Bible Prophecy SINCE 1798

--[ 17 MIN READ]

How much of Bible Prophecy is modern day HISTORY?

With eschatology there are 3 main views. Futurism, Preterism, and Historicism, of which Futurism and Preterism were developed and promoted greatly by Jesuit Catholics as part of their Counter-Reformation attacks upon the Church. The Catholic “Church” held great power and perverted the words of the Bible, she murdered 160-200 million authentic Saints of the Most High God. In those days, there was no light, no word of God during this period, that is why it is called “The Dark Ages”, Bibles were against the law and called for the death penalty, also, one must confirm the Trinity, Sacraments, keep Sunday as Sabbath, proclaim the Pope as God on earth, etc…

If you were not part of the Holy Roman Empire, then you were likely called an Arian. And those inside the Roman boundaries who held anti-Catholic truths are known by the provence they lived in or founding fathers, such as the Waldenses, Abernathys, Huguenots, and many others peoples, most were tortured or exterminated as Martyrs.

Historicism reaches behind the Preterists and over the Futurists as an umbrella eschatology. So there is overlap in Prophetic views, but its interpretation of the timeline and events are more logically spread out to account for significant points of History. This is especially true with the Papacy, world dominating power, and mass slaughter of the authentic Children of God.

What Bible Prophecy happened in 1798?

The year 1798 holds significant importance in Historicism, a method of interpreting biblical prophecy that sees prophecy as unfolding in history over time. This date is particularly tied to interpretations of the Book of Daniel and Revelation, and is often connected with the papacy, the 1260-year prophecy, and the fall of political-religious power.

The 1260-Year Prophecy

End of the 1260 Years in 1798

  • In 1798, during the French Revolution, Napoleon Bonaparte sent General Louis-Alexandre Berthier to Rome. Berthier took Pope Pius VI captive and declared the Papal States a republic. This event is seen by Historicists as fulfilling the prophecy of the “deadly wound” to the papacy.

    Rev 13:3 
    And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. 
  • The papacy’s power was effectively curtailed, marking the end of the 1260-year prophetic period. And the end to the long and the many tortures and murders perpetrated onto Gods Children by the Catholics.

Deeper dive into this Prophecy by David Wilcoxson:

The Second Thing Napoleon Bonaparte Did During the French Revolution

Napoleon let the Jews roam without bound, share in “rights” intended for humans, have full reign of Government and Economics’, run banking, bribe at will, breed with Image Bearers, live where they want, not have to disclose to locals they were “Jew”… and let loose on the whole earth. Modern day people who call themselves “Jews” are of no biological relation to the Biblical Hebrews.

Please understand, modern day Jews don’t have a drop of Hebrew Blood

Prior to Napoleon, Jews had been expelled from 109 countries. In 1700s France, they were allowed to exist in a walled city, they had to all be inside before Nightfall. Because they are known to eat gentile children, this practice is known as “Blood Libel”.

Blood Libel is a Jewish ritual of harvesting Adrenaline from Gentile children. They use this drug (Adrenochrome) to restore a disease that affects almost exclusively Ashkenazi Jews. They also use the flesh and bone of humans for their medicine. Its VERY expensive, and many wealthy and celebrity types also use this drug.
Tay-Sachs Disease, Gaucher Disease, Bloom Syndrome, Canavan Disease, Familial Dysautonomia, Niemann-Pick Disease (Type A), Fanconi Anemia (Type C), Mucolipidosis IV
Non-Jews who get these diseases are also mostly likely of “Jew” genome, Jews have a long history of disguising their identity to infect host countries, they are called “Crypto-Jews“.

Usury is another reason Jews had to be monitored and facilitated. Usury is FORBIDDEN in the Bible, but Jews don’t follow the Bible, they follow their holy book called Talmud. Usury was also illegal in all parts of Europe, but Jews have no respect for their host countries.

