Spy cables El Al Airlines used as front for Israeli intelligence
–[ < 1 MIN READ]
–[ < 1 MIN READ]Apr 5, 2015 U.S. former President Jimmy Carter reveals the truth about Israel. Israel is invading the Palestine LAND Look how the commentator tries to divert the President’s focus when he talks the truth. “…Land which belongs to Palestinians NOT Israeli-an “ In 2007, Jimmy Carter spoke with Democracy Now! and described the situation in Israel-Palestine as “apartheid.”
–[ < 1 MIN READ]Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, sometimes transliterated as Dostoyevsky (1821-1881), was a Russian novelist, short story writer, political essayist and historical journalist. Numerous literary critics regard him as one of the greatest novelists in all of world literature, as many of his works are considered highly influential masterpieces. Aaron Kasparov: https://www.bitchute.com/video/FngLajp6lHY6
–[ < 1 MIN READ]The Spy Cables captured headlines the world over – and was described as massive and unprecedented in newspapers as far afield as China as South America. Evidence that the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu misled the United Nations lead news in a number of countries. The CIA’s desire to talk to Hamas; snooping on the
–[ 3 MIN READ]THE WIZARD OF OZ = THE CROWN TEMPLE This is not a mere child’s story written by L. Frank Baum. What symbol does “Oz” stand for? Ounces…Gold, what is the yellow brick road? Bricks or ingot bars of gold. The character known as the Straw Man represents that fictitious ALL CAPS legal fiction – a
–[ < 1 MIN READ]1666 Redemption Through Sin by Robert Sepehr (PDF) https://ia801901.us.archive.org/3/items/1666-redemption-through-sin-global-conspi-robert-sepehr/1666-Redemption-Through-Sin-Global-Conspi-Robert-Sepehr.pdf The Satanic Cult That Rules the World https://www.savethemales.ca/the_satanic_cult_that_rules_th.html The influence of Sabbatian Frankism on the World http://www.renegadetribune.com/influence-sabbatian-frankism-world/ The Constantinople Letter of 1489 https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/TheConstantinopleLetterOf1489:4 The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling / Chapter I. THE PHARISEES, THE TALMUD, AND MODERN JUDAISM (Full book) https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/DillingTheJewishReligion-ThePlotAgainstChristianity:0 Sabbatean-Frankism as the Paradigm of the
–[ < 1 MIN READ]If the Devil hates Yeshua what do you think the children of the Devil will think? Today I wanted to talk about the Biblical doctrine, I feel like this is an important topic to cover because we are living in an age where most people don’t fully understand the importance of Bible doctrine. I also
–[ < 1 MIN READ]Kanye West, truthunedited
–[ < 1 MIN READ]The Jewish rap music owners weaponized black music to make Black people bad fathers, violent, drug pushers, against family, degenerate players and hustlers.
–[ < 1 MIN READ]In recent weeks, a number of Black people have come under attack from the Jewish community have been charged with anti-semitism. This is not a new situation. Pan-Afrikan activists and historians have consistently come under attack for challenging the legitimacy of the State of Israel and highlighting the role of Jews in the Trans-Atlantic Enslavement
–[ < 1 MIN READ]Israeli Minister – We Always Use the “AntiSemitism” Trick or Bring Up the Holocaust
–[ 2 MIN READ] https://www.bitchute.com/video/A1ehSmk00fV4/Israel Army in Ukraine, Zionist Bank$ter Harvesting Organs from Murdered Ukrainians and Russians,the transcript from Dr Irene Caesar’s Tellegram message,This truth explains why the so-called “Ukrainian”, but, in reality, — Israeli military forces on the territory of “Ukraine” are bombing the Ukrainian citizens themselves, and were bombing them for 8 (!) years already on the
–[ < 1 MIN READ]Covid vaccine depopulation and Adult Sudden Death Syndrome
–[ < 1 MIN READ]NEVER watch Jewish controlled media. TURN OFF THE TELEVISION… don’t even watch Jewish propaganda on internet outlets.
–[ < 1 MIN READ]Russo-Ukraine is owned by the elite Jew, lock stock and barrel.
