Current Events

The January 6th ‘Attack’ Was Staged

–[ 8 MIN READ]Mirrored: That’s right folks……the January 6th operation was staged for your distraction. Several Democratic Congress people and many other paid talking heads have compared the January 6 “Attack on the Capitol” to Pearl Harbor and 9-11. Which is true: like those events, the events of January 6 were staged by your government. This will

Senior Citizens Jailed for Exposing Corruption

–[ < 1 MIN READ]This story is about the Atmore Four, the seniors citizens who were jailed for whistle blowing. But they are not the only ones. Some individuals within an already broken government work in the shadows using immoral tactics to gain power and control of the upright citizenry, and they don’t care how young or old one

Why America (REALLY) Supports Israel

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Amazing video bringing to light what was “common knowledge” 70 years ago. The US military, joint chiefs of staff and the heads of cabinets and highest level of politicians made predictions what the Zionist would try to do… they were absolutely correct.

Trump is the kind of leadership we have “earned”

–[ 4 MIN READ]Voting in same guy but expecting different results = INSANITY Trump was a failed businessman and TV show personality. He had a reputation of hanging out in all-male-bars and seen frequently with child sex trafficker’s like Epstein. He married a lezbian porn star when Ivanka (his daughter) was a child. There is great suspension he

Documentaries by Tommy Robinson (White Genocide, corrupt media, ZOG)

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Tommy is currently serving a two years sentence in English Prison for violating a court order to not release the below video. “Silenced” is a leaked documentary originally made by Tommy Robinson. In the film, he uncovers an unholy alliance between the government and the media as well as the unbelievable lengths they will go

October 7

–[ 2 MIN READ](((Netanyahu))) just said "Hamas burned babies alive." He then received a standing ovation by Congress. FACT CHECK: Zero babies were burned alive on October 7th. This is What Really Happened @pularjs — Double Down News (@DoubleDownNews) July 24, 2024 Hamas’s incursion into Israel on October 7 transformed the politics of the Middle East. Al

Trumps Pedophile Connection

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Credit: Johnny Gat – Vigilante Intelligence PIZZAGATE DOCUMENTARY#Pizzagate is a crucial piece of the puzzle and as time goes on it won't sound like such a "conspiracy theory." — illuminatibot (@iluminatibot) October 29, 2024 Trump promoting Covid Vaccines, Israeli Sovereigns on American Soil, Homosexuals

Meet Benjamin Netanyahu

–[ 2 MIN READ]“Anti-Semitism” and “Holocaust” are two phytological tools used by Zionist terrorists in Jew created “Israel” and around the world. Benjamin Netanyahu is only a single spoke in the hive-mindedness of the Jewish plan to control the world as set forth by their Talmud. Jews believe if they exterminator the human population to 500 million then

ADL (Jew terrorist organization) Train All New FBI Agents

–[ 7 MIN READ]The Jewish Defense League (JDL) is classified by the FBI as a Terrorist Organization in 1968. Its ring leader, Rabbi Meir Kahane, with a number of other Jews in its 15,000 member mafia. He was arrested and sent to federal prison for bombings, murders, extortion, and numerous other crimes. He was killed in prison. The

The NEW “Anti-Semitism” Federal Bill makes the Bible Illegal

–[ 4 MIN READ]There are already laws on the books for people who commit crimes against others. Singling out Jews as being special and having extra rights is a horrendous misarrange of justice. Its a slap in the face to REAL minorities and REAL racial groups. There has been serious discussion concerning labeling “Jew” as “Semites”. Their history

Campus Colleges in Solidarity with Gaza

–[ 3 MIN READ]There Are No Good Zionists On April 29—nearly two weeks after the initial Gaza Solidarity Encampment at Columbia—University President (Shabbos goy) Minouche Shafik released a statement saying that the school “will not divest from Israel.” In other words, Genocide is simply a Jewish tradition since they executed 80 million Christians during the Bolshevik revolution in the 1900s.

#Shadowgate (How government uses private contractors for criminal operations)

–[ < 1 MIN READ]SHADOWGATE REVISTED. Watch This Again, but with a Greater Level of Understanding—Take a fresh look, but with a more complete picture of HOW all of this Treason fits together.—#Shadowgate #Psychological Operations #Information Warfare #Censorship #Controlled Opposition #Patriot Movement Infiltration #Double Agents #Paid Shills #NationalSecurity #NSA#IIA Interactive Internet Activities #Surveilance State# Rampant Corruption #High Crimes and

Demons and Polluted DNA

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Your DNA spells the name of your Creator, trillions of times. But the Covid shot edits that to 666 The Patent she is referencing is US 10703789 B2 The person that mixed the audio didn’t do too well, sorry… but its still good Demon possessed girl confesses about DNA editing And these are the generations of Noah: Noah was a

