DNA proof- Modern Jews are not biologically related to the Biblical Hebrews

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Abstract drawing of broken face with the word Imposter

Dr. Areilla Oppenheim of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, conducted the first comprehensive DNA study of Israelis and Palestinians in 2001. She concluded that Ashkenazi  Jews were of Mongolian 40% and Turkish 40% genome.

There was no Semitic blood connecting them to the original Middle Eastern Hebrews of 3,500 years ago in Jerusalem or Biblical territory. Jews were found to be more closely related to groups in the north of the Fertile Crescent (Kurds, Turks, and Armenians) than to their Arab neighbors.


This was confirmed by another DNA project from Dr. Eran Elhaik at the McKusick-Namans Institute of Genetic Medicine at the John Hopkins University of School of Medicine, in 2012. His conclusions were the same!

The results were consistent in depicting a Caucasus ancestry for all European Jews. The analysis showed a tight genetic relationship between European Jews and Caucasus populations and pinpointed the biogeographic origin of the European Jews to the south of Khazaria. i.e Ukraine.


At the same time, extensive DNA evidence showed that the Palestinians had 80% more or less Semitic blood in their ancestors, who were therefore determined to be the real Semites.


Connecting the dots

There is no “Jew” gene, Abraham was not from the Tribe of Judah, The other 11 tribes aren’t from the tribe of Judah, Noah was not from the tribe of Judah. In fact… the modern people self described as “Jew” aren’t from the tribe of Judah or any other Hebraic tribe. The truth about who they are is quite shocking to most people. They are first mentioned in Genesis 6… they are the Nephilim, giants of old, Anunnaki. I have other posts that delve into this subject specifically.

DNA can’t Identify who is a “Jew” because there is no “common gene”, Jews are unique to all other peoples in this way.





40% of Ashkenazi come from 4 mothers. The other 60% are in because they changed their names, especially during the midevil times, and another huge influx in the last 100 years. Many more have made “Aliyah” (become a Jew by conversion).

Isaac, who is the father of Israel, is the blood brother of Ishmael. Their biological father is

Abraham is the father of Isaac, who is the father of all 12 tribes of Israel, including the tribe of Judah. And Abraham is also the father of Ishmael, who is the father of all the Arab peoples. This means Isaac and Ishmael are blood brothers.

There are questions about the lineage of the modern “Jew”, the modern Jew popped up at about 1000 AD.
But there is no question about the modern Arabs. They have an unbroken genetic chain, we can follow every footstep of their lineage all the way back to Abraham.

The problem is, Jews are not related to Arabs. Its like you have two brothers. One of the brothers has a son, then his son is also related to the other brother. But what does it mean if the “son” is not biologically related to the brother? It means the “son” cannot be in that family line and the first brother cannot be his FATHER.

The ones who identify as “Jews” are not related to the Hebrews because they are not related to Abraham. The are IMPOSTERS!


“The Black Sea and Crimea area” is ancient Khazaria, the REAL homeland of the (((Ashkenazi))) Jews.

The Palestinians are the direct bloodline of the Biblical Judeans.

Oy Vey! European Jews Are All 30th Cousins, Study Finds
The group who founded the European Jewish community, called Ashkenazi Jews, was just 350 people strong some 600 to 800 years ago, meaning European Jews are all 30th cousins.


Texe Marrs explains the bloodline of the Counterfeit Hebrews.

HISTORICAL evidence the Jews are not Biblical Israel



John’s Hopkin’s Genome Study Proves Jews ‘Interlopers’ in Palestine…no ‘Semitic Blood’ WHATSOEVER…








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