–[ 6 MIN READ]08.40 chicken bones09.41 deputy leader questioned14.01 disguises16.35 cruel bastards to pigs16.59 cop treats dog bad17.58 cops abuse power21.47 dr Peterson Peier23.52 active denial weapon25.26 Ukraine faking it25.57 stronger joints26.48 swollen ankle27.09 swab tests30.35 p900 star31.47 fire and brimstone32.45 DNA is it a hard drive36.38 worm thing39.13 screen time exercise40.21 shame on the vaxxed44.02 vegan chocolate
–[ 17 MIN READ]By means of the press [Jewish control] and by their great wealth, the Jews are able to stifle any impartial investigation into ritual murder.–Thomas Burbage 1916 “Alilath Seker” a slush found in today terms, provided bribe money and expenses [for Jews] to combat blood accusations.–Dr Philip Devier, “Blood Ritual” “A secret fund, the Alilath Seker
–[ 22 MIN READ]The Jews work very hard to keep Satanists/Pagans from being heard when speaking of the Jewish crimes against humanity. The most you’ll usually find regarding the truth about the Jewish ritual murders are from Christians. In the Talmud and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Jews have replaced the term Gentile (Pagan/Satanist, who’s
–[ < 1 MIN READ]Digression on Jews. Name of the author: Cassius Dio. Date: 207 CE to 229 CE. Language: Greek. Category: Roman and Greek. Literary genre: History. Meanwhile the Jews in the region of Cyrene had put one Andreas at their head and were destroying both the Romans and the Greeks. They would cook their flesh, make belts for themselves of their entrails, anoint themselves with
–[ < 1 MIN READ]The Jews and their lies, preached by Pastor Steven Anderson. It has been pulled by YouTube and I have taken the opportunity to re-upload this video due to its vital importance.
–[ < 1 MIN READ]THE ATTACK ON THE USS LIBERTY BY THE TERRORIST STATE OF ISRAEL – WHAT EVERY AMERICAN MUST KNOW https://www.trunews.com/stream/six-day-war-massacre-uss-liberty-veterans-reveal-truth-about-israeli-attack-part-1https://www.trunews.com/stream/six-day-war-massacre-uss-liberty-veterans-reveal-truth-about-israeli-attack-part-2 John Stadtmiller’s The National Intel Report Hour 1John Stadtmiller’s The National Intel Report Hour 2 Michael Rivero’s What Really Happened Rick Adams’s Rick Adams Uncensored Part 1Rick Adams’s Rick Adams Uncensored Part 2 Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad Radio Deanna Spingola’s Spingola Speaks Kyle Hunt’s The Solar Storm USS Liberty bench
–[ < 1 MIN READ]Cheryl Hersha Beck was born into a Bloodline Illuminati family. Sold into child pornography, abused by the cult, and given to the CIA for MKUltra training. Hear her story and how she survived. https://assets.website-files.com/5b53d84645c6a350274a79a0/5d5d48bfbbbfb93959214b6a_eyes-wide-open-_fiona-barnett_first-edition_august-2019%20(1).pdf
–[ < 1 MIN READ]James Wickstorm dives deep into freemasony, and the demonic Jews that founded it.
–[ 161 MIN READ]by Ernest L. Martin People assume that Judaism is the religion of Moses — that Yeshua brought a message opposed to the Old Testament — that he came to nullify the teaching of Moses. It is taken for granted that the New Testament presents a Gentile religion and that the Old Testament teaches Judaism! Yet
–[ < 1 MIN READ]19 We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.~1John 5 🧵Tucker Carlson is speaking at tonight’s Republican National Convention …so let’s talk about Tucker We know the mainstream media is compromised but I’m amazed somepeople think someone that’s worked for that same MSM for
–[ 2 MIN READ]If you are a nationalist in the West/Anglosphere, you are pretty much guaranteed to hear people singing the praises of Soviet Russia’s dictator Vladimir Putin. Despite him being an admitted “former” KGB spymaster, many see Putin as a bulwark against what many call “Globohomo.” The truth is that Putin is one of the most anti
–[ < 1 MIN READ]The Architects Of Western Decline Political Correctness -William Lind Anti-Neocon Report -interview Conservative Citizens Foundation -Applied Marxism ConservativeAmmo.com “The Frankfort School” Vertigo Politics -Cultural Marxism “Minority Rule” -Byron Jost
–[ 4 MIN READ]It is time to test this added Feast which does not appear in scripture and which story does not originate in the Bible. Is there Biblical precedence for a Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) in December? When were the 1st and 2nd Temple dedicated? What is the origin of the December Festival of Lights now associated
–[ 9 MIN READ]Chanukah: Some Disturbing Things You May not Know Chanukah- I would like to share some facts with you that you may not be aware of and need to know in order to make the fully informed decision of whether or not you and your family should celebrate it. 1) The rabbinic blessing for lighting the