Former Head of FBI Confessions

–[ 3 MIN READ]THE GREATEST COVERUPS: Former Head of the FBI, Ted Gunderson, confirms that 9/11 was orchestrated at the highest level by the U.S. Government. Oklahoma city bombing, JFK, RFK assassinations, World Trade Center and Child Sex Trafficking by the Military, CIA and Politicians are all huge coverups. It is confirmed through documented evidence that the FBI

Minority-owned business agency discriminated against white people, federal judge says

–[ 3 MIN READ]Mirror from USA Today A government agency created five decades ago to boost the fortunes of minority-owned businesses discriminated against whites and must now serve all business owners, regardless of race, a federal judge in Texas ruled Tuesday. Siding with white business owners who sued the Minority Business Development Agency for discrimination, Judge Mark T. Pittman of the

Biden plan to create 100 new laws to promote Israeli sovereigns on American soil

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Administration announces over 100 new actions and over 100 calls to action to combat antisemitism, including new actions to counter antisemitism on college campuses and online; whole-of-society strategy includes new stakeholder commitments. This plan will target Christians, Palestinians, American Patriots, Gun Owners, and the Moral Conservatives Read the full Whitehouse release:

GazaCide – How can it be a “War” if there’s only one Army (IDF)?

–[ 2 MIN READ]***WARNING*** VERY REAL GRAPHIC CONTENT. (The Israeli Jews are murdererous children of the devil -John 8:44) How can it be a “War” if there’s only one Army (IDF)? THIS IS JUST GAZACIDE (Genocide of the Gazans.) I pray that the innocents are comforted in their times of need. This is the spirit of Gog behind

Epstein flight logs release

–[ < 1 MIN READ]

Augustus Invictus Filing: Prosecutions Allegedly Tied To DeSantis “Hate Speech” Laws, Presidential Ambitions

–[ 4 MIN READ]Explosive claims are being made by Augustus Invictus in a new motion filed with the Ninth Circuit court in Florida. Stemming from a seemingly minor case against four clients of Invictus, charged in September with misdemeanors for hanging banners off an overpass without permission, the motion to disqualify the Office of the State’s Attorney from

The Fall of Minneapolis -Truth of the George Floyd death

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Alpha News is proud to present “The Fall of Minneapolis.” This documentary is provided free of charge due to generous donors. Please consider a 100% tax-deductible donation to support our work and help promote this film: The film is based on Liz Collin’s Amazon bestseller, “They’re Lying: The Media, The Left, and The Death

Current Events Commentators

–[ 5 MIN READ]96% of all syndicated media, including the News, is owned by 6 Jews. This list seeks to find quality alternative sources of World News and Current Events …that aren’t ran by Jews or Zionist sympathizers. Top Picks Justice Report Unbiased journalism, Free of Zionist influencer money Whitney Webb Profoundly insightful and knowledgeable independent journalist

Who can make war with the Beast?

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Rev 13:4  And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? 

Prosecutor Comes Clean: Derek Chauvin is Innocent and ‘Immense Pressure’ Was Put on Them to Charge Him and Change Autopsy

–[ 6 MIN READ]Mirrored from Daily Veracity Startling revelations have emerged in the George Floyd case, with sworn testimonies shedding light on the considerable pressure exerted on prosecutors to press charges. Testimony further discloses that the county’s medical examiner stated no medical evidence of asphyxia or strangulation in relation to Floyd’s death. Extensive released sworn testimonies from Hennepin

Race baiting TX Rep Shelia Jackson Lee -Anti White People Bill

–[ < 1 MIN READ] Rep Lee writes bill aimed at criminalizing white people ONLY. She is trying to pass a highly controversial and racially charged bill of antiWhiteism. Other lawmakers distance themselves from Shelia and her vitriolic rhetoric of hatred toward her fellow Texans and Anti-American stance.

HyperNormalisation (2016) – (Psychological Warfare) Adam Curtis

–[ 2 MIN READ]Welcome to the post-truth world. You know it’s not real. But you accept it as normal. But there is more out there. HyperNormalisation. The cult documentary maker Adam Curtis explores the falsity of modern life in his own inimitable style. Though he’s spent the best part of four decades making television, Curtis’s signature blend of

Sara Weaver Interview -Ruby Ridge Survivor

–[ < 1 MIN READ]On this episode of GSL UNCUT, Melissa and Jeremy have an in depth conversation with Ruby Ridge Survivor, Sara Weaver. Sara is the oldest daughter of the Weaver family who were the focus of the events that took place during the 11 day standoff in North Idaho. The siege that came to be known simply

US Government Document To Subvert Americans

–[ < 1 MIN READ]The full doc (The U.S National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism)is here, for anyone who wants to check it out: It’s amazing more folks in the Dissident Right didn’t get excited about this, given that it’s going to be a massive campaign that essentially declares war on anyone who’s contra-(redacted). The real “stick” in the plan

Our Enemies Control The Media

–[ < 1 MIN READ]How Television, Sports, And The Mainstream News Media Are Used To Control & Manipulate You Kanye was right about Jewish Media Control Documentary on how the media lies to manipulate us

The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan

–[ < 1 MIN READ]FRONTLINE goes inside an ancient, illegal practice that’s once again flourishing: an organized sex trade in young Afghan boys.


