
“Kabbalah” by Texe Marrs

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Texe Marrs explains things about the Kabbalah that is so horrible its hard for the healthy mind to comprehend.

Christian Zionism isn’t “Christian”

–[ 19 MIN READ]Mirrored from: https://www.hope-of-israel.org/JewsnotIsrael.html The following short but highly informative piece is from Christianity Beliefs .org Christians Should Not Support Zionism! Please look to the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you, because many Christian people have been teaching false doctrine regarding the Jews and Israel. If you read this based on your current understanding, then

Napoleon Hill Unmasked: Scam artist, Occultist

–[ 2 MIN READ]Few books have the potential to put Christians in a theological chokehold, quite like Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. This book is more than just a best-seller. It’s the entrepreneur’s gospel, the self-help holy grail, the self-improvement manifesto, and, believe it or not, the sacred scripture of a 1930s secret cult. It has

Rediscovering Repentance (Christianity is a call to Holiness)

–[ < 1 MIN READ]According to Jesus, everything that comes with eternal life—power over sin, a renewed heart, a changed life—comes through repentance. So what is going on with professing Christians who do not seem to have that kind of spiritual life? In this episode: NOTE: Steve Gallagher and Pure life Ministries are antinomian, that is they don’t believe

Commandment Keeper explodes heads of lawless Pastors

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Andrew LeClair is becoming more popular over the last year or two. He has proven himself to be knowledgeable and trustworthy. He is one you want to subscribe to and click the bell for all new videos.

“Hashem” evolks the name of a Yiddish DEMON! Not “respect for G-d”

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Modern Jews use the name “Hashem” when they claim references the Biblical God. They say they use this name because they are afraid they might mispronounce His real name “YHWH” (Yahuwah). Christians are commanded to use the name of our Father. But they also don’t like the name “Jesus”… very curious since those names have

Nefarious -Christian Drama depicting demonic possession

–[ < 1 MIN READ]A faithful portrayal of demonic possession As well as having a good plot and many points that provoke reflection, the film makes real revelations about the subtlety of the devil’s work on people who give him an opening. The film was produced by two Catholic filmmakers: Cary (((Solomon))) and Chuck Konzelman, and was based on the book ‘A Nefarious

Dakes 1050 Laws in the New Testament

–[ 25 MIN READ]Mr. Finnis Jennings Dake had a lot of controversial teachings. Some of them are not biblical. Some of them are due to disagreement with church tradition and not the Bible. We do not endorse everything he taught. But this list is important for at least two reasons. One is it gives a different viewpoint of

Should Christians Vote?

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Pastor Joel Webbon is the President and Founder of Right Response Ministries. They are Baptist in most their doctrine, however he has a number of things right, Holohoax, Historicist, Nephilim, Heavenly Host, and POLITICS.

Can God change His Mind? (Open-Theism pros and cons)

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Open-Theism is the idea that God can change His mind. While the Almighty isn’t seen changing his mind after a judgement, He does not always know the future. There is nothing hidden from God, but men have Freewill and are unpredictable. 17 videos, click the hamburger in the upper righthand corner to navigate

Shape of Earth-ism

–[ 15 MIN READ]“O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and the oppositions of science falsely so called: which some professing have erred concerning the faith” ~1 Timothy 6:20–21 The concept of a “flat earth” has gained popularity in the summer of 2015, with some groups asserting it as a

Having ASSURANCE of the Biblical Calendar

–[ 12 MIN READ]The subject of the authentic Biblical Calendar is a continual discussion among Christian communities for more than 2 millennia. Conjunction vs Sighted New Moon, “Tekufah” vs Green Ear, Postponements vs non. In more recent days we have numerous variants of Zadok and Echochian calendars, and to a lesser degree one of the other calendars found

Don’t bow down to images of wood or stone, nor serve them

–[ < 1 MIN READ]There is a common misconception that the Israelites were worshipping false gods when they created the Golden Calf and bowed down and offered sacrifices unto it. In reality, the Israelites never intended or even attempted to worship false gods and a careful reading of Exodus 32 makes that quite clear. This video seeks to uncover

