
Christian Zionism isn’t “Christian”

–[ 19 MIN READ]Mirrored from: The following short but highly informative piece is from Christianity Beliefs .org Christians Should Not Support Zionism! Please look to the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you, because many Christian people have been teaching false doctrine regarding the Jews and Israel. If you read this based on your current understanding, then […]

“The Thirteenth Tribe” by Arthur Koestler (Book Review)

–[ 8 MIN READ]The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated. Eastern European “Jews” are neither Israelites nor “Semites,” but are instead Khazars, Mongols, and people of Hun descent who adopted Judaism as their “religion” about 1,000 years ago, and

On the character of Karl Marx

–[ 31 MIN READ]The article “Karl Marx and Jewish Power,” published on Unz Review, explores Karl Marx’s Jewish heritage and its influence on his critique of capitalism and social structures. It examines Marx’s ambivalent views on Judaism and its perceived connection to materialism and financial power, contextualizing them within broader historical and cultural frameworks. The piece delves into

“Hashem” evolks the name of a Yiddish DEMON! Not “respect for G-d”

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Modern Jews use the name “Hashem” when they claim references the Biblical God. They say they use this name because they are afraid they might mispronounce His real name “YHWH” (Yahuwah). Christians are commanded to use the name of our Father. But they also don’t like the name “Jesus”… very curious since those names have

Why America (REALLY) Supports Israel

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Amazing video bringing to light what was “common knowledge” 70 years ago. The US military, joint chiefs of staff and the heads of cabinets and highest level of politicians made predictions what the Zionist would try to do… they were absolutely correct.

The Noahide Laws

–[ 45 MIN READ]Talmudic Law Has Infiltrated America –The Jewdicial System is a Criminal Conspiracy– All Non-Jews Beware In 1999, the Supreme Court agreed to consider an amicus brief based wholly on Talmudic law… In November 2002, the American Orthodox Jewish community held a kosher dinner in the Supreme Court building to celebrate the establishment of the National

“The Secret Masonic Victory of World War 2” – 5hr documentary by Dennis Wise

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Western freemasonry and their masonic funded Eastern Communist friends won World War 2. Everything we see today stems from that masonic victory. All Freemasons in politics know the aim is a one world communist utopia. All policies today aid the minorities aimed at breaking down the family, the very basis of human culture. To learn

October 7

–[ 2 MIN READ](((Netanyahu))) just said "Hamas burned babies alive." He then received a standing ovation by Congress. FACT CHECK: Zero babies were burned alive on October 7th. This is What Really Happened @pularjs — Double Down News (@DoubleDownNews) July 24, 2024 Hamas’s incursion into Israel on October 7 transformed the politics of the Middle East. Al

Blood Libel (Satanic Ritual Abuse)

–[ 22 MIN READ]The Greeks and Roman Pagans who sacrifice ChildrenThe Talmud Gives Instructions On Proper Child Sacrifice Why Jews Were Portrayed As Witches In History THE COMPILATION OF JEWISH RITUAL MURDERS FROM BCE UNTIL 1932 The earliest of historians, Herodotus, informs us about the Hebrew cult of human sacrifice. He writes: “The Hebrews sacrificed humans to their

Compilation of World Conspiracies Exposing the Jew World Order

–[ < 1 MIN READ]This video is a series of older clips. Most people have already seen these clips. But if you haven’t, its worth your time to get this information. Featuring Ted Gunderson, Fritz Springmeier, Cathy O’Brien, Chuck Missler, Bill Cooper, John Todd, Aaron Russo, David Icke, John Wheeler, Jacque Vallee, and more.1.) The Illuminati Conspiracy – 0:00

Kabbalah and the Rise of Mysticism – Chuck Missler

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Whether disillusioned by the self-imposed blinders and myopia of contemporary “science,” or frustrated by the moral bankruptcy of unbridled materialism, increasing numbers of desperate people are now seeking “answers” outside the realm of natural phenomena and are pursuing the supernatural. The anguished plea of the disenfranchised now begs the question, “Is there anyone out there?”

