In the realm of spiritual warfare against demonic spirits, I believe there are 4 basic levels in which an individual believer may have to face – depending on what you may be dealing with in your present set of circumstances and what you may have in your past background.
Having the specific knowledge on what each one of these 4 levels are all about can really help you in being able to plan and carry out the appropriate battle strategy in which to defeat demons should they ever move in for an attack on either you or any of your close loved ones.
But before I get into exactly what these four areas are, I want to give you some very basic verses from the Bible showing you the importance that God the Father is placing on that we realize the reality of demonic spirits in this world, and that we not be afraid to engage and cast them out of people when we do run across them in this life.
Here are 8 very powerful verses from the Bible, all showing us that we are not to be afraid of demons, and that we are to directly engage with them if we have to, operating under God’s authority and anointing to be able to do so.
- And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved, but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe. In my name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues, they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover.” (Mark 16:15-18)
- “Then Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee … the Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor, He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.” (Luke 4:14-18)
- “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” (Luke 10:19)
- “Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.” (Luke 9:1)
- “And He called the twelve to Him, and began to send them out two by two, and gave them power over unclean spirits … And they cast out many demons, and anointed with oil many who were sick, and healed them.” (Mark 6:7,13)
- “And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease.” (Matthew 10:1)
- “But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:6-8)
- “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.” (1 John 3:8)
If you will notice, every time Jesus gave His apostles the power and command to go out and walk with His anointing, He always told them to cast out demons as one of His specific commands – no exceptions!
So if Jesus was constantly casting out demons, always telling the apostles to cast out demons, and the apostles too were always casting out demons, then it should only be logical that the Church should continue to still cast out demons when needed.
It has been estimated by many Bible scholars that approximately 25% of the miracles Jesus had performed were Him casting demons out of people. Satan and his demons are not confined to the Bottomless Pit at this time. This event will not happen until Jesus returns back to us in His second coming. Until that event happens, Satan and his demons are still free to roam in the “air” seeking who they are going to try and devour next.
As Christians, we always have to remember that the devil and his demons are already defeated foes. Jesus has already defeated Satan at the cross when He was crucified.
What is now left is that all Christians have to realize that the victory is already ours.
We thus have to learn how to engage and defeat the devil and his demons when they do try to move in on a person or a situation – and sometimes this means a real live deliverance – because demons can attach themselves to people when they do move in for an attack.
And once they do, the only way to be able to drive them out is by the power of God!
Before I get into the four specific areas in which demons will try and come against people, especially Christians, there is one more big debate going on right now in the Body of Christ about how far demons can go with Christians. This debate is whether or not a demon can actually enter in on the inside of a Christian.
Many believe that once you are saved and become born again, that demons cannot enter in on the inside of you. The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit will literally come in and enter in on the inside of your human spirit at the moment of your conversion with Jesus. As a result of our bodies now becoming the temple of the Holy Spirit, they believe there is no way that a demon or a group of demons can enter in on the inside of your body.
At first glance, this does appear to be a very logical argument. However, what they are missing is the fact that the Bible tells us that we have three, distinct, separate parts to our being. We have a body, a soul, and a spirit. The Holy Spirit is living and dwelling in your human spirit, but He is not living up in your soul or body area.
If a Christian ends up committing a severe, door-opening sin and transgression against the Lord giving the demons full legal right to be able to directly attack him, then what the demons will try and do if they can get away with it is try and enter into that person’s body and soul. They will not be able to enter into the Christian’s spirit because the Holy Spirit is already living in there. But they will be able to enter into the body and soul of that person if the transgression has been deemed to be severe enough by the Lord.
Talk to any deliverance minister who does deliverances on a regular basis, and every single one of them will tell you that demons can enter in on the inside of a Christian, and that they then have to be cast out of them by way of an actual deliverance. In fact, they cannot cast the demons out of a person unless that person is a Christian to begin with, or unless that person is willing to become a Christian if they are not saved.
If an unsaved person has demons living and operating on the inside of them, they will have no spiritual authority to be able to cast the demons out of them. This kind of deliverance is only available for born-again Christians.
One of the things Christians can do to totally safeguard themselves from ever having a demon try to enter in on the inside of them is to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. We have an article in the Bible Basics section of our site on exactly what this gift is all about and how to properly receive it.
What happens with this second experience is that the Holy Spirit will release from your spirit and come up and enter into your soul. Once the Holy Spirit is residing in both your spirit and soul areas, then the demons will not be able to enter into your soul since the Holy Spirit is now living in there as a result of having received this gift.