Napoleon now learned what many rulers before and after had learned: that kindness towards the Jews does not make them more governable or trustable. But after some years of being given the freedom to crypto-assimilate with people, that the Jews began again to practice their unspeakable crimes, Napoleon realized his mistake. He said speaking of the Jews, “A nasty people, cowardly, and cruel, the most contemptible of all peoples”

I believe Napoleon was a tool of freemasonry and that he tried to install the old monarchy money system against the new rising money lending Rothschild syndicate… There are many quotes from him that back his vision of a sound money system independent from the interest bearing currency ; the French Napoleon gold currency and the bimetalic system was stable for over a century (until WWI…)

250 years of Jewish Blessings

👉 They were the Pirates of the Barbary Coast

👉 Not biologically related to Abraham or the Hebrews of the bible

👉 Deliberately Corrupted the Old Testament with the Masoretic Text (Leningrad Codex)

👉 Dual Citizenships (Israeli/American) infest all the key offices in American Government

Countries who allow Dual Citizens to hold office in their coutries
are committing TREASON

👉 LBGQ+Pedo organizers and lobbyist

👉 Cultural Marxism (Frankfort School)

👉 Jewish plan to reduce Human population to 500 million and make slaves of the survivors (for their demon “Messiah” whom they call “Metatron”)

👉 Responsible for the brutal murders of 500 million people in the East (Asians) in the last century.
👉 Responsible for the Holodomor
👉 Usury and debt economy
👉 Funds Abortion lobby
👉 Evolution Theory

👉 Long History of incredibly evil behavior

👉 Planned WW1 (17 years before) – Started WW1
👉 Instigated a genocide of Hungarians
👉 Own the Media (all 6 Hollywood studios, magazines, Newspapers, Social platforms, School Textbooks)

👉 Bolshevik Jews Murdered 80 million Christians in Russia
👉 “Kalergi Plan” to exterminate all White People whom they believe is responsible for Christianity.
👉 ISIS and Al-Qaeda is funded and covertly operated by Mossad
👉 Own the porn industry and use it to demoralize
👉 NGOs to carry out Jewish goal of world domination
👉 Control Wall Street
👉 Control the school system
👉 Control the FBI

👉 Control the CIA
👉 Controlled the KGB
👉 Ran the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and now blame it on whites
👉 Noahide laws that usurp Biblical Law and the Law of Man

👉 Started the Russian Revolution – Killed 50-67 million Christians
👉 Started the French Revolution
👉 Started the Spanish Revolution
👉 Started the German Revolution (The November Revolution)
👉 Started WW2 – blamed the Germans
👉 Invented an entirely fabricated story called “Holocaust”
👉 Ethnically cleansed Palestine Semites
👉 Stole Israel in 1948 after the Rothschild-Balfour Declaration
👉 Changed the immigration policies in western countries in 1965
👉 Attacked The USS Liberty
👉 Attacked The USS Cole
👉 Attacked The Twin Towers
👉 Sent American sons to die for Israel in pointless, middle eastern wars
👉 Lied about WMDs in Iraq and repeated the above
👉 Were the first to give a white woman an abortion in Montreal
👉 Invented communism
👉 Invented the “Frankfurt School”
👉 Invented apartheid in South Africa
👉 Invented the abortion pill
👉 Invented feminism
👉 Invented the Homosexual movement
👉 Invented the pride movement
👉 Invented and runs the ADL
👉 Invented freemasonry
👉 Invented Black Lives Matter
👉 Invented the NAACP
👉 Invented Antifa
👉 Invented The KKK
👉 Invented NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association)
👉 Invented a climate disaster 3 times (global cooling, global warming, climate change)
👉 Founded: “The Church of Satan” (Jew Anton LaVey)
👉 Founded: “The Satanic Temple” (Jew Malcolm Jarry)
👉 Wrote: “The Satanic Bible” (Jew Anton LaVey)
👉 Wrote: “The Satanic Witch” (Jew Anton LaVey)
👉 Invented fake viruses
👉 Invented fake and lethal vaccines
👉 Put phytoestrogen (soy oil) in corporate baby formula (for males)
👉 Put all of the fluoride in the water
👉 Use mercury to fill people’s teeth
👉 Are expelled from 111 countries (Afghanistan & Yemen recently)