Hitler and the Germans Were Not Racists

–[ 2 MIN READ]“Racism” is the hatred (disdain/aborance/hostility) toward another racial group for simply existing. This is an odious ideology that condemns others without cause. Race Realism/ Separatism is the opposite of “Racism”. Its characterized by the love of ones’ own family, tribe, and kinfolk. Its perfectly natural and healthy for parents to love their own children MORE

The Final Solution (Haavara/Transfer Agreement)

–[ 14 MIN READ]Haavara/Transfer Agreement Is Often Used As Evidence For Accusing Hitler of helping or even being a Zionist. On television the “Final Solution” is portrayed as a plot to kill Jews in shower rooms disguised as homicidal gas chambers. The Haavara (Transfer) Agreement, negotiated by the Zionist Jew, Eliezer Hoofein, director of the Anglo-Palestine Bank (Bank Leumi), to

Meet Benjamin Netanyahu

–[ 2 MIN READ]“Anti-Semitism” and “Holocaust” are two phytological tools used by Zionist terrorists in Jew created “Israel” and around the world. Benjamin Netanyahu is only a single spoke in the hive-mindedness of the Jewish plan to control the world as set forth by their Talmud. Jews believe if they exterminator the human population to 500 million then

ADL (Jew terrorist organization) Train All New FBI Agents

–[ 7 MIN READ]The Jewish Defense League (JDL) is classified by the FBI as a Terrorist Organization in 1968. Its ring leader, Rabbi Meir Kahane, with a number of other Jews in its 15,000 member mafia. He was arrested and sent to federal prison for bombings, murders, extortion, and numerous other crimes. He was killed in prison. The

The Nephilim have Returned (Oy Vey)

–[ < 1 MIN READ]This is a very well done documentary including a remaster of Dr Thomas Horn lectures. These ancient hybrids have existed with Image Bearers of thousands of years. They have no “race”, they are a satanic bloodline that can jump from race to race, and nation to nation. They are infested in all countries and today

Brutal Drawings From the Gulags

–[ 2 MIN READ]The Jew Bolsheviks murdered 80 million Christians in their Gulag’s in the mid 1900s By order of the ‘lumpen-proletariat leader,’ Viadimir Lenin In the early 1920s in Vladikavkaz, the VChK arrested priests of various religious faiths and denominations. Before execution, they were given the choice to deny their religion in exchange for their lives.

Where did Hitler learn about the Jewish Question?

–[ < 1 MIN READ]“Today, I believe I am acting in accordance with the will of Almighty God in defending myself against the Jew. I am fighting for the Lord”~Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf translated into Hebrew and made legal in Occupied Palestine. Rabbi agrees with Hitler in his commentary. Q: "Will non-jews be slaves to the jews?"A: "Yes, it's

246 Newspaper Articles about 6,000,000 Jews from 1900–1945

–[ 34 MIN READ]1900 — Stephen S. Wise, New York Times, June 11, 1900 “There are 6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism.” 1902 — Encyclopedia Britannica, 10th Edition, Vol. 25, 1902, page 482 “While there are in Russia and Rumania six millions of Jews who are being systematically degraded…” 1902 — Samuel W. (((Goldstein))), New York Times, November 27, 1902 “PLEA

Campus Colleges in Solidarity with Gaza

–[ 3 MIN READ]There Are No Good Zionists On April 29—nearly two weeks after the initial Gaza Solidarity Encampment at Columbia—University President (Shabbos goy) Minouche Shafik released a statement saying that the school “will not divest from Israel.” In other words, Genocide is simply a Jewish tradition since they executed 80 million Christians during the Bolshevik revolution in the 1900s.

Holocaust Deprogramming Course

–[ 209 MIN READ]Below is a long list of facts refuting the Greatest Lie Ever Told: An Introduction to Holocaust Revisionism “The procedures of mass-gassing as attested to by witnesses during their interrogation before various courts of law, as cited in judicial rulings, and as described in scientific and literary publications, in any building of Auschwitz whatsoever, are

Demons and Polluted DNA

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Your DNA spells the name of your Creator, trillions of times. But the Covid shot edits that to 666 The Patent she is referencing is US 10703789 B2 The person that mixed the audio didn’t do too well, sorry… but its still good Demon possessed girl confesses about DNA editing And these are the generations of Noah: Noah was a

Historical Evidence Jews are not related to Biblical Hebrews

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Pastor Jennings presents a number of documents left by men from the distant past that prove Jews are not biologically related to Biblical Israel. He begins by showing how modern Jews have be thoroughly interbred on at least 6 occasions with other nations. Then how the modern Jews do not have a history leading back

Biden plan to create 100 new laws to promote Israeli sovereigns on American soil

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Administration announces over 100 new actions and over 100 calls to action to combat antisemitism, including new actions to counter antisemitism on college campuses and online; whole-of-society strategy includes new stakeholder commitments. This plan will target Christians, Palestinians, American Patriots, Gun Owners, and the Moral Conservatives Read the full Whitehouse release:

GazaCide – How can it be a “War” if there’s only one Army (IDF)?