At the end of this article, I will give you a list of the best books ever written on the subject of deliverance and engaging with demons. Each one of these books have been written by very creditable, anointed men and women of God who have learned much in this area of spiritual warfare. And what you will find out very quickly when reading from each one of them is that they have all found out in the real battlefields of life where this kind of activity does exist, that Christians can draw demons on the inside of them if the demons have the appropriate legal rights to be able to enter in.
As I get into the four specific areas where demons can directly attack a Christian, you will see me break this down into two very basic areas. If demons come in for an attack, they will either try and attack you from an outside position, which means they are attacking you from the “air.” When they are attacking you from an outside position, they are not on the inside of your body or soul. These attacks are coming at you from the outside of your being.
The other position that demons can attack you is from the inside position, which means they are attacking you from the inside of your body. And if they are on the inside of your body being able to attack you from this inside position, then something has happened that has given them the legal right to be able to enter in on the inside of you.
Your job will then be to find out what their legal right is so that you can get it properly broken before God the Father. Once you have properly broken all of their legal rights before God the Father, then you can turn around and command them to now leave you in the name of Jesus.
But whether you are dealing with demons attacking you from an outside position or from an inside position – the rules are still the same.
Find out what their legal rights are, properly break those legal rights before God the Father, and then turn around and verbally cast all of them out in the name of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
As much as I hate to say this, there is a real war game going on between God and the devil for all of our souls. And in this war game are real, live, demonic spirits who will come after people, especially Christians – and they will try to get away with inflicting as much death, terror, destruction, and oppression as they possibly can.
This is why the Bible is telling us that we are to resist the devil – that we are to cast out demons when and where needed – and that we are to become good soldiers of Jesus Christ.
We are to be as bold as lions, and we are to learn how to walk in the anointing of God so that we can properly use the power and authority that God has already given to each one of us through His Holy Spirit.
The Bible makes it very clear as to what kind of big picture we all have to deal with. Each Christian thus has to make up their own personal mind as to how they will deal with this big picture and the war games that are really going on behind the scenes between God and the devil.
The apostle Paul could not have said it any better when he said that our real battle in this life is not with flesh and blood, but with principalities and powers, which are demons and demon powers.
You can either learn how to rise up and walk with the anointing and power of God in your life so as to be able to do battle against your enemies, whether they be demons or other evil people – or you can choose to hide your head in the sand and let demons and other evil people keep tearing you and your family to pieces.
See our other article, “Battle Verses of the Bible.” In this article, I give you 100 of the best battle verses from the Bible showing you that God the Father is a “Man of War,” that He does have a war side to His personality, and that He will not hesitate to go into battle for you and your close loved ones if you are willing to stand up and fight your enemies as a true soldier of Jesus Christ.
But before God can go into battle for you, you will first have to be willing to march onto that battlefield and face your enemy head on like David did with Goliath. The choice is yours.
In the “Testimonies” section of our site, we have several powerful testimonies from people who were taught how to directly engage with their enemies, and in several of these cases, their enemies were demonic spirits.
These people were all getting torn apart with what these demons were able to get away with – and this was all occurring because they did not know how to directly engage with them and how to drive them off them and their current situation.
Once we showed them how to go on the offensive and directly engage with these demons, every single one of them received complete and total deliverance – and in most of the cases, deliverance came within 24-48 hours. This is how powerful a thing it really is if you can learn how to go on the offensive against your enemies by operating under the authority, power, and guidance of God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
1. Demons Attacking – With No Legal Right To Be Doing So
For most Christians, this first level will be the one they will probably have to face the most from time to time. This first level is when a demon or a group of demons start to attack you from an outside position with no real legal right to be doing so.
Jesus Himself had to face Satan head on with this kind of an outside attack when God led Him into the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights. In that wilderness setting, Satan was allowed to literally tempt Jesus with three specific temptations.
If God allowed His Son to be tempted in this manner, then you know the chances are very good that many of us will have to face this same kind of demonic attack from time to time from this same kind of outside position.
We already have another article in our site titled, “Battle Command Against Demonic Spirits” in the “Spiritual Warfare” section of our site. In this article, I show you exactly how to deal with a demonic attack coming at you from this kind of an outside position. I also give you a good, basic, simple battle command that you can use to drive any demons off you that are attempting to come directly against you.