Solterology: Jesus was not a Sin Offering

–[ 6 MIN READ]Jesus did die for our sin, but not as a Sin Offering. The Father brought forth the Son on the first day of Creation Week, He lived as a human man, then laid down His life. Jesus was without sin so “Death” (or Sheol/heart of the earth) could not hold Him. He was resurrected and

The Corrupt Masoretic Text isn’t the Old Testament

–[ < 1 MIN READ]This Documentary is a deep dive into the perverted “Bible” of the wicked Masorite Jews. They call it the Masoretic Text, but also known as The Leningrad Codex written in 1100 AD. It is FULL of deliberate false verses not found in the authentic Old Testament. In 30,000 places they changed the Christian Bible to

You’re not the blushing “bride of Christ” fella.

–[ 4 MIN READ]This videos series explores the prevalent theories and teachings popular today among denominational and Messianic congregations that proclaim we will marry Jesus at His return. We breakdown the four main components of that teaching’s foundation, and then provide an in-depth look at what the Scriptures actually tell us about what Jesus, the Son of God,

Biblical Israel vs Modern Jewry – History, DNA, Geography, Religion, Language

–[ < 1 MIN READ]The first video is an overview covering a number of topics. Historicism overlaps with Preterism at several places, so when he mentions “Reformers” that is code for “Historicism”. Hebrew Roots has a different view of the New Covenant and how Israel is redeemed, The Godhead, Soteriology, and Old Testament authority. The Berean Bible Church doesn’t

Horae Apocalypticae by E.B. Elliott

–[ 4 MIN READ]Horae Apocalypticae is an eschatological study written by Edward Bishop Elliott. The book is, as its long-title sets out, “A commentary on the apocalypse, critical and historical; including also an examination of the chief prophecies of Daniel illustrated by an apocalyptic chart, and engravings from medals and other extant monuments of antiquity with appendices, containing, besides other matter, a sketch of the

Race Realism -Stop rejecting people’s history and culture

–[ 2 MIN READ]The Almighty created a variety of people who bear His Image on the earth, He created.There are 3 major racial groups in scripture. They each come from the three sons of Noah. They are Ham, Shem, and Japeth and they correspond to Negroid, Asaitiac, and Caucasians, respectively. To be “Color Blind” or make tropes like,

Abolitionism is much different than Pro-Life

–[ 4 MIN READ]Now that Roe v. Wade is gone, abortion clinics have closed in many states. Pro-Life headlines announce these states are “abortion-free” and celebrate it as a massive victory. But are they lying? Abortion is one reason God is judging America. As we watch the fall of the United States in real time, its because we

“The Great Controversy” -Ellen G. White, Historicism

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Audiobook: 43 PART SERIES (Click the hamburger in the upper righthand corner to navigate the playlist) I am not Seventh Day Adventist, but do recognize Ellen White as a renown Historicist. Very brilliant woman with incredible insights. For background information on “The Great Controversy”, I will leave a link…https://www.adventist.org/the-great-controversy/ PDF Written book of the Great

Wahhabism [Islamic Terrorism] is Arabic Judaism

–[ 2 MIN READ]Only 16% of Americans believe the Official Story of 9/11 in 2006. That number started out 90+% in 2001. But shrunk each year and they had to stop taking this Poll in 2013, where only 7% believe the official story, oddly enough, thats also about the same percentage of Americans that believe men can become

Gnostic questions, Christian answers

–[ 2 MIN READ]Gnosticism is the belief that human beings contain a piece of God (the highest good or a divine spark) within themselves, which has fallen from the immaterial world into the bodies of humans. All physical matter is subject to decay, rotting, and death. Those bodies and the material world, created by an inferior being, are therefore evil. Trapped in

I will bless them that bless Jews

–[ 2 MIN READ]This out of context verse comes to me often, and Im surprised at other Christians that can’t righty divide it. This is God speaking to ABRAHAM Genesis 12:3  “And I will bless those who bless you [Abraham], and those who curse you [Abraham] I will curse. And all families of the earth will be blessed

