“Occult Forces – Mysteries of Freemasonry Unveiled” – English narration by Robert Sepehr

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Forces Occultes [1943] (Occult Forces – subtitled The mysteries of Freemasonry unveiled for the first time on the screen) is a French film of 1943, notable as the last film to be directed by ex-Freemason Paul Riche (the pseudonym of Jean Mamy).

The film recounts the life of a young member of parliament who joins the Freemasons in order to relaunch his career. He thus learns of how the Freemasons are conspiring to encourage France into a war against Germany. Robert Sepehr is an author, producer, and anthropologist. http://atlanteangardens.blogspot.com/2019/04/occult-forces-mysteries-of-freemasonry.html

Information on the infiltration & hijacking of Freemasonry by Sabbatean-Frankist Jews: 1666 Sabbatean-Frankist Illuminati History – Robert Sepehr (ck. info below the video in description.) https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/1666-Sabbatean-Frankist-Illuminati-History—Robert-Sepehr:7

1942, the French were occupied under Germany during the rule of the National Socialist Party. The Propaganda Abteilung delegation of Germany’s propaganda ministry by ex-mason Jean Mamy (known by the pseudonym Paul Riche), commissioned the film Forces occultes (Occult Forces: The mysteries of Freemasonry unveiled for the first time on the screen), which unapologetically denounces Freemasonry as apart of a Jewish-Mason conspiracy. It was written by Jean Marquès-Rivière, and produced by Robert Muzard, who were both condemned to punishments 25 November 1945 for their collaboration.

On France’s liberation, its writer Jean Marquès-Rivière, its producer Robert Muzard, and its director Jean Mamy were purged for collaboration with the enemy. On 25 November 1945, Muzard was condemned to 3 years in prison and Marquès-Rivière was condemned in his absence (he had gone into self-imposed exile) to death and degradation.

Mamy had also been a journalist on L’Appel under Pierre Constantini (leader of the Ligue française d’épuration, d’entraide sociale et de collaboration européenne) and on the collaborationist journal Au pilori, and was thus condemned to death and executed at the fortress of Montrouge on 29 March 1949.

“Jean Mamy (8 July 1912, Chambéry, Savoie – 29 March 1949, Arcueil) was a French actor, producer, film and theatre director, screenwriter, film editor, and journalist, notable for directing the anti-Masonic propaganda film Forces occultes under the pseudonym “Paul Riche”.

He belonged to the inter-war left and was film editor on Jean Renoir’s 1931 On purge bébé, but on the fall of France he decided on collaboration. His last film was the anti-Masonic 1943 film Forces occultes, which he directed (he had from 1931 to 1939 been Venerable of the Renan lodge of the Grand Orient de France, but had since parted company with Freemasonry).” – Source: Wikipedia

Épuration légale (purged for collaboration) / “The épuration légale (French “legal purge”) was the wave of official trials that followed the Liberation of France and the fall of the Vichy Regime. The trials were largely conducted from 1944 to 1949, with subsequent legal action continuing for decades afterward.

Unlike the Nuremberg Trials, the épuration légale was conducted as a domestic French affair. Approximately 300,000 cases were investigated, reaching into the highest levels of the collaborationist Vichy government. More than half were closed without indictment. From 1944 to 1951, official courts in France sentenced 6,763 people to death (3,910 in absentia) for treason and other offenses. Only 791 executions were actually carried out, including those of Pierre Laval, Joseph Darnand, and the journalist Robert Brasillach; far more common was “national degradation” — a loss of civil rights, which was meted out to 49,723 people.

Immediately following the liberation, France was swept by a wave of executions, public humiliations, assaults and detentions of suspected collaborators, known as the épuration sauvage (wild purge).[2] This period succeeded the German occupational administration but preceded the authority of the French Provisional Government, and consequently lacked any form of institutional justice.[2] Reliable statistics of the death toll do not exist. At the low end, one estimate is that approximately 10,500 were executed, before and after liberation. “The courts of Justice pronounced about 6,760 death sentences, 3,910 in absentia and 2,853 in the presence of the accused. Of these 2,853, 73 percent were commuted by de Gaulle, and 767 carried out. In addition, about 770 executions were ordered by the military tribunals. Thus the total number of people executed before and after the Liberation was approximately 10,500, including those killed in the épuration sauvage”, notably including members and leaders of the milices. US forces put the number of “summary executions” following liberation at 80,000. The French Minister of the Interior in March 1945 claimed that the number executed was 105,000.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89puration_l%C3%A9gale


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