

–[ 21 MIN READ] You won’t find in history books: After WW2, Czechs bestially tortured and murdered innocent civil people – Sudeten Germans You can read the whole book about it online for free: Ingomar Pust: “Cries From Hell, Unheard”http://www.wintersonnenwende.com/scriptorium/english/archives/sginferno/sgi01.html I chose just some parts of that book to let you know what is true, but tabu and most people […]


Elizabeth Dilling and the Great Sedition Trials

–[ 5 MIN READ] One day an awakened United States will emerge from the Jewish chrysalis. Pennsylvania Avenue will then perhaps be renamed Elizabeth Dilling Avenue. Today, slumbering in their Jewish shroud, few Americans have heard of a lady who should replace the Statue of Liberty. Elizabeth Dilling (1894 –1966) was a publisher; she headed the Patriotic Research Bureau

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Why did kristallnacht happen?

–[ 4 MIN READ] Jews arrested following Kristallnacht were forced to walk through the streets with a sign reading, “God does not forgive us.” Chronology of events leading to Kristallnacht; Under Treaty of Versailles 1919, Jewish Bankers cut Germany in pieces and gifted it to other nations. A piece of Germany – Alsace-Lorraine was gifted to France, a piece of Germany – Eupen and

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10 Reasons the ‘Holocaust’ Never Happened

–[ 7 MIN READ] Over the last 40 years or so, due to the efforts of a small handful of extremely courageous Real Historians (often called “revisionists” but that term doesn’t really apply, it more aptly applies to the Cultural Marxists who’ve lied to us about our history), the truth about the so-called “holocaust” has slowly come out. And

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Morgenthau Plan to Justify the murder of millions of Europeans after WW2

–[ 7 MIN READ] John Wear Date: August 23, 2018Author: Reclaim History 9 million is a conservative estimate… a minimum of 1.5 million German POWs, 2.1 million German expellees, and 5.7 million German residents needlessly died after the war. This is far more Germans than died during the Second World War. Millions of these Germans slowly starved to death while the

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Holocaust Evidenced as Hoax

–[ 13 MIN READ] Creating peace and goodwill by telling the truth and defending the innocent The Holocaust is a deeply anchored belief even in people who know very little about it. We can see that not only does disbelief in the Holocaust myth threaten modern Jewish identity as shaped by political Zionism, but for others it brings into

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The New World Order

–[ 3 MIN READ] “They say “the winner’s write history,” and it is absolutely true; the most egregious example in modern times has to be the mainstream (mis)understanding of Adolf Hitler and pre-WWII Germany. Adolf Hitler was actually a vegetarian, animal-lover, an author, an artist, a political activist, economic reformer and nominated for a Nobel Peace prize. He enacted

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