Todd Edwards

Jewish Woman Talks About Ritual Killings on Oprah

–[ 6 MIN READ]by Henry Makow Ph.D. On May 1, 1989, a “nice Jewish girl”, age 29, Vicki Polin appeared on the Oprah Show and said her family was part of a satanic cult that dates back to the 1700’s. Although they appear to be upstanding citizens — lawyers, doctors, police officers etc. — they engage in Satanic […]

Cremations Nonsense, Aktion Reinhardt

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Are Cremations, as told by eyewitnesses, supposedly carried out at the camps related to the so called ‘Aktion Reinhardt’ especially at Treblinka, really feasible?Is it possible to make disappear more than 800 000 people without leaving any material traces like at Treblinka?How was it feasible?Archeologic experiments about cremation of animals on open fires show what


–[ < 1 MIN READ]Jewish leaders formally issue a “Declaration of War” against Germany, on March 24th, 1933. On March 23rd, 1933, 20,000 Jews protested at New York’s City Hall. Rallies & boycotts were directed against German goods. The front page of the March 24, London Daily Express carried the headline, “Judea Declares War on Germany”. Jewish leaders were

Corona Rothschild Protocols and the Covid Agenda

–[ < 1 MIN READ] An in-depth analysis of Covid origins, the overall plan, and who is behind it. This 4 part series is heavily cited with verifiable evidence and leaves no questions unanswered.

One Third Of The Holocaust [HD Video HQ Sound]

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Well written. Good organization and research. Smooth presentation of Eric Hunt. Tons of facts and details. I am brand new to this. Never had i questioned any part of the brainwashing i had received as a kid. I feel like such a jerk for despising Hitler as i did and feel my penance has to

The Ultimate Red Pill

–[ 2 MIN READ]Reviews Reviewer:Doula-d – favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite – July 3, 2020Subject: Great follow up video for TGSNT Great video just like:The the Greatest Story Never ToldBy Dennis WiseAnd I not surprised it was deleted off YT due to its truthful nature of accounts that actually happened.Hitler during the years 1933-35 put viv-section laws in place which meant no

Hellstorm: The REAL Holocaust (Burnt Offering)

–[ < 1 MIN READ]It was the Germans who experienced the Holocaust… aka HELLSTORM [documentary] Holocaust (definition): A sacrifice consumed by fire!                               Watch the biggest cover-up in history… Hellstorm: The real genocide of National Socialist Germany.

The Last Days Of The Big Lie (Documentary)

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Spielberg’s “documentary” The Last Days stars Irene Zisblatt, who claims to have had her Auschwitz tattoo removed by Dr. Mengele, had her skin selected to become a lampshade, escaped from inside a gas chamber, and repeatedly defecated and swallowed diamonds for a year. In addition, Spielberg’s ‘documentary’ features another woman who claims to have escaped

Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told (HD 720p, SD)

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Lower Resolution SD:CLICK HERE PART 1: Childhood PART 2: Early Years PART 3: Origins of the Swastika PART 4: Cultural Clash PART 5: War Declared PART 6: Battle of Britain PART 7: Stalin PART 8: Pearl Harbor PART 9: Betrayal of the Cossacks PART 10: Stalingrad PART 11: The Red Terror PART 12: Mussolini PART

Kabbalah Explains Scamdemic & New World Order

–[ 3 MIN READ]WHY KABBALAH IS SATANIC Kabbalah citations from the comments section here. (Freemasons also identify as “Jews”) Source: Judaism Revealed Traditions Of The Jews By Johann Andreas Eisenmenger, 1700

Total Onslaught (36 Part Series)-Walter Veith

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Watch Total Onslaught Join Walter Veith as he takes you through an in-depth chapter by chapter study of the book of Revelation. Throughout the study, the total onslaught on Jesus Christ and the effects of this war on every individual living on this planet are clearly portrayed. The beauty of Christ’s Kingdom and laws are

Candid Israeli author, Yossi Gurvitz: ‘When Israel Is Mighty’ (English Subtitles)

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Israeli author Yossi Gurvitz shares some very eyeopening insights on Judaism, that’s it is not based on the Torah, but on the Talmud, what Israelis really think about Christians and more.For further studies:Dilling I: The Pharisees, the Talmud, and Modern Judaism: in the Talmud by Peter Schafer Truth About The Talmud – A Documented Exposé

Communism IS Judaism …In Their Own Words

–[ 5 MIN READ]“Some call it Marxism – I call it Judaism.” –Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935 “The revolution in Russia is a Jewish revolution” –The Maccabean (New York), Nov. 1905, p, 250 “Jewry is the mother of Marxism.” –Le Droit de Vivre, May 12, 1936 “Judaism is Marxism, communism” –Harry

The Jewish Plan to Conquer the Gentiles & Rule the World EXPOSED

–[ 2 MIN READ]Part 1 Part 2 Regarding ‘Smithy’, note the Fabian Society’s stain-glass window w/ Edward R. Pease, Sidney Webb & Bernard Shaw forging a ‘new world’: information on the Fabian Society: must read: The Constantinople Letter of 1489: end to Evil – Reishis goyim Amalek / “Maamar Reishit Goyim Amalek – An End To Evil –

A Few Babylonian-Talmud Excerpts & Resources

–[ 4 MIN READ]A Few Babylonian-Talmud Excerpts & Resources “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.” -Libbre David 37 “A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim

Chabad Lubavitch NWO Movement – They Are Everywhere!