–[ < 1 MIN READ]JEWS EXPLAIN THEY ARE COMMANDED TO EXTERMINATE WESTERN CIVILIZATION https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/JEWS-EXPLAIN-THEY-ARE-COMMANDED-TO-EXTERMINATE-CHRISTIANS:c@2:40 min. mark; rabbi on shooting Christians: Israeli Spies + Blackmailed Politicians + Controlled Media = A Conquered America – KMN https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/Israeli-Spies-+-Blackmailed-Politicians-+-Controlled-Media—A-Conquered-America—KMN:cJudaism’s NWO plans: GENOCIDE “Edom” = ALL Europeans! https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/Judaism%E2%80%99s-NWO-plans-GENOCIDE-%E2%80%9CEdom%E2%80%9D-ALL-Europeans!:cHistory of Khazars And Russia https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/History-of-Jewish-Khazars-And-Russia:aThe Jewish Crucifixion Of [Christian] Russia – Documentary https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/The-Jewish-Crucifixion-Of-Chrisitan-Russia:8The Jews, Communism & the (((Russian))) Revolution – Hervé Ryssen https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/The-Jews-Communism-Russian-(Jewish)-Revolution:2Rabbi Explains Shocking
–[ < 1 MIN READ]Would you think it weird if I were to tell you France moved the Capitol of Mexico to Panama without the consent of the Panamanians? Then how weird is it that Trump, a US President moved the Capitol of Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem? https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/chrislam-abraham-accord-between-israel-uae-was-missing-link-needed-to-launch-pope-francis-abrahamic-faiths-initiative/
–[ < 1 MIN READ]Dr. David Duke narration explains Jewish control and global domination from media to white genocide.
–[ 2 MIN READ]Margaret Huffstickler is Carolyn’s guest. She gives us a detailed examination of new information coming forth about the guilt of Alfred Dreyfus, the Jew in the center of the French fiasco known as “The Dreyfus Affair” that lasted from 1894 to 1906. Dreyfus was found guilty of treason, but later exonerated because of the untiring,
–[ 6 MIN READ]by Henry Makow Ph.D. On May 1, 1989, a “nice Jewish girl”, age 29, Vicki Polin appeared on the Oprah Show and said her family was part of a satanic cult that dates back to the 1700’s. Although they appear to be upstanding citizens — lawyers, doctors, police officers etc. — they engage in Satanic
–[ < 1 MIN READ]https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/one-in-five-english-people-believe-covid-is-a-jewish-conspiracy-survey-629187 https://kingdomtruther.com/the-pandemic-hoax-covid-19-vaccines-and-the-great-reset/ https://kingdomtruther.com/the-water-covid19-treatment-is-cobra-venom/ An in-depth analysis of Covid origins, the overall plan, and who is behind it. This 4 part series is heavily cited with verifiable evidence and leaves no questions unanswered.
–[ 3 MIN READ]WHY KABBALAH IS SATANIC Kabbalah citations from the comments section here. (Freemasons also identify as “Jews”) Source: https://circleofthedolphins.wordpress.com/2020/07/17/henry-makow-kabbalah-explains-scamdemic-new-world-order/ Judaism Revealed Traditions Of The Jews By Johann Andreas Eisenmenger, 1700
–[ < 1 MIN READ]Israeli author Yossi Gurvitz shares some very eyeopening insights on Judaism, that’s it is not based on the Torah, but on the Talmud, what Israelis really think about Christians and more.For further studies:Dilling I: The Pharisees, the Talmud, and Modern Judaism: http://www.come-and-hear.com/dilling/chapt01.htmlJesus in the Talmud by Peter Schafer http://esau.today/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/1-schafer-jesus-in-the-talmud.pdfThe Truth About The Talmud – A Documented Exposé
–[ 5 MIN READ]“Some call it Marxism – I call it Judaism.” –Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935 “The revolution in Russia is a Jewish revolution” –The Maccabean (New York), Nov. 1905, p, 250 “Jewry is the mother of Marxism.” –Le Droit de Vivre, May 12, 1936 “Judaism is Marxism, communism” –Harry
–[ 2 MIN READ]Part 1 Part 2 Regarding ‘Smithy’, note the Fabian Society’s stain-glass window w/ Edward R. Pease, Sidney Webb & Bernard Shaw forging a ‘new world’: https://modernhistoryproject.org/mhp?Article=FabianSociety&C=1.0More information on the Fabian Society: http://www.forbiddensymbols.com/fabian-society/A must read: The Constantinople Letter of 1489: https://fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/the-constantinople-letter-of-1489/276417An end to Evil – Reishis goyim Amalek / “Maamar Reishit Goyim Amalek – An End To Evil –
–[ 4 MIN READ]A Few Babylonian-Talmud Excerpts & Resources “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.” -Libbre David 37This one is called “false Talmud”, however, its just a misspelling of the
–[ < 1 MIN READ]This video is a mirror of “Chabad Lubavitch NWO Movement – They Are Everywhere!” via Shaking My Head Productions. They have more details in their description section https://odysee.com/@shakingmyheadproductions:2/chabad-lubavitch-nwo-movement-they-are:8Sex Cult of Frank, Weishaupt & Rothschild, founders of the Illuminati [Sabbatean-Frankists] https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/Sex-Cult-of-Frank,-Weishaupt,-and-Rothschild:5C. Bjerknes on the satanic Sabbateans, their NWO Plans & Deceptions https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/Bjerknes-on-the-satanic-Sabbateans’-their-NWO-Plans:d1666 Revisited [Sabbatean-Frankists] – ROBERT SEPEHR (More info below.) https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/1666-Revisited—ROBERT-SEPEHR:e1666 Sabbatean-Frankist Illuminati