Jesus has already given us His power, His anointing, and His authority to cast out demons and to trample over all the power of our enemies.
It simply is a matter of each and every Christian being willing to take up his sword, which is the Word of God, and verbally command the demons to leave you in the name of Jesus Christ. It really is that simple in this first level of spiritual warfare in dealing direct with any kind of demonic attack.
2. Demons Attacking – As a Result of a Legal Right To Be Able To Do So
In this second level, things start to get much heavier. This second level is when demons start to come in for an attack, but this time they have a full legal right to be able to do so.
This is the realm that gets many Christians in trouble with demons. What happens in this second level is that the Christian has given some kind of legal right for the demons to be able to launch a full scale attack against them.
The Bible tells us from the Book of Job that we apparently have some kind of protective hedge around us that protects us from demonic spirits. If we did not have this kind of protective hedge, then you can bet that many more Christians would be coming under direct demonic attack. Here is the verse:
“Have You not made a HEDGE around him, around his household, and around all that he has on every side?” (Job 1:10)
As a result of this protective hedge, there appears to be some kind of spiritual law in operation that demons have to abide by. They may occasionally be able to come against you as described in level one, but they can easily be cast off from you by just issuing a good, basic, battle command – telling them they now have to leave you in the name of Jesus Christ once you realize that it really is them that have been attacking you.
However, what demons do is just wait for any Christian to cause a hole to occur in their protective hedge. And how do you cause a hole to occur in your protective hedge giving demons a legal right to be able to come directly after you? By engaging and crossing over into any direct sins and transgressions that are expressly forbidden by God the Father in His Word.
Obviously not every sin and transgression will cause a hole to occur in your protective hedge with the Lord. The Bible tells us that we are all sinners and that we have all fallen short of the glory of our God. This is why Jesus had to come down to die on the cross – to pay the penalty for all of those sins, and to be able to give us full forgiveness and a full pardon for all of our sins.
If demons had a legal right to be coming after us every single time we sinned or transgressed, then none of us would ever be safe from their attacks, and we would all be in a state of constant warfare with them.
However, what many deliverance ministers have found out in the actual battlefields when having to deal direct with real live demons – is that there are certain sins and transgressions that will give demons the legal right to be able to launch a full scale attack against a person, even if that person is already a Christian!
Once you become saved and born again through the Blood that Jesus has already shed for you on the cross, this does not give you the right or the license to be able to keep on sinning.
Though we have all been made perfectly righteous in the eyes of God as a result of Jesus’ righteousness now being imputed to us, we still have to make every effort on our end to stay on the righteous side of the fence in our walk with our Lord.
We have to do the best we can to try and live righteous lives and stay out of any serious sins and transgressions against our Lord – especially those of the heavier kind that will be listed below.
In this area of spiritual warfare, there are certain types of sins and transgressions that will give demons the legal right to be able to come directly after you if God should so choose to allow this to happen. If you choose to engage in some of these heavier sins, then you could possibly break the protective hedge that you have around you with the Lord.
The demons will then be quick to see that opening when it does occur, and they will waste no time in trying to come directly after you.
Demons just wait for people, especially Christians, to cross over into any kind of door-opening, hedge-breaking sin and transgression, which will then give them the full legal right to be able to launch an all-out, full scale attack on that person and their life.
When looking at what some of these kinds of sins and transgressions are, the first thing you will notice is that they are a much heavier type of sin and transgression.
Here are some of the heavier sins and transgressions, if committed with any type of frequency or intensity, that can get you into major trouble with the Lord where He will then pull back His hand of protection and cause a major hole to occur in your hedge – which will then give demons the full legal right to be able to start coming directly after you for a major attack.
As Christians, we can have absolutely no part in any of the following areas:
- The occult
- False religions or cults
- Any part of the New Age Movement
- Any type of Satan worshiping group
- Any involvement with abortion or the abortion industry
- Abusing alcohol
- Doing any type of drugs – including pot
- Any type of extreme verbal and/or physical abuse on your mate or children
- Any type of promiscuous, sexual lifestyle
- Any type of criminal activity
- Murder
- Bringing a cursed object into your home
If you will notice, all of these sins and transgressions are things that you have to do operating out of your own free will and volition against the Lord. These are not things that are being done to you or against you – these are all sins that you are doing and committing against the Lord all on your own volition. In other words, these are all direct willful sins being done against the Lord.