–[ < 1 MIN READ]This video is a mirror of “Chabad Lubavitch NWO Movement – They Are Everywhere!” via Shaking My Head Productions. They have more details in their description section Cult of Frank, Weishaupt & Rothschild, founders of the Illuminati [Sabbatean-Frankists],-Weishaupt,-and-Rothschild:5C. Bjerknes on the satanic Sabbateans, their NWO Plans & Deceptions’-their-NWO-Plans:d1666 Revisited [Sabbatean-Frankists] – ROBERT SEPEHR (More info below.)—ROBERT-SEPEHR:e1666 Sabbatean-Frankist Illuminati

Redemption Through Sin: Sabbatai-Zevi & The Rise of Satanism

–[ < 1 MIN READ]1666, Redemption Through Sin by Robert Sepehr [PDF] Sabbatean-Frankist Illuminati History – Robert Sepehr C. Bjerknes on the satanic Sabbateans, their NWO Plans & Deceptions

Sex Cult of Frank, Weishaupt & Rothschild, founders of the Illuminati [Sabbatean-Frankists]

–[ < 1 MIN READ]A must read: “1666, Redemption Through Sin” by Robert Sepehr, full book: Sabbatean-Frankist Illuminati History – Robert Sepehr (more info below all videos in the description)—Robert-Sepehr:71666 Revisited [Sabbatean-Frankists] – ROBERT SEPEHR (More info below.)—ROBERT-SEPEHR:eSabbatean-Frankists: “Kabbalah-Evil Makes Good” (via KnowMoreNews)—Kabbalah–Evil-Makes-Good:8The Jewish Plan to Conquer the Gentiles & Rule the World EXPOSED (Part 1) – KMN Live w Adam

Rabbis: ‘Don’t Show Off $ In Front Of The Goyim’

–[ 2 MIN READ]John 2:13-17 KJV / 13And the Jews’ passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 14And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting: 15And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the

Historic Letter written by Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar concerning the Trial and Arrest of Jesus Christ our Lord

–[ 2 MIN READ]Other letters written by Pontius Pilate and Herod about Jesus The Jewish Religion, Its Influence Today – The Plot Against Christianity by Elizabeth Dilling: Excerpts & Resources was killed for authoring this: The Talmud Unmasked – The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians by Rev. I.B. Pranaitis, 1892 [PDF],-1892:9Jesus in the Talmud by P. Schäfer [PDF]‘We killed Jesus,

Rabbi Yaron Reuven on Hitler’s first two laws (Jewish porn, LGBT materials, etc. = ‘book burnings’)

–[ 2 MIN READ]Jewish Degeneracy in 1920’s Berlin’s-Berlin:5Jewish Domination of Weimar Germany – 1919-1932 (Pub. 1933) [PDF] Institute in Germany Was Burned Down by Nazis – The resources and data at Institut für Sexualwissenschaft were never replaced. History – May 6, 1933: Nazi Youth Attack Magnus Hirschfeld’s Berlin Institute for Sexual Research – The “Säuberung” Book Burnings [RARE VIDEO] before

ADULT CONTENT! – The Truth about THE WAR on OUR Children – The Sex Education Agenda

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Every Parent Should Know This is Happening (2020 Really Graceful) Boycott Jewish owned Hasbro! CONTENT! – Jewish Satanic Sexualization Degeneracy in 1920’s Berlin’s-Berlin:5Jewish Domination of Weimar Germany – 1919-’32 EXPLAIN THEY ARE COMMANDED TO EXTERMINATE WESTERN CIVILIZATION Gentiles Are The Worlds Garbage min. mark; rabbi on shooting Christians: Israeli Spies + Blackmailed Politicians + Controlled Media

ADULT CONTENT! – Jewish Satanic Sexualization

–[ 2 MIN READ]Every Parent Should Know This is Happening (2020 Really Graceful) CONTENT! – The Truth about THE WAR on OUR Children – The Sex Education Agenda EXPLAIN THEY ARE COMMANDED TO EXTERMINATE WESTERN CIVILIZATION Gentiles Are The Worlds Garbage min. mark; rabbi on shooting Christians: Israeli Spies + Blackmailed Politicians + Controlled Media = A Conquered USA—A-Conquered-America—KMN:cChabad


–[ < 1 MIN READ]Jewish Kabbalah, Zohar: ‘Exterminate All Non-Jews’‘Exterminate-All-Non-Jews’:3Judaism is Anti-Gentile & Exploits Non-Jews’s NWO plans: GENOCIDE “Edom” = ALL Europeans!!:cThis IS Judaism; Insights from ‘Out of this Universe Rabbi’,InsightsFrom’OutOfThisUniverseRabbi’:7What the Jews Think About the Gentiles by Phil Young Israeli author, Yossi Gurvitz: ‘When Israel Is Mighty’ (more info below video)–When-Israel-Is-Mighty:cWhy I Left Judaism, Brother Nathanael,BrotherNathanael:6A Few Babylonian-Talmud