–[ 2 MIN READ]***WARNING*** VERY REAL GRAPHIC CONTENT. (The Israeli Jews are murdererous children of the devil -John 8:44) How can it be a “War” if there’s only one Army (IDF)? THIS IS JUST GAZACIDE (Genocide of the Gazans.) I pray that the innocents are comforted in their times of need. This is the spirit of Gog behind

Hitlers War Against Jewish Freemasonry

–[ < 1 MIN READ]“Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.”— Rabbi Isaac Wise In fact, Freemasonry is admittedly based on many of the occult practices of Judaism — so much so that the Jewish Tribune newspaper declared in 1927, “Freemasonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the

The Jewish Opium Wars in China

–[ < 1 MIN READ]The Sassoon family, known as “Rothschilds of the East” due to the immense wealth they accumulated in finance and trade, are a Baghdadi Jewish family. Originally based in Baghdad, Iraq, they later moved to Bombay, India, and then emigrated to China, England, and other nations. Controlling 70% of the opium trade well into the 19th

John F Kennedy Assassination was a Mossad Operation

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Laurent Guyénot exposes the truth about the Kennedy assassinations & follows the breadcrumbs to the actual perpetrators–who’ve managed to remain hidden. Until now. JFK said history would remember Hitler as the greatest leader in the world. JFK was assassinated because he denied Israel to own nuclear weapons. He said it would start an arms race in

The Gulag Archipelago [Jewish Death Camp for Christians]

–[ 2 MIN READ]The unabridged 3 Volume work authored by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, a death camp survivor. The Gulag Archipelago (Listen to the audiobook here) The Gulag Archipelago is Solzhenitsyn’s masterwork, a vast canvas of camps, prisons, transit centres and secret police, of informers and spies and interrogators and also of heroism, a Stalinist anti-world at the heart of

Tortured For Christ (Jewish Death Camps For Christians)

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Alternative source: This is a TRUE movie about only one of the eighty million Christians murdered by the JEWISH BOLSHEVICS’ in a Russian Gulag. They were arrested for crimes such as wearing a cross neckless, sharing the gospel, or owning a Bible. You can’t understand what White Genocide is about, until you understand who the

Physicians Find Jews Are Schizo Carriers

–[ 5 MIN READ]“Idiocy and imbecility are found comparatively more often among Jews than among non- Jews… The Mongolian type of idiocy is also very frequently observed among Jews… Among the Jews the proportion of insane has been observed to be very large… Jews are more liable to acute psychoses of early age than are non-Jews.” (The Jewish

The Israeli Package by Chuck Baldwin

–[ 2 MIN READ] This first part are all mp3 audio files: A Counterfeit Temple; A Counterfeit Israel – Bible Study by Chuck Baldwin on Feb. 1, 2017 Christ’s Last Words To Israel Christian, Your Allegiance Is To Christ, Not Faux Israel! – by Dr. Chuck Baldwin on Jun. 2, 2019 Great Things He Hath Done–With A Deeper

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution – Dr. Antony Sutton

–[ < 1 MIN READ] Bolshevik Revolution pdf Antony Sutton – The Best Enemy Money Can Buy.pdf Antony Sutton – Wall Street and The Rise of Hitler.pdf Antony Sutton – Americas Secret Establishment An Introduction to Skull and Bones.pdf 

Brother Nathanael Kapner – Archives

–[ < 1 MIN READ]You will have to sign up with to view these videos. has a huge archive of documents and also check out the WaybackMachine


–[ < 1 MIN READ]BACKUP SOURCEIncase the Khazarian Mafia has the primary source removed

In the Name of Zion (6hr documentary)

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Summary – Original High Quality versions:

Zionism and Christianity – UNHOLY ALLIANCE

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Ted Pike documentary A century ago the Arabs were at peace with the West, allies in World War I. Then, in violation of God’s Law that Jews must obey Jesus Christ in order to reoccupy His promised land, Zionist leaders set up a Jewish state in Palestine. From that moment, Mideast tensions mounted. Ultimately, after

Anti Defamation League Origins

–[ < 1 MIN READ]The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Vol 3 Chapters 1 – 29The Leo Frank Case The Lynching Of A Guilty Man

Russian Proverbs About the Jews

–[ 3 MIN READ]If you lack a devil in your home, invite a Jew in. Whoever serves a Jew will not avoid disaster. What God loves, a Jew discards. A baptized Jew is like a tamed wolf. A Jew boasts of things a gentile repents for. Let a Jew into your house for a day and you won’t

Dimitra – The Kalergi Plan: The Great Replacement, The Great Reset & The Eurasian-Negroid Race Of The Future

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Dimitra is the German to English translator of Practical Idealism written by Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, known as the father of the European Union. She joins Lana to discuss Kalergi’s book and beliefs that have influenced modern political discourse and have been adopted into official policy not just in Europe but in the US. The inspiration

Rabbis Sucking Baby Penis – Stew Peters

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Sexual abuse is rampant in the Jewish community. Last week New York released a statement about NEWBORN babies being at risk for HERPES!? How can this be ok?