👉 Demoralize the earth
👉 Are satanic
👉 Are called the synagogue of Satan by the greatest man to ever have walked the earth
👉Invented Communism
👉Invented Fascisms
👉Invented Socialism
👉Created the Soviet union
👉Created the Chinese Communist Party
👉Funded the creation of the Nazi party through the Zionist Federation of Germany
👉Ran the Concentration Camps
👉Executed All non-zionist Jews as a Offering to a Holocaust (a Jewish sacrificial offering that was burned completely on an altar.)
👉Bombed American Military ship in order to drag America into ww2
👉Did 9/11
👉Steals American military secrets and hands it to Americas Enemies
👉Receives Foreign Aid from America and reinvests it into the Fed and earns interest off the Money Americans borrow from the fed that is being paid on interest.
👉Leaders of the Transatlantic slave trade blamed it on whites
👉Blamed Whites for slavery, Majority of slave owners were Jews.

The revived Holy Roman Empire?

There is Bible Prophecy which follow WORLD POWERS. Historicist have that Prophetic narrative correct up until 1798. But after the “deadly wound” they are looking for a “Revived Holy Roman Empire”, what they miss is that this “Empire” is an extension of “Babylon the Great”. And Babylon is the Seat of Satan. Babylon has MANY extensions through 1000s of years of history, like a giant ball of yarn, or roots of an old tree.

Therefore they are looking for a new and powerful “Pope” to be revived. But who is the most dominant world power today? Most people are blind to the power behind the power of Governments. They might say America, or Britton, or China… but the one group they will NEVER say, is a small Kabbal of incredibly evil and powerful individuals; it takes time to learn, and SEE who and what these people are. Mainstream is completely blind.

If you are struggling with this, lets start the enlightening process.

Governments of this world belong to SATAN:

Mat 4:8  Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; 
Mat 4:9  And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. 
Mat 4:10  Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. 
Mat 4:11  Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him. 

The whole world belongs to the Almighty and the fullness thereof. But the Lord did not dispute the ownership the the KINGDOMS OF THE WORLD. Because the Almighty set a standard, and as long as the Subjects of the Kingdom follow Satan then Satan has a legal claim to them, and the Almighty does give him dominion.

This same thing happens even on an individual level. Whomever you give yourself over to is your master. If you commit sin you give satanic forces legal rights to you. Demons live in uncrucified flesh. Demons feed on low vibrational energy like hate, greed, jealousy, and especially love FEAR.

People whose feet will walk those streets of Gold are called “Overcomers”

After Judgement Day, one of the different groups that will be thrown into the Lake Of Fire, are ‘cowards’

ONLY Israel is the Lords portion

Deu 32:9  And his people Jacob became the portion of the Lord, Israel was the line of his inheritance. 

Sir 17:17  For in the division of the nations of the whole earth he set a ruler over every people; but Israel is the Lord’s portion: 
Sir 17:18  Whom, being his firstborn, he nourisheth with discipline, and giving him the light of his love doth not forsake him. 

Governments only exist in the mind. The concept of government, with its rules and authority, is only real because people collectively believe in it and uphold it; without this collective belief, a government would have no power in the physical world, essentially implying that its existence is dependent on our perception and acceptance of its authority.

You belong to the government of whom you OBEY. Christians are citizens of the New Jerusalem/ Kingdom of God. We are ambassadors and represent our world. We live at peace with all men as much as possible, but when worldly governments violate Gods Law, we always obey Gods Law… even unto death, as seen by 100s of millions of martyrs.

My Struggle

The word “Israel” means “Struggle with God”. There exists no TRUTH outside of the Almighty, Christians want TRUTH. Because we know that only Truth can set free, lies don’t set free. But there is a great cost to obtain Truth.

Mat 13:44  Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field. 