–[ < 1 MIN READ]1666, Redemption Through Sin by Robert Sepehr [PDF] https://ia801901.us.archive.org/3/items/1666-redemption-through-sin-global-conspi-robert-sepehr/1666-Redemption-Through-Sin-Global-Conspi-Robert-Sepehr.pdf1666 Sabbatean-Frankist Illuminati History – Robert Sepehr C. Bjerknes on the satanic Sabbateans, their NWO Plans & Deceptions
–[ < 1 MIN READ]Jewish Kabbalah, Zohar: ‘Exterminate All Non-Jews’ https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/Jewish-Kabbalah-Zohar-‘Exterminate-All-Non-Jews’:3Judaism is Anti-Gentile & Exploits Non-Jews https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/Judaism-is-Anti-Gentile-Exploits-Non-Jews:6Judaism’s NWO plans: GENOCIDE “Edom” = ALL Europeans! https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/Judaism%E2%80%99s-NWO-plans-GENOCIDE-%E2%80%9CEdom%E2%80%9D-ALL-Europeans!:cThis IS Judaism; Insights from ‘Out of this Universe Rabbi’ https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/ThisIsJudaism,InsightsFrom’OutOfThisUniverseRabbi’:7What the Jews Think About the Gentiles by Phil Young https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/WhatTheJwsThinkAboutTheGentiles-Phil-Young:dCandid Israeli author, Yossi Gurvitz: ‘When Israel Is Mighty’ (more info below video) https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/Yossi-Gurvitz–When-Israel-Is-Mighty:cWhy I Left Judaism, Brother Nathanael https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/WhyILeftJudaism,BrotherNathanael:6A Few Babylonian-Talmud
–[ < 1 MIN READ]Part 1 Part 2
–[ 2 MIN READ]JEWS EXPLAIN THEY ARE COMMANDED TO EXTERMINATE WESTERN CIVILIZATION https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/JEWS-EXPLAIN-THEY-ARE-COMMANDED-TO-EXTERMINATE-CHRISTIANS:cRabbi: Gentiles Are The Worlds Garbage https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/jews-believe-they-are-gods:e@2:40 min. mark; rabbi on shooting Christians: Israeli Spies + Blackmailed Politicians + Controlled Media = A Conquered USA https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/Israeli-Spies-+-Blackmailed-Politicians-+-Controlled-Media—A-Conquered-America—KMN:cChabad Lubavitch Rabbi: “The messiah will return only once Edom -Europe, Christianity –will be totally destroyed” https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/Chabad-Lubavitch-Rabbi–The-messiah-will-return-only-once-Edom–Europe,-Christianity-%E2%80%93will-be-totally-destroyed:0Jewish Kabbalah, Zohar: ‘Exterminate All Non-Jews’ https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/Jewish-Kabbalah-Zohar-‘Exterminate-All-Non-Jews’:3Judaism is Anti-Gentile & Exploits
–[ 3 MIN READ]NARCISSISTIC PSYCHOPATHY This Rabbi explains that it is acceptable for a Jew to allow a non-Jew to die even if giving help is possible. One of the best windows into the Jewish racial spirit (the biological Jew) is Narcissistic Psychopathy: According to the DSM-5, those with NPD exhibit 5 or more of the following traits:
–[ < 1 MIN READ]Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
–[ 21 MIN READ]You won’t find in history books: After WW2, Czechs bestially tortured and murdered innocent civil people – Sudeten Germans You can read the whole book about it online for free: Ingomar Pust: “Cries From Hell, Unheard”http://www.wintersonnenwende.com/scriptorium/english/archives/sginferno/sgi01.html I chose just some parts of that book to let you know what is true, but tabu and most people
–[ 5 MIN READ]One day an awakened United States will emerge from the Jewish chrysalis. Pennsylvania Avenue will then perhaps be renamed Elizabeth Dilling Avenue. Today, slumbering in their Jewish shroud, few Americans have heard of a lady who should replace the Statue of Liberty. Elizabeth Dilling (1894 –1966) was a publisher; she headed the Patriotic Research Bureau
–[ < 1 MIN READ]This is a video explaining whether or not the Egyptian pyramids were built before the flood of Noah’s day. It also deals with issues with the accuracy of the Hebrew Masoretic text verses the Greek Septuagint, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Tower of Babel, the age of the Earth, an extra Cainan in Jesus’ genealogy,
–[ < 1 MIN READ]The Jew, Arron Russo exposes the evil Federal Reserve system
–[ 2 MIN READ]This documentary shows how “The Kinsey Reports” have been used to change the laws concerning sex crimes in America, resulting in the minimal sentences so often given to rapists and pedophiles. Further explained is that the Kinsey data laid the foundation for sex education — training teachers, psychologists and even Catholic priests in human sexuality.