The Trinity Doctrine Exposed

–[ < 1 MIN READ]121 Shorts Exposing the “Trinity” by Arianism Today 100s of teaching videos by “The Trinity Delusion”https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrinityDelusion/videos

Arianism Explained by an Arian

–[ 44 MIN READ]This essay written as an apologetic for modern day Arianism. Its not a refutation of other beliefs, nor is it a rebut to objections. But a simple explanation of the Godhead as expressed in scripture from Genesis to maps. WHAT IS ARAINISM? Arianism is very simple to understand. Its the doctrine of MEN who make

Forgiveness: The mind of Christ

–[ 8 MIN READ]When someone hurts you, you can hold on to anger and resentment — or embrace forgiveness and move forward. Forgiveness is the deliberate and intentional decision of letting go of a debt incurred by another. Hurt, resentment, anger and hate is the fruit of unforgiveness. The benefits of forgiving someone. Letting go of grudges and

Serpent Seed Doctrine Examined Biblically

–[ 3 MIN READ]The God Culture is a J-woke bible ministry. They are Torah observant and conscious of the Satanic Jews influence on modern bibles. This teaching series covers “proof scriptures” that claim Eve had sex with a snake in the garden of Eden and produced the first Nephilim. But take a look at what the scripture actually

UFOs and the Alien Deception

–[ 2 MIN READ]Due to the pervasive teaching of naturalism that life came about by chance alone and therefore must also have happened elsewhere in the cosmos, many assume the universe is awash with life. As a result, people have become ripe for deception leading to the popular cultural idea that older, technologically advanced aliens are visiting the

Brother Nathanael Kapner – Archives

–[ < 1 MIN READ]You will have to sign up with archive.org to view these videos. Archive.org has a huge archive of documents and also check out the WaybackMachine https://archive.org/details/BrotherNathanaelKapnerArchives https://archive.org/details/BrotherNathanaelKapnerArchives2


–[ 3 MIN READ]Denying the apostle Paul and believing that he is a false apostle, or that he contradicts the Messiah and therefore should be discarded (even though the Messiah Himself called Paul His chosen vessel) is not a decision that can be made without dire spiritual consequences. In fact, if one embraces this false belief, it won’t

Library of Revisionist Literature

–[ 16 MIN READ](((Auschwitz and the Holocaust))) Afirmationist subversive Propaganda .pdf (((Auschwitz and the Holocaust))) Afirmationist subversive Propaganda _jp2.zip (View Contents) A História do Livro mais Perseguido do Brasil – Jornal Jockymann.pdf A História do Livro mais Perseguido do Brasil – Jornal Jockymann_jp2.zip (View Contents) Abram Leon – The Jewish Question A Marxist Interpretation 1946.pdf Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn –

2 House/Stick Explained Biblically… Scofield/Darby Debunked

–[ 2 MIN READ]https://covenantwords.sounder.fm/episode/god-makes-us-know-him The obvious meaning of this prophecy shouldn’t be ignored. If a magnificent event that fufills the prophecy has already happened, then to try to attribute it to Satanic Pharisaic-ism (or Jew ethno-cult) would be a GRAVE mistake. The prophecy is about Judah and Ephraim. Ephraim was the head of the 10 northern tribes. The

Zionism and Christianity – UNHOLY ALLIANCE

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Ted Pike documentary A century ago the Arabs were at peace with the West, allies in World War I. Then, in violation of God’s Law that Jews must obey Jesus Christ in order to reoccupy His promised land, Zionist leaders set up a Jewish state in Palestine. From that moment, Mideast tensions mounted. Ultimately, after

Russian Proverbs About the Jews

–[ 3 MIN READ]If you lack a devil in your home, invite a Jew in. Whoever serves a Jew will not avoid disaster. What God loves, a Jew discards. A baptized Jew is like a tamed wolf. A Jew boasts of things a gentile repents for. Let a Jew into your house for a day and you won’t