“Mein Kampf” translated means “My Struggle”, it was a book written by a poor starving artist, who served in WW1 with great bravery and earned the Iron Cross 1st class, and 2nd class (thats no small feat, you will probably never met anyone with this accomplishment in your entire life). Devout Christian, who rose to be a world leader, brought his country out of dire poverty, had a great respect for the sanctity of life, shut down Satanic secret societies and brothels and child trafficking. He built 3000 churches, created the 40 hour work week, he was elected with 97 percentile approval, he reunited the 1000 years boundaries of his country without bloodshed. And he ran the Rothchild Banksters away and stopped their dirty Pawn-shop style “Banking”, he decentralized economy and printed his OWN MONEY that caused the country to go from a depressed 3rd world to a Superpower… that was so shocking to all the other countries that he was hailed as “Man of the Year” in Time Magazines and the American Politicians held him as the worlds most significant Leader.

Kennedy wrote, “Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived”

Begin as a “Noticer” end up a “Namer”

People aren’t born knowing Bible Prophecy or how it applies to the Signs of our Times. It takes work, sound Bible teaching, truth in History, the courage to “See”. Its true, almost ALL christians were Historicists up until the Counter-Reformation. They all believed the Pope is the Antichrist. Until the Jesuit doctrine of “Preterism” and “Futurism”, they didn’t invent them, but highly developed and promoted the new doctrines.

The way it happened for Hitler is very typical of how it happens for all people of good courage with a moral compass.

Right now, there are some of you reading this that are seething with rage, and your murderous hate for the lowly messenger, in your mind, is the “problem” with you. This before you ever heard the facts. The love of your Zionist gods, and worship of “Jews” precedes you. For some, the words on your screen are blurred by the beating of your pulse you feel in the temples of your skull, blinding you in a fury of righteous indignation.

Others, are shocked, yes… but feel that “release” when ignorance begins to crumble and the realization sets in that… you’ve been lied to by your Pastor, School Teachers, your TV set… and yet you are hungry for more truth, drinking it up as a deep calm covers you. You hunger and thirst for Truth. When you begin to believe a Truth, the Almighty gives you a peace that surpasses all human understanding.

I can’t give you all the history and data in a short post. It will take time, you have a lot of cognitive dissonance from PBS After School Specials, and Hollywood lying history, and your peers, and your teachers, and infact everyone in your life from childhood till now, have all lied to you… That can’t be undone in a few paragraphs. You will have to pick up the Gauntlet of learning and start digging for the Truth. But it will happen, just be honest and give it some time to digest.

Mat 7:7  Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 
Mat 7:8  For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. 
Mat 7:9  Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? 
Mat 7:10  Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? 
Mat 7:11  If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? 

… or do you not understand that “reality” correlates to Scripture?

The Bible is the inerrant, inspired Word of God

Historicism for Today

There is no easy way to bridge the gap in understanding without the work that it takes to build that bridge.

You can learn Historicism on your own, and that means a lot of beating your head against the wall, watching a bunch of videos just to learn that they don’t present it as well as others.

Im not saying I know the absolute BEST way to learn this eschatology. But it is the most direct, interesting, way that covers the main points and that I know of. It will take at least a year to cover the material in a way were it sinks in. At the end of the year, you will be prepared enough to START having intelligent discussions and drawing distinctions in the world around you as it pertains to Scripture.

Beginners will look at this list and get overwhelmed. I get that. But here is the secret, take your time, baby steps, don’t move on until you’ve grasped the concepts. You are EXACTLY where you are suppose to be. You have a wonderful goal, so enjoy the journey as you watch yourself grow in knowledge and faith. Don’t get to anxious to “get to the end”, what you are embarking on are materials you will review again and again in the years to come.

As the name implies “Historicism” is steeped in History. Unless you are already a history student, you have no idea how much history exists. What if someone wanted to write the history of just YOUR lifetime? How big of a book would that be? Now multiply that by 7 billion for the history of everyone alive today, now multiply that by the 6600 years of human history!!!!

Size matters, so the history we are interested in, is the history as it applies to Biblical Prophecy. You could read a stack of history books, or you could watch these entertaining videos. 3 videos that are 3 hours long…

Lets look a little deeper at the Waldenses.

