Israel Assassinated JFK revealed by newly released CIA files
–[ 5 MIN READ]Mirrored: Thanks to Michael Collins Piper, we…
Christian Zionism isn’t “Christian”
–[ 19 MIN READ]Mirrored from: The following short but…
“The Thirteenth Tribe” by Arthur Koestler (Book Review)
–[ 8 MIN READ]The story of the Khazar Empire, as…
The January 6th ‘Attack’ Was Staged
–[ 8 MIN READ]Mirrored: That’s right folks……the January 6th…
Trump is the kind of leadership we have “earned”
–[ 4 MIN READ]Voting in same guy but expecting different…
Bible Battle Plan for Quitting Smoking
–[ 12 MIN READ]1 Corinthians 3:17 If any man defile…
Discipled by Christ -(Self Controlled and Disciplined)
–[ 36 MIN READ]Avoiding the ruts of our carnal mind
Christopher Bollyn Documentaries – 9/11 and those who “make war by deception”
–[ < 1 MIN READ]Christopher Bollyn is an investigative journalist…
The 13th Month of the Biblical Calendar
–[ 23 MIN READ]The Precision of the Lunisolar Calendar Gods…
Don’t bow down to images of wood or stone, nor serve them
–[ < 1 MIN READ]There is a common misconception that…
The Seven SEALs Of Revelation – Stephen P. Bohr
–[ 2 MIN READ]This is a 24 part series.STUDY BOOK…
The Final Solution (Haavara/Transfer Agreement)
–[ 14 MIN READ]Haavara/Transfer Agreement Is Often Used As Evidence…
Meet Benjamin Netanyahu
–[ 2 MIN READ]“Anti-Semitism” and “Holocaust” are two phytological tools…
ADL (Jew terrorist organization) Train All New FBI Agents
–[ 7 MIN READ]The Jewish Defense League (JDL) is classified…
Brutal Drawings From the Gulags
–[ 2 MIN READ]The Jew Bolsheviks murdered 80 million Christians…
Gnostic questions, Christian answers
–[ 2 MIN READ]Gnosticism is the belief that human beings contain…
246 Newspaper Articles about 6,000,000 Jews from 1900–1945
–[ 34 MIN READ]1900 — Stephen S. Wise, New York Times, June…
God created Science, not Evolutionism of the Judaics
–[ 23 MIN READ]Laughing at a Tragedy 3 Knowing this…
Why is there SOMETHING rather than NOTHING?
–[ 14 MIN READ]If you’ve ever examined the evidence for…
Campus Colleges in Solidarity with Gaza
–[ 3 MIN READ]There Are No Good Zionists On April…
The Christianity of Adolf Hitler
–[ 32 MIN READ]Through subterfuge and concealment of a number…
Minority-owned business agency discriminated against white people, federal judge says
–[ 3 MIN READ]Mirror from USA Today A government agency…
Biden plan to create 100 new laws to promote Israeli sovereigns on American soil
–[ < 1 MIN READ]Administration announces over 100 new actions…
New Testament Bible Verses That Prove Torah Is FULLY Applicable For Christians TODAY
–[ 8 MIN READ]Many hold to the idea that Jesus…
Epstein flight logs release
–[ < 1 MIN READ]
Augustus Invictus Filing: Prosecutions Allegedly Tied To DeSantis “Hate Speech” Laws, Presidential Ambitions
–[ 4 MIN READ]Explosive claims are being made by Augustus…
All Time Favorite “Holiness” Preacher (Holding Firmly)
–[ < 1 MIN READ]“Holiness” isn’t just preaching hell fire…
Prosecutor Comes Clean: Derek Chauvin is Innocent and ‘Immense Pressure’ Was Put on Them to Charge Him and Change Autopsy
–[ 6 MIN READ]Mirrored from Daily Veracity Startling revelations have…
Race baiting TX Rep Shelia Jackson Lee -Anti White People Bill
–[ < 1 MIN READ] Rep Lee writes bill aimed…
The Crucial Negro to world history and all things invented
