
Sodomite Social Engineering – 2018 Documentary HD

–[ < 1 MIN READ] From Hollywood, Netflix, to the Rockefeller foundation and social engineering, there is an agenda looming to subvert your culture and corrupt the mind of your children. Be sure to research these things for yourself! Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE! This video was made for educational purposes, is within public interest and meets fair use policy. WARNING!

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Scripturalism Vs. Judaism

–[ < 1 MIN READ] This series of lectures are delivered by Fred Coulter and constitutes over 30 hours. They are quite advanced lessons and beginners may find them dry and difficult to listen to, while others will find them extremely enlightening. Each lesson has both audio and transcripts. Enjoy! Scripturalists vs TraditionsFaith and ScripturalismJesus was not JudaizedWhy Jesus Never

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Pharisees, Sadducees, Circumcised Edomites in the Great Sanhedrin

–[ 4 MIN READ] Around 60 b.c. The Roman Triumvirate Pompey brought Judea under Roman Rule. He pushed all the Judaites into the areas of Galilee, Jericho and Jerusalem.  Then he settled Greeks and Syrians in the rest of the land of Palestine. Originally, Galilee was settled by the tribe of Benjamin who always followed the tribe of Judah. A few years earlier, Hyranicus, a

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