The Crucifixion Of Russia – The Systematic Execution of 80 Million Christians By Jews

–[ < 1 MIN READ]The Holodomor is treated as a different genocide by Joseph Stalin. This documentary begins with Valdemar Lenin through the ‘end” of the Soviet regime. 80 million Christians were executed for crimes such as owning a bible, wearing a cross reckless, or sharing the gospel. When I was young, there were many stories of American missionaries

Holodomor 2.0 The Rebirth of Bolshevism

–[ 2 MIN READ]https://thecrowhouse.comBitChute : Banned YouTube Archive on AltCensored: The Crowhouse Community Forums: Contributions and donations can now only be received via Wise bank.If you would like to assist please visit this page: You Will Eat Air and Be Happy (opening clip) Sydney floods: Tens of thousands told to evacuate Australian Hi Definition Satellite Viewer FAMILY MATTERS:

Untold History: the Jewish Slave Trade

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Video based on the book ‘Who brought the slaves to America?’ by Walter White jr. It addresses the funding and betrayal of Columbus by 5 jews, expelling the Jews from Spain in 1492 and from Portugal 1497 to e.g. the Netherlands where they set up the East / West India trading companies. From the Netherlands

Jewish Families and Their Moral Values

–[ 4 MIN READ]The most pressing challenge that faces us is forming organizations that are immune to Psychopaths. All of our societal troubles stem from the fact that Psychopaths infiltrate and soon dominate our Systems. This is true in religion, in business, in government, in research, in teaching, in health care, in social services and so on. It

9/11 and Israel’s great game (Laurent Guyenot)

–[ < 1 MIN READ]0 s : Introduction7 min 14 s : Ghost planes18 min 43 s : Controlled demolition23 min 48 s : To whom benefits the crime ?35 min 40 s : Israel’s profile41 min 56 s : The dancing Israelis48 min 42 s : The israeli spy ring55 min 36 s : The Neocons1 h 2

Jewish Bolshevik Rape

–[ < 1 MIN READ]‘Ilya Ehrenburg was a Jewish Bolshevik writer and journalist. Ehrenburg was best known as the top war propagandist for the Bolsheviks during World War II. During this time, he exhorted Bolshevik troops to kill and rape Europeans that stood in their way. Ehrenburg authored an especially vitriolic leaflet entitled “Kill,” which was circulated among the

The Bolshevik Revolution – Babylonian Jesuits And Babylonian Jews In Russia

–[ 2 MIN READ]The role behind the scenes, the Jesuits played in the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. The Jesuits and the Jews link to the same gang, the Babylonians, who also created the Persian Empire, Greek Empire, Roman Empire. Ancient Iranian/Babylonian Bloodlines Crypto-Jews And Freemasonry In Iran The History Of The Elamites Babylon, Media, Persia – The Genealogy

Webster Tarpley: The Elite’s Plan for Global Extermination

–[ < 1 MIN READ]In this interview, Dr. Tarpley reviews the writings of John P. Holdren, the current White House science advisor. This interview conclusively exposes scientific elite’s true agenda, world-wide genocide and the formation of a global government to rule.

Alien Skull DNA Results-CERN and Israel

–[ < 1 MIN READ]An article discussing some of the results of the genetic testing done on elongated skulls,and at the CERN website a little article about Israel becoming a member of CERN.Pray for the world and all its people.The blood moons begin shortly.Those with eyes shall look and they will see,those with ears shall listen and hear,those who

Rise of the Nephilim: Giants from the Ancient World in the Days of Noah

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Dr. Douglas Hamp graduated from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem with an M.A. in the Hebrew Bible and Its World where he specialized in ancient languages including Biblical Hebrew and Greek his PhD in Biblical Studies from Louisiana Baptist University. He served at Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa for six years, where he lectured and developed

Archeologist Brien Foerster on Elongated Skulls, Egypt, and Peru

–[ 2 MIN READ]It’s been almost exactly a year since we had Brien Foerster on the show, and we welcome him back to talk about his research in Egypt, attempts to date Puma Punku, and updates on his work on Elongated Skulls. Brien was born in Rochester, Minnesota, U.S.A. but grew up on the west coast of Canada.