–[ < 1 MIN READ]Website debunking popular internet memes about…
All Wars Are (Jewish) Bankers Wars
–[ < 1 MIN READ]
The Gulag Archipelago [Jewish Death Camp for Christians]
–[ 2 MIN READ]The unabridged 3 Volume work authored by…
The Self-Help Post: Solid Advise on Where to Get Solid Advise
–[ 28 MIN READ]PREFACE:I’ve worked Tony Robins, Personal Power (Classic)…
The Letter of Pilate to Tiberius about Jesus
–[ 5 MIN READ]One item that floats around the web…
Physicians Find Jews Are Schizo Carriers
–[ 5 MIN READ]“Idiocy and imbecility are found comparatively more…
–[ 3 MIN READ]Denying the apostle Paul and believing that…
Library of Revisionist Literature
–[ 16 MIN READ](((Auschwitz and the Holocaust))) Afirmationist subversive Propaganda…
Stop Watching Porn… the easy peasy method
–[ < 1 MIN READ] (ebook)
Missing Bible Tribes
–[ 15 MIN READ] A cryptic introduction is given by…
Holocaust Revision: Creating Peace and goodwill by speaking the truth and defending the innocent
–[ 40 MIN READ]Table of Contents What is revisionism? Why…
Thanksgiving: American Love Feast
–[ 12 MIN READ]The holidays and traditions we participate in…
Dio Cassius, Historia Romana LXVIII, 32:1-3: The Jewish Uprising
–[ < 1 MIN READ]Digression on Jews. Name of the author: Cassius…
When Its Difficult To Accept A New Truth
–[ 6 MIN READ]“Cognitive dissonance is a term for the…
Germans Were Not Pagan Barbarians, Gothic Bible of 381 AD
–[ 4 MIN READ]The Lords Prayer Wulfila Bible Browsing THE…
Bible Versions of the Early Church and of those Martyred For The Gospel
–[ 3 MIN READ]Vetus Latina (“Old Latin” in Latin; a…
Christ Was Taught Directly by God the Father
–[ 3 MIN READ]by Fred Coulter Jesus never participated in…
When Putin Advised the Anti White Communist Insurgents of SWAPO
–[ 2 MIN READ]If you are a nationalist in the…
Hanukkah: Some Disturbing Things You May not Know
–[ 9 MIN READ]Chanukah: Some Disturbing Things You May not…
Everything Ernist Zundel
–[ 10 MIN READ]Ernst Christof Friedrich Zündel (German: [ˈtsʏndl̩]; 24…
A Few Babylonian-Talmud Excerpts & Resources
–[ 4 MIN READ]A Few Babylonian-Talmud Excerpts & Resources “To…
Historic Letter written by Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar concerning the Trial and Arrest of Jesus Christ our Lord
–[ 2 MIN READ]Other letters written by Pontius Pilate and…
Elizabeth Dilling and the Great Sedition Trials
–[ 5 MIN READ]One day an awakened United States will…
What Language Was The New Testament Written In? (Collection)
–[ 2 MIN READ]– Matthew was a tax collector and…
That’s What The Old Ones Say: American Indians are Israel
–[ 2 MIN READ]by Chief Joseph RiverWind: “In the early…
Why did kristallnacht happen?
–[ 4 MIN READ]Jews arrested following Kristallnacht were forced to…
Israeli attack on the USA: September 11th, 2001
–[ 6 MIN READ]9/11 skeptics joined with family members to…
Stop Eating Cold Porridge In The Dark On Sabbath
–[ 3 MIN READ]The Biblical Chaldee word for Sabbath comes…
DNA proof- Modern Jews are not biologically related to the Biblical Hebrews
–[ 3 MIN READ]Dr. Areilla Oppenheim of the Hebrew University…
The History of the Khazarian Zionists
–[ 29 MIN READ]Reasons for the expulsion of Jews throughout…
How to Handle Negative Feelings When Wronged by Someone Else
–[ 25 MIN READ]I recently received an email from someone…