House Of Numbers: Anatomy Of An Epidemic – HIV-AIDS Documentary (2009)

–[ < 1 MIN READ][Fauci’s] Whitewashing AIDS History’s-Whitewashing-AIDS-History:fHIV Interview with Dr. Kary Mullis – Defeating AIDS“The Constantinople Letter of 1489” EXPLAIN THEY ARE COMMANDED TO EXTERMINATE WESTERN CIVILIZATION Lubavitch Rabbi: “The messiah will return only once Edom -Europe, Christianity –will be totally destroyed”–The-messiah-will-return-only-once-Edom–Europe,-Christianity-%E2%80%93will-be-totally-destroyed:0Jewish Kabbalah, Zohar: ‘Exterminate All Non-Jews’‘Exterminate-All-Non-Jews’:3Judaism is Anti-Gentile & Exploits Non-Jews’s NWO plans: GENOCIDE “Edom” = ALL Europeans!!:cThis

Rockefeller Medicine – The Corbett Report

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Rockefeller Medicine Show Notes True History of the FDA [PDF]“The Constantinople Letter of 1489”[Fauci’s] Whitewashing AIDS History’s-Whitewashing-AIDS-History:fHouse Of Numbers: Anatomy Of An Epidemic – HIV-AIDS Documentary (2009) Interview with Dr. Kary Mullis – Defeating AIDS – “CDC WARNS OF WUHAN FLU STRAIN” (More linked below)—9—27th—Wuhan-flu-danger-over,-deaths-could-top-20,000:0Tracing Forgotten History of one novel flu virus “Wuhan Flu” H3N2 (1978 –

The Ten Commandments (Original 1956)

–[ 3 MIN READ]Part 1 Part 2 The Ten Commandments is a 1956 American epic religious drama film produced, directed, and narrated by Cecil B. DeMille,[5] shot in VistaVision (color by Technicolor), and released by Paramount Pictures. Based on the 1949 novel Prince of Egypt by Dorothy Clarke Wilson,[6] the 1859 novel Pillar of Fire by J. H.

Israel’s Arms Business is Booming

–[ < 1 MIN READ]The US gives Israel 3.8 BILLION DOLLARS a year in military aid. Yet, Israel earns more than $1,000 per head of its population through its arms deals, several times more than the US earns. Who does Israel sell weapons to and how do they use those weapons? The answer may terrify you. This 3 minute

1948 Deir Yassin Massacre – A Short Documentary

–[ 2 MIN READ]Wherever Jews gain power, death & destruction follows. If they complete their Luciferian one world order agenda, and they’re very close, this is a tiny example of what will happen around the globe: “Early in the morning of Friday, April 9, 1948, commandos of the Irgun, headed by Menachem Begin, and the Stern Gang attacked

Dresden – A Burnt Offering – VertigoPolitix (& destruction of “Edom”)

–[ 2 MIN READ]JEWS EXPLAIN THEY ARE COMMANDED TO EXTERMINATE WESTERN CIVILIZATION Gentiles Are The Worlds Garbage min. mark; rabbi on shooting Christians: Israeli Spies + Blackmailed Politicians + Controlled Media = A Conquered USA—A-Conquered-America—KMN:cChabad Lubavitch Rabbi: “The messiah will return only once Edom -Europe, Christianity –will be totally destroyed”–The-messiah-will-return-only-once-Edom–Europe,-Christianity-%E2%80%93will-be-totally-destroyed:0Jewish Kabbalah, Zohar: ‘Exterminate All Non-Jews’‘Exterminate-All-Non-Jews’:3Judaism is Anti-Gentile & Exploits

The Great Pyramid – K2019

–[ < 1 MIN READ]This documentary isn’t necessarily “Christian” in its scope, but is included because of its unique science and discovery. They prove the pyramids were poured like concrete, not hewn stone. They also, show how they had glass lenes used to direct the suns energy.


–[ 21 MIN READ]You won’t find in history books: After WW2, Czechs bestially tortured and murdered innocent civil people – Sudeten Germans You can read the whole book about it online for free: Ingomar Pust: “Cries From Hell, Unheard” I chose just some parts of that book to let you know what is true, but tabu and most people

Why Study the Pre-Nicene Christian Writings

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Why should today’s Christians study the writings of the Christians from the Pre-Nicene period (AD 75-325)? If you would like to subscribe to this channel via email, send your request to [email protected]. Quotations from ancient writings might be paraphrased because many of them were translated in the 1800s. I have done my best to keep

Demons – documentary film with Dr. Michael S. Heiser

–[ < 1 MIN READ]What people believed about evil spiritual forces in biblical times was very different from today—an ancient worldview missing in modern analysis. In Demons, Dr. Michael S. Heiser debunks popular presuppositions about the true powers of darkness. Rather than speculation, it’s grounded in what people of both the Old and New Testament eras believed about evil