Each one of these areas are major, I repeat, major door openers to the dark side. All of these sins and behaviors are totally unacceptable in the eyes of God and He will not put up with any of His own engaging in any of this kind of activity!
In the areas having to do with the occult, we have another article in our site titled, “Dangers of the Occult.”
In this article, I give you all of the main verses from the Bible that will tell us that none of us can engage with anything having to do with the occult, and that if we do, we will risk having God set His face directly against us.
Deliverance ministers who deal with demons on a regular basis have all found out that some of the more evil and wicked demons in Satan’s hierarchy are demons that have attached to someone as a result of that person delving into some area of the occult. This is why God has given all of us such strict warnings in His Word that we can have absolutely nothing to do with any area of the occult – no exceptions!
If you have drawn demons into your life as a result of engaging in one or more of the above door-opening sins, then what you will have to do before you can cast the demons out of your life is that you will have to fully break all of their legal rights.
You will first have to realize that you have been sinning and transgressing directly against God by delving into any of the above areas.
Once you have full realization and understanding that these are all unacceptable sins and behaviors before God, then you will have to go before God, fully confess out each one of the transgressions as actual sins, and then fully renounce each one of them – telling God that you will never, ever go back into any of them ever again.
Then once each of these sin areas have been fully confessed and fully renounced before the Lord – then you can turn around, take the authority that God has given to you to trample over all the power of your enemy, and cast the demons off you for good.
What happens to some Christians, once they realize they have drawn demons into their lives as a result of being involved in some of the above sin areas – is that they will first try and cast the demons out before breaking their legal rights with God the Father. If you try and do this before you properly break their legal rights before God the Father, they will not go!
The reason for this is that they know they still have the full legal right to stay attached to you since their legal rights have not been properly confessed out, renounced, and broken before God the Father.
In the “Spiritual Warfare” section of our site, we have another article titled, “Battle Prayer to Break Legal Rights of Demons.” In this article, I give you a good, basic, battle prayer on how to go before God the Father and fully break all of the demon’s legal rights by properly confessing and renouncing these types of heavier sins.
In this article is a battle prayer that I had given to another woman who had drawn heavy demonic activity into her life as a result of engaging in some very heavy sins. This woman has given me permission to release the exact prayer that I had given to her so as to be able to help other people who may be having the same kind of problems with demons.
To any of you who may have drawn heavy demonic activity in your life as a result of engaging in some of these heavier sins – remember – the only sin that cannot be forgiven is a direct blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. All other sins and transgressions can be forgiven, no matter how bad, how vile, and how severe you think they may be.
If you are truly sorry for having engaged in this kind of activity, fully willing to confess and renounce all of this activity before God the Father – then God can fully forgive you and fully deliver you from these demons and restore order back into your life. This is not a hopeless situation.
The Bible tells us that God the Father is no respecter of persons – which means what He will do for one, He will do for another.
God has an equal and unconditional love for each person He has created, and He will thus work equally with each person who is willing to come to Him for their deliverance.
We have come across plenty of people who have drawn heavy demonic activity into their lives, and all of them were able to get fully delivered from the demons once they were taught how to fully break their legal rights.
Once you have fully broken all of the legal rights that the demons have been feeding and operating on, then you will be able to turn around and verbally command them to now leave you in the name of Jesus Christ. In this article, I give you both the prayer to go to God the Father with to break their legal rights, along with a good, basic, battle command to drive the demons off you for good!
3. Demons Attacking – As a Result of What Someone Else May Have Done to You
This particular area has always been one of the most bothersome areas that I have ever come across when investigating and researching this part of our walk with the Lord. It’s one thing to draw demons in on you as a result of your own sins and transgressions that you have committed against the Lord.
Most of the time in that area, you have nobody to blame but yourself for choosing to cross over into areas that you knew were forbidden territory by the Lord in the first place.
But this now brings us into the third major level when having to deal with direct attacks from demons. What happens in this area is that sometimes demons will be allowed to come in and attach themselves to a person as a result of what someone else may have done to that person.
Some examples of this would be women who have been raped, people who have been ritually abused in Satanic groups, people who have been victims of certain types of crimes and assault, women who may have been severely physically abused by their husbands or boyfriends, and children who have been severely abused by one or both parents – either physically or verbally.
When I first came across this phenomenon, I wondered why God could allow demons to attach themselves to people who have been horribly abused or wronged by another person. This person was usually completely innocent of sinning or transgressing against God.