The Exact Center Verse Of The Bible

–[ 2 MIN READ]Psalm 118:8 Is Psalm 1118:9 the center verse in the center book in the center of the Bible? What do you know about Psalm 118:8? Sure it is. Or maybe it’s not. Well – likely not exactly.  It is a very powerful verse in it’s own right. Did you know? PSALM 118 is the middle

Reject The Black Pill

–[ < 1 MIN READ]In a few decades from now, when you’re asked how you spent your time during this decisive period in history, are you content with responding ‘the situation looked difficult, so I gave up and laid low, and hoped for the best’? When one takes that black pill, they become infectious, and can’t help but pass

The Pauline Paradox

–[ < 1 MIN READ]If the law of God has not changed, then how could so many people be wrong, and for so long? Is that even possible? Does it even make sense to question established mainstream theology and test it to the Word of God? In this teaching, we answer such questions PREREQUSITE: Acts 10: Peters Vision Acts

Testing the Star of David

–[ < 1 MIN READ]This video starts off saying “the Jewish people are our brother.” That is a false assertion, Christians are our brothers, antichrist Jews that don’t repent of their Judaism are false brothers. It is one of the most well known symbols in the world, and represents the modern nation of Israel. The six pointed star is

Was Jesus a Pharisee?

–[ 11 MIN READ]This question is spurned from an ideology as old as the serpent in the Garden. It serves to only sow the seeds of doubt against the Son of God and His Church. No doubt many of the people who possess this ideology believe they are acting in accord with scripture, and are quite often very

Did Methuselah live until after the flood?!

–[ 2 MIN READ]A friend is writing a book on the chronology of the bible, a huge undertaking. One of problems, he posed, is the Septuagint seems to say Methuselah lived 14 years AFTER the Flood! You may ask, why not simply use Usher’s chronology, the simple answer is because he got his information from the Masoretic Text

Bible Doctrine: On the Jews and their lies

–[ < 1 MIN READ]If the Devil hates Yeshua what do you think the children of the Devil will think? Today I wanted to talk about the Biblical doctrine, I feel like this is an important topic to cover because we are living in an age where most people don’t fully understand the importance of Bible doctrine. I also

Black Hebrew Israelites Debunked | Documentary

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Contents:Intro: 00:00 – 2:40Part 1: History of the Black Hebrew Israelites 2:41- 10:22Part 2: Sons of Ham or Sons of Shem? 10:23 – 14:42Part 3: Were Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Negroes? 14:43 – 17:56Part 4: Were the Ancient Israelites Negroes? 17:57 – 24:21Part 5: Were the Ancient Egyptians Negroes? 24:22 – 35:02Part 6: Answering Arguments

The War on the Masculine and Feminine

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Nature grants us masculine and feminine energies, the healthy interplay of which produces energy, spirit, a mysterious and life-affirming beauty and vigor. These energies, and the harmonious and productive family unit they serve to create, aren’t conducive to the materialist and consumerist vision of the globalist ideology, and are thus under attack from every direction.

Jesus & the Jews: How Biblical History Impacts Modern-Day Politics

–[ 2 MIN READ]Have you noticed a rise in antisemitism recently? Perhaps you’ve seen an increase of anti-jewish reports on the news, or you’ve heard the term “Zionism” in connection with the “New World Order,” the “Great Reset,” or “Globalism.” You may have even heard terms like “White Supremacist” and “Domestic Terrorism” used in the same news stories

Gender Is Fluid Until You Bring THIS Up

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Mark Spence, the Senior Vice President of Living Waters, hits the streets to talk to people about gender, identity, abortion, and other controversial topics from a Christian worldview. You’ll be fascinated—and also grieved—by many of the responses you’ll hear. Mark Spence then shares the gospel.