–[ < 1 MIN READ]BACKUP SOURCEIncase the Khazarian Mafia has the primary source removed


–[ 3 MIN READ]by David L. Brown The term originates in the systematic psychological manipulation of a victim by her husband in Patrick Hamilton’s 1938 stage play Gas Light, and the film adaptations released in 1940 and 1944. In the story, the husband attempts to convince his wife and others that she is insane by manipulating small elements

Who Controls the US Congress?

–[ < 1 MIN READ]AIPAC, the Israeli Lobby Sources: – Mearshimer, John J.; and Stephen M. Walt. The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007, pp. 10-11. – Michael Massing: – Cynthia McKinney: – James Traficant: (A) (B) – Jonathan Pollard: – Carl Cameron: – AL Jezeera: – David Duke:—-Wolf-Blitzer—-on—-CNN—

Mask of Silence: Bacterial Infection!

–[ 2 MIN READ]Article on Masks and how they don’t work: on The Lost Symbols of Freemasonry: The Beehive and Masonic Mind Control: to Cure Covid, Ivermectin, HQC, SURAMIN. FAUCI LIED: Special Invite Link to Odysee for exclusive content, Sign up to discover more!$/invite/ Mask’s Don’t work Unless Rated N-95 +, Covid-19 is 0.01 Microns in Diameter it

Israeli lawyer speaks out about corruption in family law – and imprisoned!

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Lawyer Zvi Zer speaks out against radical feminist laws in family courts in Israel. He’s been illegally detained for over 120 days for charges of conspiring with two bloggers who exposed the issues. Credit: Video by Sorin Luca – extract from upcoming docufilm in 2018, (No Exit Order)

The Spy Cables: Decoded

–[ < 1 MIN READ]The Spy Cables captured headlines the world over – and was described as massive and unprecedented in newspapers as far afield as China as South America. Evidence that the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu misled the United Nations lead news in a number of countries. The CIA’s desire to talk to Hamas; snooping on the

Thomas Sewell: 2022 Todd Sampson Interview 1

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Todd Sampson, the Canadian – Australian journalist interviewed Thomas Sewell but did not air the interview. Many believe that Thomas Sewell came across as too reasonable and coherent with his arguments, and made Todd Sampson look foolish and uninformed. Thus, the interview was never aired on TV as intended.

THE ABRAHAM ACCORD and the coming One World Beastly System

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Would you think it weird if I were to tell you France moved the Capitol of Mexico to Panama without the consent of the Panamanians? Then how weird is it that Trump, a US President moved the Capitol of Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem?

What is a Woman (Full Movie) – Matt Walsh

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Political commentator Matt Walsh explores the changing concepts of sex and gender in the digital age, particularly the transgender rights movement, gender dysphoria, and what it means to be a woman. WATCH HERE:

Israel’s Arms Business is Booming

–[ < 1 MIN READ]The US gives Israel 3.8 BILLION DOLLARS a year in military aid. Yet, Israel earns more than $1,000 per head of its population through its arms deals, several times more than the US earns. Who does Israel sell weapons to and how do they use those weapons? The answer may terrify you. This 3 minute

Jews are the enemy of humanity

–[ 3 MIN READ]It would appear that Jews are behind every evil in the world. I will eventually put links to each of these claims, and I don’t even have half of the atrocities committed by Jews listed yet. 👉 They were the Pirates of the Barbary Coast👉 Not biologically related to Abraham of the bible👉 Deliberately Corrupted

Random information on Covid 19

–[ 31 MIN READ]This page is a hodge podge of random information and links associated with the Plandemic. From medical problems, the new laws enacted, global problems around the world that are related to Covid 19

Ukrainian Crisis in Bible Prophecy

–[ 11 MIN READ]The Ukraine is a seething hotbed of violence and hatred. Some support Russia, others the EU. The Fascists are now starting to come out of the woodwork taking over government buildings demanding the government change. What is next for the Ukraine? What does the Bible say? Tracing Ukraine’s Roots We must start at the beginning

Ukraine is not a victim

–[ 6 MIN READ]As a political analyst and more importantly as a spiritually minded student of the Scriptures, I am absolutely convinced of this: When the major establishments all pounce on one subject, collectively decide who is a victim and who is a villain and beat the same drum every day over and over in total unison, the