So why would God allow demons to launch a full scale attack against the victim, especially if that victim is a born-again Christian? Christian woman are being molested, and physically beaten every day across this country.
What happens in some of these types of extreme cases is that demons, once they see that person being physically violated to this kind of an extreme degree, will realize that there might be a hole in that person’s hedge.
Once they see this kind of an opening, they will then try and move in to see if they can attach themselves to that person.
What demons are looking for in these kinds of extreme cases is what that person’s response is going to be to the violation.
If a woman has been raped, the demons will see if that person will start to exhibit and manifest emotions of hate, anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness.
God will obviously allow the person to have some of these kinds of emotions right after all of this has occurred as a result of the initial knee-jerk reaction most of us would have to this kind of severe trauma. I do not believe the demons can get a foothold into that person right off the bat.
But if that person does not start to work themselves out of these kinds of negative emotions over a certain period of reasonable time, then the demons will have something they can attach themselves too, and that something are the negative emotions of hate, bitterness, and extreme anger that will settle in that person’s mind, spirit, and emotions over a certain period of time.
And once the demons attach themselves to those kinds of negative emotions, they will then start to try and work it – trying to increase the frequency and intensity of those emotions.
If a person has drawn heavy demonic activity into their lives as a result of being the victim of some kind of extreme behavior from another person, then what that person will have to do before they can cast the demons out of them is to fully forgive the person who has viciously wronged them – no matter how evil and vicious that wrong may have been.
The Bible tells us that whenever we get ready to stand before the Lord to pray to Him, that we have to be willing to fully forgive anyone else who has ever trespassed against us – and that will include any vicious criminal who may have raped, assaulted or robbed you, or any violent and psychotic boyfriend or husband who may have physically abused you.
The Bible tells us that if we do not forgive others who may have trespassed against us, then God will not be forgiving us when we trespass against others.
And then to top it off, God may not even be willing to hear any of our personal prayers with the way He has this particular verse worded. And if He won’t hear any of our personal prayers, then we may have little or no chance on getting delivered from any type of demonic attack that may have come our way.
The first thing any good deliverance minister will do on these types of heavier cases is to make sure the person will be willing to fully forgive all of the people who have seriously wronged them in this life. Until this person is willing to fully forgive all of their trespassers, the demons cannot be cast out.
The demons have been feeding off those negative emotions for quite some time and as a result, a mental stronghold has developed in that person’s mind and thinking. To start God’s inner healing process, this person has to be willing to fully forgive the person or people who may have hurt them in these more extreme types of cases.
Once the person is willing to fully forgive all of their trespassers in the eyes of God, then that person can turn around and verbally engage with the demons, telling them that they now have to leave them in the name of Jesus Christ.
4. Demons Attacking – As a Result of a Generational Curse Line
Another very disturbing area in the realm of having to do battle with demonic spirits is the area where demons can sometimes jump from abusive and dysfunctional parents onto some of the children – trying to get some of the children to manifest the same aberrant and dysfunctional behavior of their parents.
A perfect example of this would be a severe alcoholic parent. The children grow up seeing and watching their parent live a good portion of their married life in this state. As a result of that parent crossing over into this kind of heavier sin area with the Lord, demons will be allowed to come in and attach themselves to the alcoholic parent.
And once they attach themselves to the alcoholic parent, they will then look to see if they can target anyone else in the family to attack.
Again, the children are completely innocent. They themselves are not an alcoholic. They have done nothing themselves to draw the demons onto their alcoholic parent. So why would God allow the demons to be able to jump onto some of the children to try and get them to do the same thing they have been able to get their dysfunctional parent to do?
In some of these types of extreme cases, one or two of the children could end up becoming alcoholics themselves.
What is happening behind the scenes in the spiritual realm is that the demons will try and get some of the children to move into this same kind of extreme activity, especially as they get older and move into their own marriages.
Demons cannot make you do anything. You will always have your free will to choose whether or not you will act out on their evil suggestions and promptings. All demons can do is try and persuade you to cross over into these kinds of extreme realms.
Many children who end up crossing over into some of these same extreme areas are really operating under heavy demonic influence. This is a perfect example of God telling us in His Word that His people will go into captivity for having lack of knowledge.
Many children are crossing over into the same extreme realms that their parents were walking in as a result of not having the appropriate knowledge to fully understand what is really going on behind the scenes in the spiritual realm.
Once again, God the Father gives us some keen insight from His Word as to why this kind of activity is being allowed to happen in some families. God tells us in His Word that the sins of the fathers can be visited down to 3 or 4 generations of future children.