–[ < 1 MIN READ] 6 Why Are The Jews So Afraid Of This? Thomas Sewell speaks on why Jews force themselves on other nations
–[ < 1 MIN READ] Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia
–[ 3 MIN READ]Dr. Areilla Oppenheim of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, conducted the first comprehensive DNA study of Israelis and Palestinians in 2001. She concluded that Ashkenazi Jews were of Mongolian 40% and Turkish 40% genome. There was no Semitic blood connecting them to the original Middle Eastern Hebrews of 3,500 years ago in Jerusalem or Biblical
–[ 29 MIN READ]Reasons for the expulsion of Jews throughout history What ‘Q’ Would Never Tell You…The Shocking Truth Behind the Conspiracy Theories Editor’s Note: The history of the Khazarians, specifically the Khazarian Mafia (KM), the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian Money-Magick, has been nearly completely excised from
–[ 7 MIN READ]Communist China was created by Rothschilds and their agents October 1 1949, Mao Tse Tsung declared the founding of the People’s Republic of China in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. He was funded by Rothschild created Communism in Russia and also the following Rothschild agents: Solomon Adler, a former United States Treasury official who was a Soviet
–[ 4 MIN READ]If humanity didn’t have the Jewish blessings for the last 100 years: There was a Rabbi by the name of Carl Marx, he developed a type of political Judaism called Communism. This belief system is responsible for over 500 million cold-blooded genocidal murders beginning in Red Russia, after the Jews killed the Czar and his
–[ 4 MIN READ]Around 60 b.c. The Roman Triumvirate Pompey brought Judea under Roman Rule. He pushed all the Judaites into the areas of Galilee, Jericho and Jerusalem. Then he settled Greeks and Syrians in the rest of the land of Palestine. Originally, Galilee was settled by the tribe of Benjamin who always followed the tribe of Judah. A few years earlier, Hyranicus, a
–[ 3 MIN READ]It would appear that Jews are behind every evil in the world. I will eventually put links to each of these claims, and I don’t even have half of the atrocities committed by Jews listed yet. 👉 They were the Pirates of the Barbary Coast👉 Not biologically related to Abraham of the bible👉 Deliberately Corrupted
–[ 5 MIN READ]Jews: The REAL perpetrators of slavery Elizabeth Donnan “Documents Illustrative of the History of the Slave Trade To America”https://archive.org/details/documentsillustr00donnhttps://archive.org/details/documentsillustr00donn_0https://archive.org/details/documentsillustr00donn_1https://archive.org/details/documentsillustr00donn_2 White people are singled out in the media as the perpetrators of slavery. But after extensive research we can see that this is not true at all. In fact, the opposite is true. Having said that,
–[ 6 MIN READ]EVERYONE NEEDS TO WATCH THIS!! The Protocols Of Zion Full Movie Rabbi Yaron Reuven ex-Wall Street Hedge Fund Manager and Jewish Rabbi explains. ‘Nazi’ is a Jewish term fabricated by Jewish American Konrad Heiden as WWII war propaganda, derived from Ashkenazi Jew. “THE JEWISH PLAN TO CONQUER THE GENTILES & RULE THE WORLD EXPOSED (PART 1)