The REAL Reason for Mass Shootings – FULL MOVIE

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Tragic mass shootings, such as has happened recently in Parkland, Florida, Santa Fe, Texas, or more recently El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio, are a reminder for the need for answers, which this movie provides. It is because of these ongoing tragedies that we decided to release our new film freely online: “School Shootings: the

Ten of the Top Scientific Facts in the Bible

–[ < 1 MIN READ]For a limited time, you can get copies of this video on DVD for as low as 25 cents each. See http://store.livingwaters.com/video/t… for details. If it’s true that the Bible contains scientific facts that were written thousands of years before man discovered them, the implications are staggering. These facts would be evidence that the Bible

Crazy Bible – The Atheist Delusion

–[ < 1 MIN READ]The Bible is full of crazy stories…things that sound like fairy tales on par with Cinderella’s coach turning into a pumpkin at midnight. You don’t want to miss this full, free movie. Ray Comfort

The Fool: Why Ray Comfort Is Atheism’s #1 Clown | Full Movie

–[ < 1 MIN READ]What do you do when the world’s most famous atheist mocks you internationally on television and throughout social media? What consolation can you find when you become known worldwide as atheism’s celebrity idiot? You look to the Scriptures and take consolation in how Joseph was humiliated before the time came when God opened a big

“Noah” (Not the Jewish Hollywood Satanic One) | Ray Comfort | Full Movie

–[ < 1 MIN READ]For a limited time, you can get copies of this video on DVD for as low as 25 cents each. See http://store.livingwaters.com/video/n… for details. In the time of Noah, people were going about their daily lives, not mindful of the impending destruction. Like them, are we ignoring warnings of God’s coming judgment? The Bible gives

Destroying the 7 Most Popular Pro-Abortion Arguments

–[ < 1 MIN READ]For a limited time, you can get copies of this video on DVD for as low as 25 cents each. See http://store.livingwaters.com/video/7… for details. Is it okay to abort a baby? What would you say? People give many reasons why abortion is an acceptable choice, including: – The inconvenience of pregnancy – Incompetence of parents

You Are Not Alone: Hope for Your Depression

–[ 3 MIN READ]Before you finish reading this, one individual will have ended their life by suicide — because they think they have no other choice. According to the World Health Organization, a massive 800,000 people take their lives every year—one death every 40 seconds. That’s over 2,000 a day. For millions who suffer from depression and despair,

Genius – Full Movie

–[ 2 MIN READ]GENIUS is a chilling movie based on the life and tragic murder of John Lennon. It’s chilling because it reveals what people will do for money. There are ordinary people out there who would kill you. All they need is the right amount of money and the belief that they won’t get caught. Just before

”AUDACITY” Full Christian Movie HD (2015)

–[ < 1 MIN READ]This film delivers an unexpected, eye-opening look at the controversial topic of homosexuality. Peter (Travis Owens) is an aspiring comedian encouraged by his friend Ben (Ben Price, Australia’s Got Talent finalist) to perform at the local comedy club. But stage fright isn’t Peter’s only fear. When confronted with one of today’s most divisive issues, he

The Atheist Delusion Movie (2016)

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Having to prove the existence of God to an atheist is like having to prove the existence of the sun, at noon on a clear day. Yet millions are embracing the foolishness of atheism. “The Atheist Delusion” pulls back the curtain and reveals what is going on in the mind of those who deny the

Evolution vs. God

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Hear expert testimony from leading evolutionary scientists from some of the world’s top universities: • Peter Nonacs, Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UCLA • Craig Stanford, Professor, Biological Sciences and Anthropology, USC • PZ Myers, Associate Professor, Biology, University of Minnesota Morris • Gail E. Kennedy, Associate Professor, Anthropology, UCLA A study of the evidence

“180” Movie

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Ray Comfort of Living Waters ”180” has been called a half-hour of “video adrenaline,” an “emotional rollercoaster,” and “mind-blowing.” This riveting, award-winning documentary carries a unique message in which you will see eight people change their minds on abortion in a matter of seconds…because they were asked one question.