Here is the verse where God is making this specific statement. This verse is from one of the actual 10 commandments, the second commandment.
“You shall not make for yourself any carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.” (Exodus 20:4-6)
Notice in this verse that God is using the word “visiting” – visiting the sins and iniquities of the father directly onto the children, traveling as far down as 3 or 4 generations of these future children.
What does God mean by the word “visiting?” I believe what God may be trying to tell us is that there will be severe consequences for certain types of sins and iniquities committed by parents of children. The Bible tells us that the “wages” of sin will be death.
If the father of a family is an extreme alcoholic, then the family could end up living in a miserable, oppressive and terrible environment. As a result of this kind of severe transgression against the Lord, the family could end up living in poverty.
As a result of living in poverty, the children may end up not getting the best education or the better opportunities to progress and grow into what God may have been calling them to become in Him in the first place. As a result of being raised up in this kind of a poor and oppressive environment, some of these children will never find God and what His purpose and divine plan would have been for their lives.
Some of them may end up becoming alcoholics themselves. And then from there, they will marry, and then they will end up treating everyone in their families in the same way their fathers had treated them. And then they have children, their children see and watch their dysfunctional behavior, and then some of them end up repeating the same behavior as they grow older and move into their own marriages.
You thus have the sin of one father being visited down several generations – all because no one knew how to break the curse line that had developed as result of the original sin from the first sinning alcoholic father.
All of this kind of negative activity could perfectly describe what God is trying to tell us in this verse. And then to possibly top it off, you have demons who will come in and feed off this kind of extreme behavior through the alcoholic parent, making everyone else’s life in the family miserable as a result.
You walk into these kinds of houses, and you can literally feel yourself walking into a dark oppressive cloud.
What happens in this kind of scenario in reference to actual demonic activity is that demons will target some of the children to go after. They will try and attach themselves to the child at an early age and start to try and pull them into this darker way of living.
If that child is a born-again Christian, they will try and sever the child’s personal relationship with the Lord. They will attack their mind, their emotions, and their sense of self-confidence and self-esteem. Many of these children grow up with low levels of self-esteem and self-confidence as a result of all the verbal abuse they have had to put up with from their dysfunctional parent or parents.
When the child gets old enough to leave the home, the demons will follow the child and will still try and stay attached to them. I have personally run across several woman who had demons following them into their adult life and literally attacking them on a periodic basis.
They would then command the demons to leave them in the name of Jesus, but that would only work for a short period of time, and then the demons would come back for additional attacks.
What is happening in the spiritual realm behind the scenes is that the demons apparently have developed enough of a legal right to stay attached to that child as a result of the sins and transgressions of the original sinning parent.
What the demons have now formed out as a result of the original parent’s severe transgressions against the Lord is a curse line between that parent and the child.
What this now means is that before you can cast the demons off you for good – you will first have to fully break the curse line that the demons have been feeding and operating on over all of those years from living with the original sinning parent.
A story I heard about a 16 year old girl with demons literally attacking her from time to time – and sometimes quite severely as a result of the demons who were on her natural father. What these demons were attempting to do was to jump and transfer down to her so they could then form out that curse line, which would then make it easier for them to be able to follow, torment, and harass her as she was growing into her adult life.
This girl was spiritually wise beyond her years. She had a very close powerful walk with her Lord and Savior, and she had quite a bit of knowledge on spiritual warfare. But what she could not figure out was why these demons were being allowed to chase after her and torment her like they had been doing for quite a number of years.
Once you know the background information on her and her family, it is very easy to spot where the demons were coming from. This article will explain to you how the father got the demons on him in the first place – and then how they were attempting to jump and transfer from him onto his daughter to form out a curse line so they could then continue to chase and follow after her into her adult life.
I believe that our God is a God of perfect order. I believe there are reasons for everything. For those who are seekers with the Lord, I believe many of the times God will give you answers as to why things are the way they are and why certain things happen the way they do.
Though we are all stuck with having to deal with the reality of demonic spirits in this life as a result of the curse Adam and Eve brought upon this earth, there is still a divine order in all of this and God is still running the entire show.
What I have personally found out in the area of spiritual warfare in having to deal direct with demonic spirits is that there are rules to the game, and there are limits as to how far they can go and how much they can get away with. For all Christians, there is complete deliverance from demons, no matter how bad and how hopeless the situation may look to you in the natural.