It would behoove you to learn the lingo of end times eschatology. Give this a look and familiarize yourself with the concepts.

Im not a Seventh Day Adventist, but the “Great Controversy” written in 1800s is easy to follow and very interesting. Ellen White paints a detailed portrait that the layman can fully grasp. Historicism made easy…

“Horae Apocalypticae” is the Gold Standard in Historicism. Its 2500 pages has 10,000 citations, its a difficult read, but will serve you well on your journey.


All knowledge is by REVELATION from God. You can’t know anything at all unless the Almighty reveal it to you. This is a logical FACT.

There is no such thing as “blind faith” in Christianity. Its all based factual Truth.

Heb 11:1  Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 

If you struggle with “evidence” and “substance”, then you haven’t been looking very hard. Its EVERYWHERE, I’ll share some sources:


There exists no other possible logical answer other than, God is the Great Creator and it must be the God of the Bible.

There are 456 Old Testaments about Jesus, He fulfilled 324 at His FIRST coming. These were foretold 1500 years and a number of Prophets before Jesus ever walked the earth.

Look at the probability of Christ fulfilling just a small fraction of the prophecies in the Old Testament.

Being struck by lightning in a year = 7 x 105 or 1 in 700,000 • Being killed by lightning in a year = 2 x 106 or 1 in 2,000,000 • Becoming president = 1 x 107 or 1 in 10,000,000 • A meteorite landing on your house = 1.8 x 1014 or 1 in 180,000,000,000,000 • You will eventually die = 1 in 1

All stats provided by James George

To answer the question what is the probability of one man fulfilling all eight prophecies, the principal of probability is applied. Therefore, multiplying all eight probabilities together (1 times 2.8 x 105 x 103 x 102 x 103 x 103 x 105 x 103 x 104) gives us 2.8 x 1028, or for simplicity sake 1 x 1028 or 1 in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.

Another 316 prophecies to go, including the probability of being born from a VIRGIN… 1 in (all people ever born in history)

NO revelation given to non-believers… except ONE!

Mat 12:39  But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas
Mat 12:40  For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

The Sign of Jonas is RESURRECTION. Even the most God hating Rabbi/ Satanist/ Atheist/ Pagan/ Antichrist on the planet can deny that there did exist a man in history that was believed to be the Messiah, His name was Jesus, that was killed on a cross, and after 3 days His tomb was empty just as He had predicted, and in spite of the tomb being guarded by professional Roman Soldiers.

And thats ALL they get. Why? because they love their unrighteousness so they suppress the TRUTH of the God they KNOW exists. (Romans 1)

Lord, what shall I do?

This one is very simple. But most people don’t understand it, even Christians. I’ve explained it to Christians and years later they still don’t get it and fall back into “Magic Thinking”.

We repent of our sin,
and follow Jesus.

What is “sin”? Sin is the criminal act of breaking Kingdom Law. Kingdom Law is written in the Bible, both in the Old Testament and the New Testament. Its the Law everyone before us had to obey, and its the Law everyone after the Second Coming will have to Obey… it will be universal throughout all the earth forever.

1Jn 3:4  Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. 

Was Kingdom Law abolished at the Cross?

Mat 5:17  Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 
Mat 5:18  For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. 

Jesus tells us very plainly what we shall do.

Mat 19:16  And, behold, one came and said unto him, “Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?

That may be the most important question in the whole Bible! Wow, so direct, so clearly stated. And he asked the exact right person. How Jesus answers is equally direct and clear.

Mat 19:17  And he said unto him, “Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.

There it is “keep the Commandments”. Entering into life is our great HOPE. That someday we will be resurrected from the dead and join our loved ones in the most beautiful paradise that Paul says can’t be described. But any toil, pain, or trouble a person can suffer on earth, isn’t even comparable to the absolute joy we will experience in that New Jerusalem. Every tear will be dried, we will jump and dance like lambs released from the stall.

The 10 Commandments are unique from all other writing in the world. It was written by Gods own finger into tablets of stone. A message for all of mankind, His inheritance made in the Image of Himself.


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