Current Events

October 7

–[ 2 MIN READ] (((Netanyahu))) just said "Hamas burned babies alive." He then received a standing ovation by Congress. FACT CHECK: Zero babies were burned alive on October 7th. This is What Really Happened @pularjs — Double Down News (@DoubleDownNews) July 24, 2024 Hamas’s incursion into Israel on October 7 transformed the politics of the Middle East. Al […]

October 7 Read More »

Meet Benjamin Netanyahu

–[ 2 MIN READ] “Anti-Semitism” and “Holocaust” are two phytological tools used by Zionist terrorists in Jew created “Israel” and around the world. Benjamin Netanyahu is only a single spoke in the hive-mindedness of the Jewish plan to control the world as set forth by their Talmud. Jews believe if they exterminator the human population to 500 million then

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ADL (Jew terrorist organization) Train All New FBI Agents

–[ 6 MIN READ] The Jewish Defense League (JDL) is classified by the FBI as a Terrorist Organization in 1968. Its ring leader, Rabbi Meir Kahane, with a number of other Jews in its 15,000 member mafia. He was arrested and sent to federal prison for bombings, murders, extortion, and numerous other crimes. He was killed in prison. The

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The NEW “Anti-Semitism” Federal Bill makes the Bible Illegal

–[ 4 MIN READ] There are already laws on the books for people who commit crimes against others. Singling out Jews as being special and having extra rights is a horrendous misarrange of justice. Its a slap in the face to REAL minorities and REAL racial groups. There has been serious discussion concerning labeling “Jew” as “Semites”. Their history

The NEW “Anti-Semitism” Federal Bill makes the Bible Illegal Read More »

Campus Colleges in Solidarity with Gaza

–[ 3 MIN READ] There Are No Good Zionists On April 29—nearly two weeks after the initial Gaza Solidarity Encampment at Columbia—University President (Shabbos goy) Minouche Shafik released a statement saying that the school “will not divest from Israel.” In other words, Genocide is simply a Jewish tradition since they executed 80 million Christians during the Bolshevik revolution in the 1900s.

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#Shadowgate (How government uses private contractors for criminal operations)

–[ < 1 MIN READ] SHADOWGATE REVISTED. Watch This Again, but with a Greater Level of Understanding—Take a fresh look, but with a more complete picture of HOW all of this Treason fits together.—#Shadowgate #Psychological Operations #Information Warfare #Censorship #Controlled Opposition #Patriot Movement Infiltration #Double Agents #Paid Shills #NationalSecurity #NSA#IIA Interactive Internet Activities #Surveilance State# Rampant Corruption #High Crimes and

#Shadowgate (How government uses private contractors for criminal operations) Read More »

Demons and Polluted DNA

–[ < 1 MIN READ] Your DNA spells the name of your Creator, trillions of times. But the Covid shot edits that to 666 The Patent she is referencing is US 10703789 B2 The person that mixed the audio didn’t do too well, sorry… but its still good Demon possessed girl confesses about DNA editing And these are the generations of Noah: Noah was a

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