What we are trying to do with the spiritual warfare section of our site is to break these articles down accordingly so that you can pick and choose which ones will be best suited for the battle situation you may be forced to face.
In the area of having to deal direct with demons, I once again want to summarize your possible options per the articles we have done to date.
1. If demons are attempting to attack, harass, or torment you from an outside position, but have no real legal right to be doing so, it would be our recommendation that you read our article titled, “Battle Command Against Demonic Spirits.” A good, simple, basic battle command against these demons should do the trick and you should be able to drive them off of you very easily and very quickly.
2. If you have committed any type of door-opening sin and transgression against the Lord giving demons the full legal right to be able to come directly after you, we recommend that you read our article titled, “Battle Prayer to Break Legal Rights of Demons.”
Before you can verbally command the demons to leave you in the name of Jesus, you will first have to break their legal rights – and this article will give you a good, sample, battle prayer on how to properly do this with God the Father.
3. If you have had someone violate, abuse, or harm you in any type of extreme way, and have drawn demons into your life as a result of what that person or persons may have done to you, it would be our recommendation that you first read our article titled, “How to Handle Negative Feelings When Wronged by Someone Else.”
After you read this article and have made a commitment to the Lord to fully forgive all of your trespassers, then you can form out your own personal battle command as mentioned in the first two articles above, and then cast the demons off you for good.
4. If you have demons that have been nipping, attacking, tormenting or harassing you as a result of being raised up in a dysfunctional family where either one or both of your parents have committed some severe transgressions against the Lord, it would be our recommendation that you read our article titled, “Battle Prayer to Break a Generational Curse Line.”
This article will give you a step-by-step process on how to fully break the generational curse line that may have formed out from one or both of your dysfunctional parents – and then how to verbally command the demons to leave you in the name of Jesus Christ once you have properly broken that curse line with God the Father.
As I have said before, you do not want to get so paranoid and spooked that you are seeing demons around every possible corner.
But you also do not want to take the other extreme position and turn a blind eye and keep your head in the sand ignoring the reality of demons and the different ways in which they will operate.
Many of God’s people are getting torpedoed and taken out of this life way too early as a result of not having the appropriate knowledge on spiritual warfare and how to do battle with their enemies – whether those enemies be demons or other evil people in this life.
The Bible has made it very clear. God’s Word has told us that we have all been called to be good soldiers of Jesus Christ. Notice that God is using the word “good soldiers.” When God is using the word “good soldiers,” I believe He is meaning exactly what He is trying to tell us. Good soldiers are warriors and they know how to directly engage with their enemies if they have too. They are strong, bold, and fearless.
God tells us in His Word that He wants us to be as bold as lions and that we are to directly engage and cast out demons when we have too. He tells us that if we faint in the day of any kind of adversity, that our strength will be considered small in His eyes.
Per all of the Scripture verses I listed at the top of this article, Jesus Himself had specifically told the apostles to cast out demons every single time He commissioned them to go out and walk with His anointing. We are to save, heal, teach, disciple, and cast out demons when we do run across these types of extreme situations.
I believe God is looking to raise up more well-rounded, anointed soldiers in these last days to battle some of the more increasing evil that we are starting to see more of. As we approach Jacobs Trouble where this entire world will literally be ruled by a real, live, living Antichrist, I believe God will be pulling out all of the stops to try and get as many people delivered and repentant and on that Holiness train as He possibly can.
In order to do this, I believe God will be raising up an incredible army of anointed believers who will walk and fly with His supernatural power in a way that the world has never seen before and will never see again. Many of these anointed, chosen ones are being worked, trained, molded, and shaped right now into the eagles that God is calling them to become in Him.
Jesus says that the army spoken by the prophet Joel the prophet, will be the greatest army that God has ever raised up, that there never has been an army as mighty and powerful as this army is going to be, and that there will never be another one like it ever again.
I personally believe that this army could be coming out of our generation, and that our baby-boom generation may end up being the generation that will see and experience the Second Coming.
Recommended Reading
For those of you who would like more detailed information in this area of spiritual warfare, here are 7 very good books on this subject that I would highly recommend, with all of them being written by very creditable, anointed men and women of The Most High who are very experienced in this level of spiritual warfare and have learned much in the actual battlefields with demonic spirits.
All of these people are real pioneers in this area. The Bible tells us that we are to cast out demons, but it does not tell us exactly how to do it. Many of these people have had to learn how to do this all on their own as the Holy Spirit was guiding and teaching them along the way. As a result of all of their learning experiences, there is now an incredible amount of knowledge and revelation on this subject for those who want to learn more about it.
