.23 days in a year, our lunar orbit is 29.5 days, and the moon cycles don’t divide the year without fractions.
The 360 day year first appears in the story of Noah. In Genesis 7:11 the deluge starts in the 600th year of Noah’s life, in the 2nd month on the 17th day of the month.
Genesis 8:3 tells us that after 150 days the waters abated. This was the 17th day of the 7th month. Exactly 5 months had passed. 150/5=30. Therefore we know that a month lasted 30 days. 12 months lasted 360 days.
A 360 day calendar is also used in visions and prophecies. Daniel and Revelation both use the 360 Prophetic Calendar. We do not use the Prophetic Calendar to set Holy Days. If we made calendars with only 360 days, then in 10 years the Holy Days would be 6 months later than they are today.
Enochian/Zadok/DSS Calendars
The Gnostic Essenes lived in the Qumran Cave area where the scrolls were found in 1947. The caves contained personal writings and possessions of the Gnostic Essenes, untouched for 2000 years.
The Gnostic Essenes did not look to Abraham or the Mosaic Covenant. They view themselves as descendants of Enoch and look to the Noahide Covenant.
Whomever wrote the book of Enoch was very likely a Gnostic Essene, that is why Enoch is pictured as the coming Messiah.
“You are that son of man, and the righteousness of the head of days will not forsake you”
~1 Enoch 71:14
“Son of Man” is a title used only of the Messiah. Jesus is called “Son of Man”.
There were several authors of the Book of Enoch. Its pseudepigrapha because Enoch did not write it. It could not have come from Enoch because Enoch walked with God, and knew he wasn’t the Anointed Son of Man. But whoever did write it lived in a time when they thought the earth was flat.
Not even Flat Earthers agree with pseudo-Enoch. The Author did think the earth was flat, but he also thought that when it was daytime where he was means it was daytime all over the earth. And believed night time was universal. If you read in the book of Luminaries (1 Enoch) you will see talk about the Sun going into “Portals” (Sunset) and riding in a chariot under the earth and coming out of a gate (Sunrise) on the opposite side of earth. But even Flat Earthers realize when its daytime on one side of earth, its nightime on the other side of earth. 2 Enoch gives more details on the book of Luminaries (1 Enoch).
But also:
- They picked the arbitrary number 364 and call it “a year” (Adding to scripture is forbidden)
- They manually divide the Essene year by 4 to make artificial “seasons”, instead of allowing the precise day and hour of Seasons that scripture calls “Tekufah” to naturally make their God-given divisions. (Adding to scripture is forbidden)
- They arbitrarily add a day to the end of every 3rd month… why not put 2 extra days on 2 months? Why not put all 4 days at the 7th month? Since they are just making it up out of thin air and “adding to Torah”. (Adding to scripture is forbidden)
- They have a remainder of 1.23 days left at the end of each year, that is just non accounted for, or those other days until a convenient Wednesday rolls around.
- They count 30 days to create an artifical lunar month, and just say the word “month” regardless of the moon (Adding to scripture is forbidden)
- They arbitrarily count 31 days and call that a “month” also, even though there are no 31 day lunar months (Adding to scripture is forbidden)
- They are lacking a 13th month as described in Ezekiel (Taking away from scripture is forbidden)
- Pentecost is impossible on DSS Calendars, for seven sabbath +1 day MUST equal 50 days (Pentecost=”Count Fifty”)
- The Essenes have 5 calendars; 3 solars, a lunar, and a lunisolar
- They ignore the lesser light of the Moon
19 He made the moon for appointed times; the sun knows its time for setting.
~Psalm 104
3 Sound the ram’s horn at the New Moon [Feast of the Blowing of Trumpets], and when the moon is full [Day of Atonement], on the day of our festival [Feast of Tabernacles];
~Psalm 81
37 Like the moon it will be steadfast forever, and like an enduring witness in the sky. Selah.
Psalm 89
He made the moon also to serve in her season for a declaration of times, and a sign of the world.
From the moon is the sign of feasts, a light that decreaseth in her perfection.
The month is called after her name, increasing wonderfully in her changing, being an instrument of the armies above, shining in the firmament of heaven
~Ecclesiasticus 43:6-8
7 To him who alone made great lights; for his mercy endures for ever.
8 The sun to rule by day; for his mercy endures for ever.
9 The moon and the stars to rule the night; for his mercy endures for ever.
~Psalm 136
Kabbalah witchcraft comes from the Mystic Teachings of the Essenes.
The Gnostic Christians of today embrace Essene writings.
I personally value the book of Enoch, especially the Book of Giants. Even though I know its not inspired scripture. There is not a single scripture that supports the Enochian calendar of the Gnostic Essenes.
Green Ear Calendar
As we said above, Gods calendar uses cardinal numbers, not names. The Prophet Samuel called the months of the Biblical Calendar by Babylonian names because Israel spoke Aramaic which was the language of Babylon. It seems natural that Samuel would use the common words of his native tongue when describing things.
The word “Aviv” is just a word that means “green ear”. its not a calendar making instruction, its just a word. It’s truly that simple.
All the arguments for a “green ear” calendar hang entirely on the added Babylonian word “Abib”. If you remove the word “Abib” and call it “First Month”, it will entirely deflate any arguements. Yes, its that shallow.
“Green Ear” wasn’t even a word until thousands of years after God established His Calendar.
You’re welcome!
Modern Jewish Calendar
Invented about 900 AD.
That can’t be the Biblical Calendar if it wasn’t even invented until 900AD.
But if you are reading this post and keeping the Modern Jewish Calendar, you are probably new to Torah, so I commend you for doing Bible things to the best of your ability.
keep reading, your journey has only just begun.
Sources for the Biblical Calendar
All the other calendars require a cheatsheet or the internet. Only the biblical Calendar is intuitive enough that all you need are your eyes.
So simple even a young shepherd boy can know what day it is:
The sighted New Moon after the Equinox is day 1 of the Sacred Year
Here is Russel Smiths Channel: I want to warn you… he has Zionist cuckhold tendencies. Other than that he brings good teachings to the table concerning the Moedim.
READ every single one of the dozen downloads in the below link; and you will NEVER again be blown to and fro about calendar issues.
I said all that to say this, follow Jesus as He was obedient to the Written Word of Almighty God… and you can’t go wrong