Time Changer (Full Movie) -We Obey BECAUSE We Believe in Yahuwah

–[ < 1 MIN READ]Its not enough to simiply not Kill or not Steal… Christians don’t kill and steal BECAUSE the bible says so. This movie explains in this excellent drama of WHY we are not just moral, but moral because the Bible says so. The year is 1890 and Bible Professor Russell Carlisle (D. David Morin) has written

Solomon’s Gold Series – by The God Culture

–[ 3 MIN READ]This series has 98 video parts on youTube.Watch entire playlist:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4xQlVOmRkg&list=PLru2qbCMGOi4PhVocfJEi1oZRRj0AWnzx&index=1 ALL FOR FREE!! To learn more about your roots PILIPINAS!! Yes, Philippines is in the Bible?! 415+videos to watch, or listen on Podcast, or read on e-Book six (6) books to explore. ALL FOR FREE!! Tagalog Videos Playlist: Start from Solomon’s Gold Series to connect

Rivers of Blood

–[ 11 MIN READ]https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Enoch_Powell Enoch Powell’s ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech This is the full text of Enoch Powell’s so-called ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech, which wasdelivered to a Conservative Association meeting in Birmingham on April 20 1968.The supreme function of statesmanship is to provide against preventable evils. In seeking to doso, it encounters obstacles which are deeply rooted in

The Genealogy of Jesus Christ (According to Eusebius)

–[ 3 MIN READ]This video explains the discrepancy which is supposed to exist in the gospels respecting the genealogy of Christ. To see a related video that I made about Jesus’ genealogy, which deals with the curse on the line of Jeconiah, click here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4v1UE… I’ve heard many times that the genealogy in Matthew is of Joseph, and the

The Curse of Jeconiah

–[ 2 MIN READ]The Curse of Jeconiah Some say that Jesus is disqualified from being King of the Jews because He’s in the cursed lineage of Jeconiah. This video explains how there are actually two different Jeconiahs, one of whom was cursed, and the other was not cursed. Jesus is in the lineage of the Jeconiah who was

Patterns of Evidence: Exodus

–[ < 1 MIN READ]https://tubitv.com/movies/500738/patterns-of-evidence-exodus An in-depth historical and archaeological investigation into the validity of the Exodus from Egypt using Biblical text against artifactual evidence.

handing a bowl

Stop Eating Cold Porridge In The Dark On Sabbath

–[ 3 MIN READ]The Biblical Chaldee word for Sabbath  comes from the word “shavat,” which means “ceased”. We are to cease from our work (occupational / gainful working) on weekly Sabbaths and annual Holy Days.  Do these texts suggest we can’t cook on the Sabbath? There are no explicit statements in Scripture that say we cannot cook on

Peter’s vision | Acts 10:14

–[ 6 MIN READ]Acts 10:13 And there came a voice to him: “Rise, Peter; kill and eat.” In ‘Acts of the Apostles’ chapter 10, Peter saw a vision, where different kinds of animals came down from Heaven in a sheet. Then he heard a voice telling him, ‘Rise, kill and eat’, not once but 3 times. However, Peter refused… What does the text say?

The Book of Esther is not inspired…NOT AT ALL

–[ 27 MIN READ]History Of The Book Of Esther The question of whether the Book of Esther belongs in the canon of Scripture has been raised from the early period by both Edomite Jews and Christians. The Book of Esther is one of a small literary group of Books (along with Tobit and Judith) with very distinctive characteristics,

Modern woman at the well in Sameria

Salvation is NOT “of the Jews”

–[ 31 MIN READ]Recently I read a post that reads as follows: “The whole purpose of studying the Bible is to look at God, His commandments to the Israelites, and His activity in history.  My all time favorite text is John 4:22, ‘. . . for salvation is of the Jews.’  It seems to me that, since it

Judaism: Revelation of Moses or Religion of men?

–[ 4 MIN READ]If you removed the Talmud and Kabbalah from Judaism, there would be no Judaism… it merely tries to pretends to be integrated with the Holy Bible. Philip Neal The Jewish community openly promotes Rabbinical Judaism as “the Old Testament religion of Moses.” Overwhelmingly, Christians believe this premise to be accurate. Jews, it is assumed, are

Sabbath Lunartic

–[ < 1 MIN READ]John Hall explains biblical calendar variants, in some detail. From floating sabbaths to the Zadok calendar…and when does the day begin. He makes compelling arguments in this video.