If I had to rate which one of these books would be considered the best at this time, I would definitely have to say the very first book I will list below. The title of this book is“Defeating Dark Angels” by Charles Kraft. This man gives the best, easiest, most logical, rational, and thorough analysis of this topic that I have seen to date. You cannot go wrong with this man’s teaching on this subject.
Two other books that are extremely good are “Healing Through Deliverance – Volumes 1 & 2” by Peter Horrobin.
Here are seven of the best books the Body of Christ has to date on this subject:
- Defeating Dark Angels
By Charles H. Kraft / Gospel Light - Healing through Deliverance, vol. 1: The Foundation of Deliverance Ministry
By Peter Horrobin / Baker - Healing through Deliverance, vol. 2: The Practice of Deliverance Ministry
By Peter Horrobin / Baker - How to Cast Out Demons: A Guide to the Basics
By Doris M. Wagner / Gospel Light - Pigs in the Parlor
by Frank Hammond, Ida M. Hammond - In The Name Of Satan How The Forces Of Evil Work And What You Can Do To Defeat Them by Bob Larson
- Larson’s Book of Spiritual Warfare
By Bob Larson / Thomas Nelson /
If any more good books on this subject become available, I will add them to this list.

Mental illness and Biblical Psychiatry:
1. Clinical Textbook of Biblical Psychiatry home page
3. Chemical Psychiatry is viciously anti-Christian and evolutionist ideology
4. Mental illness in the Bible
5. Mental illness and Chemical imbalances in the brain
6. Psychiatry harms and damages society
7. History of psychiatry is harm, destruction and fake science
8. Mental illness and genetics
9. Psychiatric drugs create chemical imbalances and harm in the brain
11. Mental illness casebook of biblical psychiatry diagnosis and treatment companion
13. DSM-5: Pervasive developmental disorders, learning, reading, writing, math, Autism, Aspergers
14. DSM-5: Affective mood disorders, depression, bipolar, manic-depressive
15. DSM-5: Physiological disturbances, physical factors, sleeping, eating, sexual disorders
16. DSM-5: Known physiological medical conditions
17. DSM-5: Anxiety, dissociative, stress, somatoform, phobia, OCD, hysteria
18. DSM-5: Adult deviant personality behavior, deviance
19. DSM-5: Psychoactive substance abuse, drugs, alcohol
20. DSM-5: Schizophrenia, paranoia, delusional disorder
21. DSM-5-ICD-10: Master index
22. Psychiatry and mental illness master index

Frank Hammond:
Frank Davis Hammond (Oct. 12, 1921 – March 17, 2005) was an author of Christian related books, particularly on deliverance ministry. In 1980 Hammond founded The Children’s Bread Ministry with his wife (and sometimes coauthor) Ida Mae Hammond. Hammond was an alumnus of Baylor University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Hammond taught that ethical issues such as resentment and gossiping – together with issues such as compulsive eating, forgetfulness, sex problems, and mental illness – were caused by demons requiring deliverance ministry, and that everybody required such deliverance. He and his wife Ida Mae have been called “perhaps the most influential practitioners of deliverance ministry.” Their 1973 book Pigs in the Parlor: A Practical Guide to Deliverance is one of the most influential on the topic, and has sold over a million copies. Hammond’s books helped to transfer the ideas of deliverance ministry into practical applications, in particular the concept of demonic influence including demonic possession that requires exorcism.
“Pigs in the Parlor” Audio Book with read along
“Pigs in the Parlor” pdf download
“Pigs in the Parlor” lectures

Without Spot Or Blemish Ministry is a Deliverance group. They are Hebrew Roots and have special insights that you will find very beneficial to your walk.

Pharmakeia = Witchcraft. Drugs, Black Magic & the End Times | Part One (ODD TV)

Fallen Angels are those Angelic beings that rebelled against Yah.
Nephilim are the offspring of Fallen Angels and human women, Genesis 6.
Demons are the spirits of Nephilim when they die. The are persons without a body.

Exorcisms aren’t as dramatic as Hollywood portrays. Most possessed people like their demons because they give power, protection, control, money, fame…But some possessions are quite dramatic, with psychic wounds, words of prophecies, knowledge of people that they have never met, able to speak ancient languages they’ve never learned, super human strength.